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Jesus Christ you guys are negative! I'm flying over from Australia to go to Wembley Stadium. I could f***ing care less if they play Guiding Light and Feeling Good. I haven't seen GL before. and it's 2 songs out of what will more than likely be 20-24.


I think the point has been made that you are mostly unhappy with the set lists. Can you stop moaning about it every single time they play a gig (which you probably didn't even go to anyway) where they didn't play MK Ultra or something off Showbiz? You can't even appreciate that they're playing Citizen Erased and Bliss regularly now. It's never enough, is it?

I think the negativity is based around boring, static setlists that even when offered the fans opinion still barely have VARIETY which is what we wanted all along and the fact Muse are sorta turning from a rock band to a pop band that occasionally play some rock songs at their gigs. Who are you to tell anybody to stop moaning? It's a matter of opinion and opinions have the right to expressed as many times a person likes. I for one think it is propostorous to not have any songs from your first album and only singles with no album tracks (minus the inclusion of Citizen Erased) from your album which really put you into the limelight included in a setlist sometimes, and when a song from Showbiz is chosen it is Unintended, which, lets be honest, requires the least amount of effort to perform live out of any of them by a long way. I know it is The Resistance tour but put some effort in! I also like to express my concern for Wembley at this rate as the setlists are static, dull and like they have forgotten the work that propelled them towards their current position.


That must be the longest thing I have ever posted. :LOL:

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I think the negativity is based around boring, static setlists that even when offered the fans opinion still barely have VARIETY which is what we wanted all along and the fact Muse are sorta turning from a rock band to a pop band that occasionally play some rock songs at their gigs. Who are you to tell anybody to stop moaning? It's a matter of opinion and opinions have the right to expressed as many times a person likes. I for one think it is propostorous to not have any songs from your first album and only singles with no album tracks (minus the inclusion of Citizen Erased) from your album which really put you into the limelight included in a setlist sometimes, and when a song from Showbiz is chosen it is Unintended, which, lets be honest, requires the least amount of effort to perform live out of any of them by a long way. I know it is The Resistance tour but put some effort in! I also like to express my concern for Wembley at this rate as the setlists are static, dull and like they have forgotten the work that propelled them towards their current position.


That must be the longest thing I have ever posted. :LOL:


Yes, but it needed to be said

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What I dont get is why they play GL instead of MKU, when not only hardcore fans but casual fans like MKU better, and even those who havent heard ether because they have only heard the singles im sure would like a rock song like MKU better

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I also like to express my concern for Wembley at this rate as the setlists are static, dull and like they have forgotten the work that propelled them towards their current position.


Hence why I sold my ticket.


I'm not sure I agree completely about them playing no songs from the first album. It would be great if they did (especially if they gave them new life like Cave) but at the same time I know a few bands at a similar stage in their career that don't play any songs/hardly any songs from their debut album, so I don't think it's amazingly unheard of. Basically, you can get away with playing nothing from the first record if the rest of your set is stellar.

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I think the negativity is based around boring, static setlists that even when offered the fans opinion still barely have VARIETY which is what we wanted all along and the fact Muse are sorta turning from a rock band to a pop band that occasionally play some rock songs at their gigs. Who are you to tell anybody to stop moaning? It's a matter of opinion and opinions have the right to expressed as many times a person likes. I for one think it is propostorous to not have any songs from your first album and only singles with no album tracks (minus the inclusion of Citizen Erased) from your album which really put you into the limelight included in a setlist sometimes, and when a song from Showbiz is chosen it is Unintended, which, lets be honest, requires the least amount of effort to perform live out of any of them by a long way. I know it is The Resistance tour but put some effort in! I also like to express my concern for Wembley at this rate as the setlists are static, dull and like they have forgotten the work that propelled them towards their current position.


That must be the longest thing I have ever posted. :LOL:


You seemed to have missed my post where I said "I didn't mean to sound like I was silencing peoples opinions.."


I hope to hear some rarities every now and then, but if it doesn't happen at every gig I go to I won't be fussed. There is a reason why they're called rarities. They didn't really play much off showbiz on the last tour, so I don't know why it's such a surprise that they aren't this time. On this tour they have played Cave and Unintended. I know that was only a couple of times, but they didn't completely ignore it. They even re-worked Cave.


I would like to see Guiding Light be replaced by Invincible, I think the build up flows better. But, GL is from the new album, and they are kind of promoting TR while they tour. It's almost definitely going to be dropped by the time they tour again, so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. It's gonna have a short run, much like Endlessly, Soldier's Poem or Invincible. :LOL:

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Hence why I sold my ticket.


I'm not sure I agree completely about them playing no songs from the first album. It would be great if they did (especially if they gave them new life like Cave) but at the same time I know a few bands at a similar stage in their career that don't play any songs/hardly any songs from their debut album, so I don't think it's amazingly unheard of. Basically, you can get away with playing nothing from the first record if the rest of your set is stellar.

Well I can't sell mine, it was a birthday gift from my girlfriend's Mum. :LOL: But I don't think I would sell it, I still live in fantasy hope-land.


I guess I just wish they would because they do have 3 especially strong, liked songs on there by the majority of this board and they have just completely left them out. They could easily bring in the likes of Invincible, Exo-Politics, The Small Print etc but they choose not to, I may not like all those songs but it would make the setlists much less predictable than right now!

You seemed to have missed my post where I said "I didn't mean to sound like I was silencing peoples opinions.."


I hope to hear some rarities every now and then, but if it doesn't happen at every gig I go to I won't be fussed. There is a reason why they're called rarities. They didn't really play much off showbiz on the last tour, so I don't know why it's such a surprise that they aren't this time. On this tour they have played Cave and Unintended. I know that was only a couple of times, but they didn't completely ignore it. They even re-worked Cave.


I would like to see Guiding Light be replaced by Invincible, I think the build up flows better. But, GL is from the new album, and they are kind of promoting TR while they tour. It's almost definitely going to be dropped by the time they tour again, so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. It's gonna have a short run, much like Endlessly, Soldier's Poem or Invincible. :LOL:

Ah okies, completely missed it. :chuckle:


But they played it a few times then got bored of it and went back to predictable old Feeling Good. The thing is I quite like Invincible live, I think it works too but Guiding Light and Undisclosed Desires just don't do it live for me. I'm really just a bit bitter due to the fact that my show I went to on the tour (Thursday The O2, London) was especially poor but I just hope they can really raise the bar at Wembley still. It's why I still want to go, just to hope!

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So now you are denying you've met me although you've filmed me at two different gigs (The O2 & RAH) :supersad:





I have?? :erm: Oh dear, I honestly don't remember. Do please make allowances for my advancing years!:stunned:

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I was at the cricket last night and watching England bat was like a Muse gig, exciting start full of potential and then just dull and predictable in the middle order, really needed someone to just pick up the pace. Certain sections of the crowd were chanting for a guy called Morgan. We won by the way so thats something isn't it?

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I was at the cricket last night and watching England bat was like a Muse gig, exciting start full of potential and then just dull and predictable in the middle order, really needed someone to just pick up the pace. Certain sections of the crowd were chanting for a guy called Morgan. We won by the way so thats something isn't it?

Do Muse usually win?

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