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So like... Oh my fucking god! :awesome:


[spoiler=Most awesome omegle chat ever]You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: Muse

Stranger: AND

Stranger: I'M

Stranger: OMG

Stranger: WAITING


Stranger: I'LL WAIT

Stranger: FOR THE SIGN

You: Exo Politics?

You: OMG


Stranger: yes sir!

You: LOL

You: xD


Stranger: FIFTH ONE!



You: xD

You: OMG O_O

You: are you from .mu?

Stranger: ☻☻☻☻

Stranger: ahhhhh

Stranger: well

Stranger: not really, i am on .mu

Stranger: but i'm more from twitter

Stranger: XD

You: :LOL:

Stranger: :awesome:

You: This is so awesome indeed

You: xD

You: What is your favorite song then?

Stranger: it so is!

Stranger: right now

Stranger: it's

Stranger: Assassin

Stranger: or

Stranger: Megalomania

Stranger: XD

Stranger: WHAT ABOUT YOU ?!?/1

You: Hmmm...

You: I'd have to say Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption) (yes, I enjoy spelling it in its entirety)

You: I think it is too by00tiful

Stranger: ahh exogenesis symphony.

Stranger: i like the Cross-Pollination more though!


Stranger: .

Stranger: .


You: xD

You: I got into CoD recently too


You: LOL

You: guess so

You: xD

Stranger: city of delusion is amazing

Stranger: truly amazing

You: :yesey:

Stranger: "as conspiracies unwind"

Stranger: that part in exo politics

Stranger: is so eargasmic

You: Yep

You: Shame not many musers like Exo politics

Stranger: seriously. :c why don't they like it though?

You: Dunno, I think it's because

You: they believe it to be repetitive and "monotone"

You: or smth

Stranger: repetitive? monotone? >.>

Stranger: idk about that, but personally it's one of my favorites

Stranger: from BH&R

Stranger: along with assassin and take a bow and motp of course

Stranger: XD

You: MotP is mine methinks

You: yep

You: xD


Stranger: i love it.

Stranger: okay muser it was nice meeting you!

Stranger: 6 so far

You: 'twas nice meeting you too

Stranger: i must fly trying to find some more

You: :LOL:

You: okay

You: ;)

Stranger: bye! :>

You: Buh bye

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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God, I should have never started using omegle :rolleyes:

A lot of fun but way too addictive :D



You: feeling pwoper?

Stranger: fuck

Stranger: telle me

Stranger: what does it mean

Stranger: pwoper

You: haha, did you get that often today?

Stranger: yeah



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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: Dommeh? Chwis? Its Maffoo!


Stranger: YES?!

Stranger: YES! PWOPER?!



Stranger: YOU'RE MY 9TH TODAY!


Stranger: WHAT?

Stranger: TUMBLR?

Stranger: OH


Stranger: Im not active on there, BUT I HAVE AN ACCOUNT THAR

You: Whats your username on it :D?

Stranger: Ive got tumblr tho

Stranger: you got tumblr? Im more busy/active on there

You: No i dont sorry :(

Stranger: D:

Stranger: That sux, theres so much pwoperness on there

Stranger: :D

You: :D

You: Whats your like, favourite album or summing xD


Stranger: Absolution, if I HAD to choose

Stranger: You?

You: Abso too, But i love Origin of Symmetry :D

Stranger: SAME

You: Abso>oos>Showbiz>BHAR>TR

Stranger: Right, I gotta find more muse

Stranger: YEH

Stranger: been a pwoper nice talk

Stranger: :D

You: Haha on the YMT we're all looking for muserrs :D

Stranger: BAI DOMMEH!


Stranger: IM MAFFFOO

Stranger: GET IT RIGHT


Stranger: LOOL


Stranger: :D

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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i've had a few pwoper conversations today!!


the first one started out like this:


Stranger: DA MYOOZE

You: i want the twuth

Stranger: AHH

Stranger: maffo!

You: dommeh!

Stranger: nice to see you!

You: where have you been?? i

You: i've been looking for you!

