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best songs on HAARP


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The sound and mix are terrible all the way through.


And Matt is constantly nasal.


It's not that bad, although I feel more effort was put into the picture quality.


And it was recorded in a fucking huge stadium. I'm not sure how exactly they captured the sound for the DVD, but I think it must've been fairly difficult.


But I'm used to hearing atrocious mixes so that may just be me.


The CD recordings aren't great though.

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Thought 'Stockholm' sounded a bit weak at HAARP. Actually everything sounded weak - especially the drums.


I agree with the person who said his voice was a bit off. Evident in songs like 'Hoodoo' and 'Unintended'.


Based on the DVD and CD I wasn't at all impressed with the performances of most the songs. Did a far better job at Reading '06.


ACTUALLY best performance by far - NEW BORN!!!! Gives me chills every time I watch it.

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It's not that bad, although I feel more effort was put into the picture quality.


And it was recorded in a fucking huge stadium. I'm not sure how exactly they captured the sound for the DVD, but I think it must've been fairly difficult.


But I'm used to hearing atrocious mixes so that may just be me.


The CD recordings aren't great though.


They recorded each instrument output and mixed it all. You thought they placed a microphone somewhere in the stadium and called it a done deal?

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They recorded each instrument output and mixed it all. You thought they placed a microphone somewhere in the stadium and called it a done deal?


lol, brilliant ;)


anyway, i actually thought the haarp version of hoodoo was great. his voice was great, the instrumentals were great, it was just.. great ;) but the angle the camera was shot at made the light behind matt shine too much, so u couldn't see him at some points which was REALLY annoying. its sad that so many people think their haarp performance was crap :'(


TIRO was good too. not so much for the music and voice, but he seemed really enthusiastic, and pulled a few more tricks and faces for this number ;) couple of screams here and there, a few rock poses, u know the deal.


apocolypse please and improv were pretty good too.. :D

funky riff there.

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The sound mix is indeed horrible. A tough job it must've been, sure, but that doesn't change the fact that it doesn't sound great.


The biggest shame, for sure, is that they recorded and released the Sunday performance as the DVD. I thought Saturday was one of the best performances they've ever done.

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Prove me wrong then.

Burden of proof :eek:


Fortunately I listened to HAARP before any of the other live material so I couldn't tell it was bad in comparison when I first listened.

The best ones... Micro Cuts, MotP, B&H.

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They recorded each instrument output and mixed it all. You thought they placed a microphone somewhere in the stadium and called it a done deal?


Upon listening to it again, yes, as Shure SM57 if my calculations are correct. It sounds as if they did that.

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I never knew so many people had problems with the dvd and recordings :eek:


Until now, i've never noticed matt's apparantly 'naisely' voice. Yes i can hear it, but i dont notice it in the same way i don't notice his huge breaths before each line (unless i listen hard for it).


I don't get people's problems with the sound recordings either? The first time i listened i noticed that the drums wern't exactely loud and a lot of Dom's drumming didn't shine through, but that's all i've ever felt was wrong with the dvd? :happy:

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Map of the Problematique, Butterflies & Hurricanes, Hoodoo and Blackout are all fucking great.


Apocalypse Please seemed very flat on HAARP.




Apocalypse Please sounds the best out of all of them.


B&H and Blackout are also great.

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Apocalypse Please sounds the best out of all of them.


While AP was performed well, the piano wasn't strong and hard enough. The Absolution Tour version wipes the floor with the HAARP one.


New Born sounds fucking awesome... SMBH not really as much. The only good thing really of SMBH was that its a pro-shot of a Kaoss Pad solo and there's already quite a few of them.

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