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Which Is Your Favourite Muse Song To Listen To Loud?


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aside from NEW BORN as I've already screamed in this thread lol - MOTP is ace loud, Hoodoo is also great loud when the drums kick in. Hysteria CANNOT be heard if not loudly, and same for Stockholm. Ahh seriously, Muse songs generally can't be listened to quietly. They just CAN'T! :happy:


Knights of Cydonia. Possibly the best muse song to play very loudly. I also like to play it very loudly on my guitar to piss off the neighbours :LOL:


Other than that, TiRO, B&H, Citizen erased


Sunburn, Stockholme Syndrome, The Small Print and KoC are great to play out loud but for me the best one is Plug In Baby


All of them!! :D


If I had to pick one it would be Map of the Problamtique or Glastonbury Time is Running Out or Glastonbury Stockholm Syndrome or Citizen Erased or Micro Cuts :confused:


Definitely not favorites, except perhaps feeling good, which is my favorite one to sing to...favorite ones to play LOUD and dance to? Supermassive black hole, time is running out, plug in baby...yeah.





yeah.. that ones got a bunch of screamos :D



um... apocalypse please...that ones good when loud too

muscle museum...pretty much all of the ones from showbiz :D

Guest universalradio

and sometimes, space dementia


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