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aww tom :LOL:


yeah, i had a twinge this morning when i saw that twitpic..i think i said that already :LOL:

i think that's the hardest thing...realizing it's going to be a while before we have the chance to see muse again :supersad: although their time off will be well deserved.

I feel very sad that I was able to go to only 2 (sorry, but ACX doesn't count in my book) shows this tour. At one point I thought I could pull off NJ and NY gigs, but the luck wasn't on my side. :(


i hope you do get it. i was totally shocked by the whole thing...but it was awesome...just fuckin zeroed in on me :awesome:

AWESOME!!! Did you faint after you caught it? ;)


:eek: i met the wolstenbeast yesterday at footie. and he signed the harmonica from the 2nd staples night. much conversation was had. i still can't quite process this, :LOL:

Congrats x 10000000000000!!!


*Hugs back* Yeah, the experience will definitely stay with me. It was kinda surreal/funny, because at one point, a pregnant lady with a sax started playing Muse songs at, like, 1:30 in the morning :LOL:


Which song?

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Thanks for sharing that! I love how detailed it is. Now I have to be a weirdo and find out what the cologne he was wearing smells like. :$:LOL:



Which song?


I think she played Resistance :chuckle:

She also played Stairway to Heaven and a few other songs. Very memorable :LOL:

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