Stranger: I've missed you! But you were always with kate

You: well i can't seem to get away from her....i've missed you so much though

Stranger: yes, she's like a stalker

You: i just don't know when i'll get the chance to tell her its over

You: she will never satisfy the undisclosed desires in my heart


it went on for a while....i wonder who this stranger was?

and then this one is with a non-muser obviously:


Stranger: you are a good person

You: you’re still nothing to me

Stranger: oh yeah, i know

You: and this is nothing to me

Stranger: why ?

You: You could've been number one and you could've ruled the whole world and we could've had so much fun but you blew it away

Stranger: be happy, dude


i'm a girl thank you very much:phu:

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You: our wrongs remain unrectified

Stranger: very thoughtful, what made you want to say that as a conversation starter?

You: it's a game, i'm lloking for muse fans here

You: *looking

Stranger: lol

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: I'm not too big a fan

Stranger: but I do have their album

Stranger: what song is that from?

You: sing for absolution

You: on absolution

You: 3rd album ^^



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I just had an amazing convo. Was this any of you?


(I'm going to have to split it into two posts as it said it's too long.)



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: Look Dom i caught a pwopa fish!

You: Jimmy Kane?

Stranger: Hey you crazy kid!


Stranger: no dommeh, i lost the plot

Stranger: i cant find it

You: Oh noes!

Stranger: i cant sit the fuck down until i find it

Stranger: But where are my bananas?

Stranger: i know you took them

You: I'll give you your bananas if you give me my faff bag!

Stranger: i told you it wasnt me

You: I'll tell chris!

Stranger: and you have your emergency faff bag you can use that

Stranger: noooo

You: But it's not the same :(

You: It had my brie in it!

Stranger: Illl give you the brie if you give me my bananas

You: okay, deal!

Stranger: sowwy its bwie

You: haha :p

Stranger: so then at 3

Stranger: 1

Stranger: 2

Stranger: 3

Stranger: whewe is my banana:


Stranger: ?

You: I lost them

You: I'm sorry Maffoo



Stranger: You'we just kidding wight?

You: I hid them...

You: and forgotten where

Stranger: Let me see the bananas then ill thell you whewe is youw bwie

You: I might of left them on the sexy plane

Stranger: Okay than I'll tell chwis

You: Noo!

You: :(

Stranger: Will you find them if i sit the fuck down?

You: Maybe

You: but you gotta give me my faff bag and brie

Stranger: Pwetty please

Stranger: alwight deal

Stranger: But dont cheat

You: oaky

You: okay

Stranger: i need those bananas not just some bananas

You: okay here's your bananas >>

Stranger: yayyyyyy:)

You: now where is my brie!

Stranger: youw faff bag is inside youw emergency bag:)

Stranger: and the bwie is thewe too

You: yay thankyou maffoo

You: wait....

Stranger: you are welcome dommeh

You: my yellow trousers have gone!

You: O_o

Stranger: it wasn't me

You: :'(

Stranger: i would never touch those

Stranger: they are too gay and tivht for me

Stranger: tight

You: easy

You: it wasn't me who broke your megaphone...

Stranger: we talked about this

Stranger: i saw you buwy the pieces

Stranger: dont lie to me dommeh!

You: I'm not!

Stranger: you bwoke the Santa too!

Stranger: i know it!

You: Noes! you broke Santa

You: you tried to throw it at me

You: :(

Stranger: no

Stranger: the weal santa bwoke when it fell down because of a curtain

Stranger: and you put that curtain there

Stranger: dotn deny it

You: never! it was your silly stage design

Stranger: You said that we need curtains

Stranger: i said we need towers and stuff not curtains

You: but but buttttt

Stranger: just admit it

Stranger: i wont be mad i'm over it

You: okay, i'm sorry maffoo

Stranger: it's alright dommeh

You: :(

Stranger: but never ever come near Santa's son!!!

You: I'll hide your Keytar instead

Stranger: If you do your leopard prints will be gone fowevew

Stranger: i have the connections



Stranger: so dont go neaw my stuff again

You: I'll steal your granny coat!

Stranger: Even youw leopard print Belt

You: O_o


Stranger: Not the granny coat!!!!!!

You: YES

Stranger: i inherited it from my grandmothers grandmother

You: No you didn't! I saw you buy it!

