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Get Muse on Hey Hey It's Saturday!


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For all you Australian's out there, you will most certainly know of the TV show 'Hey Hey It's Saturday'.


HHIS say that will be doing 10 shows at the end of the year, and they always have a rockband that do gigs (And if you say Muse are too big, Usher was on a few weeks ago). Lets try and get some interest here and in my facebook discussion thread (http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=15085&uid=39974319048 and try and Muse to play there!

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Nonononononooo please don't. It would make me shoot myself. Hey Hey is fucking stupid. I mean, one of the hosts is a fucking retard in a duck suit. Muse are too superior to that shit. They don't deserve to be on channel...nine, seven, whatever channel that is.


FUUUU :fear:


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Nonononononooo please don't. It would make me shoot myself. Hey Hey is fucking stupid. I mean, one of the hosts is a fucking retard in a duck suit. Muse are too superior to that shit. They don't deserve to be on channel...nine, seven, whatever channel that is.


FUUUU :fear:

Yes, and they also played on a friggin show that didn't let them play live. I see no difference to be honest.
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Well, fuck Italy. We're not letting this happen here :phu: I won't have it. It'll just give Hey Hey more ratings than it already gets, and deserves.
What about something like Sunrise where they can get a bigger stage in Sydney? They don't have questionable characters...
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