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The Funny Doodles Thread


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Hahah I have JUST the thing for this still saved in my photobucket.


In my second year at the old uni, I was researching an essay about the slave trade, which I know sounds not politically correct considering it inspired a doodle...but then again, the doodle is nothing to do with the slave trade :p.




I made myself out of proportion on purpose cos duh it's a doodle!

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You did that at Office Max!?:LOL: I love leaving silly things like that.


Did this with my friend Tom in a Street Law class last year, we passed it back and forth, each adding a little doodle.




My friend Hannah did this one for me.



My friend DJ did this one.


And my friend Lindsey drew this and I stole it from her.:LOL:


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This one I drew when I was six years old


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And here are some doodles from my time at school. Ah, these really bring back some great memories :happy:


I think this one was about the history of Australia or something


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This was done after reading The Body


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Two fighting grampas a friend and I drew. Mine's the one on the left


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And finally a little Christmas vs. Easter thingie


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