You: You thought it was pretty

Stranger: no dommeh, were you on mushrooms again?

You: shhh don't tell chris

Stranger: i wont if you give me some of it

You: deal

You: here

Stranger: thanks

Stranger: i feel like...

Stranger: Plug in baby 2 is coming


Stranger: shromms give me inspiration for the centuries best riffs

Stranger: century's

You: yes, you should start taking them again for the next album

Stranger: but it will be cheese again

Stranger: you know

Stranger: i told you

Stranger: personal stuff and pop music inspired by lady gaga


Stranger: But but but


Stranger: you are my guiding light!

Stranger: And our love will be fowevew


Stranger: Can i sing them if i dedicate to you?

You: hmm... only if you drop Feeling Good

You: and write moar Dommeh songs

Stranger: WHAT?!?!?!

Stranger: DROP-FELLING- GOOD?!?!?!


Stranger: you can't be serious

You: But I am

Stranger: Dommeh

Stranger: Feeling Good is the fan's favourite

Stranger: i can't drop it

Stranger: ( and my favourite too)

You: But the bloody message board tries to steal your megaphone which means they don't like it!

Stranger: Oh silly Dommeh

Stranger: do you still read the boards?

You: Maybe...

Stranger: i freaked out when i saw the pmt

You: I did too

Stranger: it was 3 years ago

You: I saw you looking at the PDT

Stranger: and i still have nightmares

Stranger: sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night screaming and crying at the same time

You: Oh I wondered what that noise was

Stranger: that was after i saw the pdt

You: you loved it

Stranger: i told you i had nightmares after i saw it!

Stranger: too

Stranger: much

Stranger: leopard

Stranger: print!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You: Butttt i thought you liked the leopard print? :'(

Stranger: I thought you liked Feeling Good

Stranger: :(

You: Maffoo we've been through this...

Stranger: But Dommeh

Stranger: i know you like it

Stranger: you dont have to feel ashamed


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You: only brie!

You: and Feeling Good is NOT brie

Stranger: all of our cheese is brie

Stranger: you know that too

Stranger: just ask chwis

You: Chris don't like it either

Stranger: I think he would like a chees for the little Buster

You: Aw, Buster is so cute

You: you keep your cheese away from him

Stranger: He is too cute i cant handle the cheese

Stranger: i have to write some cheese

Stranger: and cwis will love it

You: no chris wont

Stranger: you know he loves kids

Stranger: and cute kids lead to cheese

You: But chris' kids take after him

You: no cheese

Stranger: But Dommeh

Stranger: you know that i like cheese

Stranger: ( btw Muse top20 is on Vh1 right now)

You: (Really? *turns over*)

Stranger: (Uprising is on)

You: (O_o my father told me turn it off)

Stranger: (:()

You: (Muse day tomorrow on Q)

Stranger: ( my father and my mother is here and they are both watching it:D Htey like Muse)

You: (awesome, only my mum is a fan)

Stranger: ( I know but i dont have Q:()

Stranger: ( my father loves the evil teddies)

You: (haha, i bought my mum one from Christmas last year)

Stranger: (:D)

Stranger: (starlight now)


Stranger: :D

Stranger: See? CHeese can bee good

You: The only cheese of yours I like

Stranger: awww

Stranger: you make me blush Dommeh

Stranger: you know all of my cheese is yours

You: aww, you're so sweet maffoo

Stranger: Yayyy fireworks

Stranger: Our hopes and expectaaaaaaaaations

You: black holesss and revelationsssssss

Stranger: I just wanted to hold you iiiin my arms

You: aw maffoo *blush*

Stranger: admit it

Stranger: you love cheese

You: okay, maybe a TINY bit

Stranger: Supermassive Black Hole

Stranger: Thats what you like:

Stranger: right?

You: of course

Stranger: sexy costums and dances

Stranger: i know you dommeh

You: i love it ;)

Stranger: UUUUUUUUUh yeah you set my soul alight

You: It's a chance for me to do vocals too

Stranger: dadadadada

Stranger: thats your part

Stranger: you know

You: anndddd into the supermassive

You: see? i ain't so bad

Stranger: sowwy my computers screen just broke from your voice


Stranger: Supermassive Black Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooole

Stranger: ( end of the Muse top20 :()

Stranger: make a deal

Stranger: on the next cheese

Stranger: you can do the backing vocals

Stranger: deal?

