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Muse looking for Protesters for gigs


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Just posted this in the media section but figured it belongs here as well.


(Nicked from Muselive :p)




As a federal city of Bern has indeed enough demo experience. Of them now want to benefit the British mega-stars of Muse. You are looking for short term 70 "demonstrators" contest on Wednesday the start of the concert spectacle at the Stade de Suisse. "The show will begin with the presentation of a mass protest," Reinhard says Marc by Good News. The idea for this unusual opening part, the musicians have devised only in recent days: Wilde demonstrators, armed with banners and posters, drawn across the stage in protest. "Participants must be of legal age and tomorrow evening at 17.30 clock time to have samples," said Reinhard. As a thank you to the demo extras on the day after enjoying the concert.


Meanwhile, at the Stade de Suisse about 140 workers to build up the brand new and unconventional construction stage are employed. But for 16 tractors were needed. In addition there are 33 trucks, herankarren the lighting and video technology.


Interested parties can register now by e-mail name, age and phone number for promotion@goodnews.ch. All increases or cancellations made by Monday evening.


(Google translated)

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