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Wow, when you're busy for a few days, the lolz really add up. :stunned:


There are too many to list, but these last few pages have been absolutely hilarious! Nerding out, pancake mix, hipster Muse kitty, scooter lolz, and old lolz! So fantastic! :LOL::LOL::LOL:




I just feel the need to quote this one because I made it. :shifty: Thanks for appreciating it! :happy:

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where did this pancake mix meme come from? :D


these lolz are excellent!


The 'Suprise Butt Secks' and 'Pancake Mix' gags were both started by me and moomGER. Both these references were taken from a viral video show called equals 3 (=3) on youtube hosted by Ray William Johnson (twiiter search him, facebook search and youtube etc etc) Where the Suprise Butt Secks and Pancake mix gags are well loved and after finding 4 panel images of band-members faces that screamed SUPRISE BUTT SECKS on Tumblr, I posted them on here and people loved em :)


so now you know. :)

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The 'Suprise Butt Secks' and 'Pancake Mix' gags were both started by me and moomGER. Both these references were taken from a viral video show called equals 3 (=3) on youtube hosted by Ray William Johnson (twiiter search him, facebook search and youtube etc etc) Where the Suprise Butt Secks and Pancake mix gags are well loved and after finding 4 panel images of band-members faces that screamed SUPRISE BUTT SECKS on Tumblr, I posted them on here and people loved em :)


so now you know. :)


Two camels in a tiny car. :phu:

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Id like you all to know that I spent the past few hours reading the ENTIRE Lolz 3 thread.


I made it to page 75 in 2 hours, my god, youre fast! :D




Just jumping on the pancake wagon...




and to everybody: :yesey: two camels in a tiny car.

the answer to all questions!

..my god, I just love RWJ! :awesome:

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He made a boat... LIKE A BOSS :yesey:


When I put up that lolz, the joke was that the boat was seemingly emulating a UFO design, had the least aerodynamic [fluid-dynamic?] hull shape ever, and the silly fan at the top of the mast was simply the crowning touch to a monumental folly.


But it only now just hit me what the deal with that boat is [sorry for the garbled syntax there]... where's the outboard motor?! Are they housed under those flanking bubbles (which would have to be popped open for ventilation purposes)? Or are those for something else? Or is this actually a hovercraft, with a centrally mounted engine housed underneath, ventilating out the central seating-pillar-thingy?


A hovercraft... modelled after a UFO... that would be very "Bellsy" indeed! :LOL:

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