You: deal!

Stranger: So ill tell you the concept of the song

Stranger: yesterday i was thinking about the thing when 2 person develop a closeness to eachother

You: are you talking about love?

Stranger: yeah, maybe

You: n'aw

Stranger: :)

Stranger: But your yellow trousers are still too tight and gay:P

You: i can't take them off

Stranger: are they too tight?

You: yeah, i can't kick a ball with them

Stranger: you can't even play football because of them

You: you know me too well

Stranger: its never enough you know:) you always surprise me

Stranger: like when you wore your space suit

You: you liked that didn't you?

Stranger: you know the answer dommeh;)

You: ;)

You: Did you like Lady DomDom?

Stranger: you stole my coat!!!!!!!

You: it looked better on me!

Stranger: you are just jealous because i can sing Paparazzi better than you:P

You: that's no fair!

Stranger: haha

Stranger: but ill let you do the backing vocals if we make a cover of it

Stranger: deal?

You: YAY

Stranger: we are making progresss here

Stranger: i think half of the new album is almost ready

You: we still need to find your pedal so we can play Muscle Museum again

Stranger: oh silly dommeh you believed that?

Stranger: i just love cheese more than those old songs



Stranger: No

Stranger: i lost it thats true

You: my trust in you has been abused

Stranger: but do you think that i- international rockstar and the best guitar player- couldnt buy a new one?

You: of course you could

Stranger: see?

You: then why don't you?

Stranger: I told you

Stranger: i like cheese better

You: But Muscle Museum is one of my favourites and far better then cheese

Stranger: but... but

Stranger: the cheese is for you i told you before

You: i know, but to make dommeh happy will be to play MM

Stranger: and if i buy you a pwetty leopard print sock maybe?

Stranger: instead of mm?

You: hmm... tempting

You: i'll have to think about it

Stranger: And a t-shirt too?

You: i already have 5

You: maybe so skinny jeans?

You: some*

Stranger: i saw a leopard print leggings at the girls section

Stranger: is that okay for you?

You: even better! :D

Stranger: i was just looking for t-shirts for my size and i saw those leggings. i knew those were made for you

You: aw, is this a christmas present early?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: but ill make something big for xmas

Stranger: you will like it, i'm sure

You: can't wat!

You: wait*

You: I have a surprise for you too Maffoo

Stranger: what is that surprise?

You: i can't tell you that

Stranger: pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee

You: you will have to wait

You: :)

Stranger: dont be mean pleaseeeeeeeeee

Stranger: dommeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

You: make a deal? you tell me what my xmas pressie is and i'll tell you

Stranger: alright

Stranger: a space suit anda drumkit with leopard print


Stranger: Haha i told you that youll love it:D

Stranger: now tell me

Stranger: whats my present?

You: okay, some chickens and a banana megaphone

Stranger: Awwwwwwwww

Stranger: you are so sweet dommeh

Stranger: you know me better than anyone

Stranger: but you know that ill eat the chickens right?

You: i know but dont break their necks like last time

Stranger: but i'm good at that, thats my talent

Stranger: i am the best at it, other people would hurt them

Stranger: i can do it fast and without pain

You: I suppose that makes it better then

Stranger: but if you bought me a banana megaphone..........it means you like feeling good!

You: it's so you will be tempted to eat it so no moar feeling good

Stranger: IS IT FROM REAL BANANA?!?!?!

You: of course!

Stranger: not just plastic?

You: nope definitely real banana

You: 'secially make for my maffoo

You: 'specially*

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: wearing just socks and a phone. you?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: hi

You: i was searching

You: you were on a mission

You: then our hearts combined like a neutron star collision

You: *le sigh*

Stranger: hmm

You: i'm writing a song, what do you think?

Stranger: lyrics sounds good

Stranger: what kind of istrumental you have? :)

You: epic riffage of guitar

You: and a love slave on drums

Stranger: so love metal?

Stranger: or something

You: yes

Stranger: i dont know about genres much

You: exactly

Stranger: :)

You have disconnected.

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