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US Merch Design Comp Update


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4b573f31-a70a-47e4-8bb8-aa50794e75d9.jpgApologies for the break in service with this contest. We've had to make a small change to the original list of finalists in order to comply with the official rules, plus the band liked the designs so much they picked nine more! We hope to have this back online for you to continue voting tomorrow.






Source: http://muse.mu/news/article/708/us-merch-design-comp-update/

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Woah, this is huge!


I wonder what in the "official rules" disqualified someone? There didn't seem to be an extensive list of rules, at least not that I saw (RXP posted no official rules at all!). To my knowledge is was 18+ and a U.S. Resident. What else was there?


And another 9?! I can't wait to see what made the final 18, and I hope that Couture's is still in there, because thus far, his was the best. Regardless, thanks so much MUSE for trying to make sure everything was on the up and up and fair, and best of luck to everyone in the finals!

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Thanks for the update. It seems that there wasn't a consistent set of rules throughout the stations though, so what was allowed for some regions wasn't allowed for another. I know that multiple people were given OK's from the stations to submit outside their region for whatever reason. The main large majority of the fan disagreement was based on the entrants who submitted to multiple cities, which unfortunately also wasn't a rule that was clear cut in the documents. While I'm personally not thrilled about the 9 additional entrants as I feel it saturates the competition (I am biased here however), I trust that the management is going to handle it professionally and fairly.

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E;8481698']I was in this competition...Until they kicked me out for being 16' date=' but I bet they thought with how good my shirt was, it was unfair to keep me.[/quote']


Out of all of the fan debates that came up during the contest, age was never one of them. The rules specifically stated that you had to be at least 18. Also, don't come into these threads saying how 'good your design is'. None of the finalists or semi-finalists are doing this, and it comes off as overly pretentious. Be proud of your work and hold your head high, but don't be cocky.

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Jeeeberz, nine more entrants?! I know there were some cracking designs, but this doesn't help in rounding down the winner and will prob make the process even slower, lol. Good luck to all involved - there are so many wicked designs, all of which I want as t-shirts, so I might have to make that happen somehow on some t-shirt printing site later on :chuckle:.

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The Albuquerque station never even posted the rules. I had to go to other stations to see them. But what really chaps me is that the Albuquerque finalist that beat me is a friend of a friend and he told me she's not even a fan -- just a professional graphic designer who entered on a lark. But hey, maybe there's hope for me yet!

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Ugh, ugh, ugh. So they picked 9 more entries to vie for "Runner Up", and included two of the station spamming entries (Cincinatti & Denver). :rolleyes:


Is it just me or do quite a few of the entries seem to have little, if anything, to do with MUSE or their music? I mean, obviously the guys chose what they like, but personally, the only ones I'd consider voting for are the ones that seem to be done by fans who know and love MUSE's music.


Glad to see Kevin/Couture was still in the actual finalists. He got my vote for sure. :)

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Hey Guys,

Just hooking some Muse fans up with some free Wallpaper artwork i made from my T-shirt design (plus my muse X-mas :xmas: winning entry), i figured if the file is just gonna sit in my hard-drive why let it go to waste!.. so i'll just share it, if you would like another color or gradient mix let me know, i'll hook you up! :D















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