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Theoretical question - what would you do to get backstage?


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Finally got tix to the Uniondale show and I am WAY too excited to see them in perform live for the first time. As a result, I have developed a list of what I'd be willing to do to get backstage.


1.Dress as a “furry”; willing to do bear, goat, or chicken – no easter bunny costumes, that would just be creepy

2.Play “Butterflies and Hurricanes” faster than the speed of sound on my ukulele

3.Watch every episode of Fraggle Rock. OK, I was going to do this anyway, but I figured two birds, one stone, and one happy Duckhunt dog. Not that I care whether the Duckhunt dog approves, but when he laughs at me I get SO ANGRY…. Better to keep us both happy.

4.Introduce Matt to the world’s tallest midget

5.Promise to tell the fellas that The Resistance is the best album I’ve heard since Spiceworld.

6.Allow each member of the group to touch my prized possession: my original “Alf for President” shirt.


Just wondering if anyone else had any brilliant (aka, fake) ideas...

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tell them I'm here with the mothership to take Matt back to his home planet?


that or form a band that becomes hugely successful and ends up opening for Muse at Nassau Coliseum, though I *may* not be able to get that together in time


or just wish really, really hard

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Notsomuch... if you do get famous, remember that I inspired you.


I'll add to my list and offer to check for STDs at the backstage entrance. OH SNAP!


Too bad no one says "oh snap" anymore... it was ALMOST funny. 1/2 credit maybe

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