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Hey, i've seen them in Monterrey México, twice in New York and in Dallas, and i'm waiting 4 next year to a gig in México City (and some other cities in Mexico and probably others in Texas, can't afford any more traveling to coachella so that's out of my list) and Wembley do I qualify for the club?

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I've travelled numerous times to France to see Muse, but that's not too much of a journey. Apart from France and Switzerland, I went 3 times to the UK, once in Ireland, and once in Hungary (i was 17 at the time.. me and my friend went there without telling our parents haha, we each told them we were sleeping at the other's house, while actually we went to the airport to take the plane! jeez, what Muse make me do :rolleyes:)

Plus Italy next week :D

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Next year will be the first time I travel for teh Mooze! :awesome: ... although I'd like to count the four hour train journey and staying in a wee hotel in Teignmouth as travelling, too :p. I haven't done it before 'cos a) couldn't afford it b) no one else would go with me c) the parentals would have a fit... yes, sad as that is at my age, they still factor into it :rolleyes:.


BUT, I've basically decided to say SOD IT to all of the above and just go see them abroad, like I've always wanted to! I def still can't afford it; I've just about managed to convince peeps to go with me (although it's still 'maybe' for Paris); and my 'rents needn't know about it for the time being :LOL:... well thought out y/y?! :facepalm: OH WELLS, it's Muse, I barely spare a thought to my actions when it comes to those lads :$. Anyhoo, 2010 is gonna WOCK fo srs! Muse in Milan, Paris, Londres and Manchester FTW! :D

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  • 3 months later...

Does moving back to Chicago from LA count? I moved back a month early because of Muse... :awesome:


If not, Chicago to London = 3963 miles, and I will do it again in September, so 7,926 miles. Plus Chicago to NY twice = 1438, giving me a grand total of 9,364 miles total by years end.

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Does moving back to Chicago from LA count? I moved back a month early because of Muse... :awesome:


If not, Chicago to London = 3963 miles, and I will do it again in September, so 7,926 miles. Plus Chicago to NY twice = 1438, giving me a grand total of 9,364 miles total by years end.


We've all been to weddings (as guests or toggers) or had weddings that've had a funky wedding cake.


So, just for fun I thought I'd start a thread.

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Well I live in Switzerland and I've seen Muse in Switzerland (duh! :p) 4 times, in France 6 times, in England 2 times, and in Ireland, Italy, and Hungary 1 time. This summer I'll go to Portugal, Switzerland again, Italy again, France again, England again, plus Norway and Poland :D:musesign: I'm so broke. :LOL:

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