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Board is not working for some...


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^C[james@server][~] # dig a muse.mu


; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> a muse.mu

;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch

;; got answer:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 19857

;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1


;; muse.mu, type = A, class = IN



muse.mu. 4H IN A


muse.mu. 18h14m22s IN NS ns.suspended.cocca.cx.


ns.suspended.cocca.cx. 14m22s IN A

;; Total query time: 410 msec

;; FROM: server.xxxxx.co.uk to SERVER: 195.xxx.xxx.xxx

;; WHEN: Wed Nov 7 14:44:25 2007

;; MSG SIZE sent: 25 rcvd: 99


Who forgot to pay the domain bill kev ;)

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The board does not seem to be working for some this morning!..


This is the error Message that Adam Gets...



please hurry... I think he may do something he will regret if he don't get the Muse board soon :p


yeah im getting the same error:(

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hopefully it shouldn't be too long til the domain is back, fraid it's out of my hands unfortunately the ip is an interim measure.


could someone who is slightly technically minded and who hasn't had the domain propagation yet type "ping http://www.muse.mu -a" into command prompt and put the ip here so people can try use that to access the main site.

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hopefully it shouldn't be too long til the domain is back, fraid it's out of my hands unfortunately the ip is an interim measure.


could someone who is slightly technically minded and who hasn't had the domain propagation yet type "ping http://www.muse.mu -a" into command prompt and put the ip here so people can try use that to access the main site.


Kazzie your sig is somewhat disturbing and it bugs me how the last img is all squiffy and wrong


Anndd you put Team KP nuts featuring inn on a photo with you stu and mona! Surely that's a different team all together?

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