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A muse song you hate


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Sorry, but I must say Hysteria (HAARP). I like the song itself, I just don't like how they interpreted it (between messing up the intro and attaching random sounds to the end of the choruses). :stunned:


Messing up the intro?

Attaching random sounds at the end of the choruses makes Muse what they are. This is what Muse do to make it sound 'live'. Muse like to make little changes to songs and they did really well with the HAARP version of Hysteria.



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Messing up the intro?

Attaching random sounds at the end of the choruses makes Muse what they are. This is what Muse do to make it sound 'live'. Muse like to make little changes to songs and they did really well with the HAARP version of Hysteria.




I just listened to it something like three times and...well...I'm feeling a very guilty conscience grow for even saying this. No, it's not because you said something. It's because I realize what you said is right. I am a somewhat new Muser. I have never been to a concert (of any kind). Please forgive me for ever even saying this.


I will now leave this thread and never look at it again.


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Don't really HATE any songs. I really don't like most of Showbiz. Makes my ears hurt, but wouldn't go as far as hate, as it can fit some moods.


Songs I hate on the set list which keep popping up:


Undisclosed Desires - decent, but should be used as a rarity.

Guiding Light - why?

Starlight - getting boring... although lasers are good.

Time is Running Out - lost all it's meat.

Knights of Cydonia - because it's ALWAYS last.

Man with the Harmonica - because you know the gig is done.

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It is worse than Guiding Light and Invincible and maybe even Neutron Star Collision.


Imma let you finish, but Exo-Politics is merely one of the most mediocre Muse songs of all time. It's definitely not one of their worst. In my humble opinion, of course.

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Ruled by Secrecy is brilliant. But the beginning of Apocalypse Please just sounds like Matt banging around on the piano. Sort of prevents me from enjoying the rest of the song.



I guess you're not a big fan of 2001-2004 Muse live then.

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