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You serious?? They are so fucking stupid. :LOL:


I did see that video of Muse in South Africa... Fans were screaming, running... You know, the usual.


And lurkers.. join in, we don't bite!


yeah in paris. it was mental. lievin got a little rediculous too.

course there was a couple of runners chasing nick mccarthy from ff in l.a. we laughed so hard at them. i don't get it.



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is this thread now somehow THE place to be ? :LOL:

hi girls :)






Well of course it is.. When the entire board wants to play football with Chris... It's funny that Chris is the only member of the band who doesn't get a lot of "beef" from the fans... Except from CarrieB of course...



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yeah call me humorless if you like...but i do not find that "lulz" even remotely funny. :indiff:


Especially that girl Triretal Symmetry or what her name was. I just don't get her lolzs. :erm:

And lurkers.. join in, we don't bite!


Wouldn't be so sure about that. :p

You serious?? They are so fucking stupid. :LOL:


I did see that video of Muse in South Africa... Fans were screaming, running... You know, the usual.

What video? :stunned:

jesus christ,i feel like i don't know ANYTHING.

you can see it on muse's twitter... chris twitted a few hours ago... replied to a few fans.. @tohhh is playing with him... :awesome:

Who is tohhh? :$ Is he the one who's tweeting all the time and telling us what's going on?

Edited by HullaGirl
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How am I meant to concentrate on packing now???


*wanders into tart tank muttering inconprehensibly about broad shoulders and chest hair and waving hand in direction of suit case in the hope that she's suddenly aquired some Harry Potter-esque powers and it'll pack itself*


Don't know how near to the front I'll get but will once more endevour to bring the PCT some Wolstenhot goodness

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