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I thought I was a huge fan that couldn't be any more fanatic for the band without going to extreme measures, but I was wrong. It wasn't until after my first concert that I realized what I was missing and my music life revolves around muse, completely. I've downloaded so many live videos and interviews off of youtube, joined the .mu forums and get on them daily, and I finally had my first, second, third, fourth, and fifth dream about them.


The most recent dream was Matt and I hanging out, getting bored, so he picked up an acoustic guitar, and we proceeded to go into a mall and play and sing a duo of an acoustic version of Uprising to people walking around. So epic.

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I keep having dreams where I'm trying to get to a Muse concert, but can't. It's bloody frusterating.


Yeah, me too! I'm constantly having dreams where I'm stood outside a venue where they're playing and I can't get in! :mad: (Then again, I do have the same dream about trying to get into Disneyland :LOL:)

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Yeah, me too! I'm constantly having dreams where I'm stood outside a venue where they're playing and I can't get in! :mad: (Then again, I do have the same dream about trying to get into Disneyland :LOL:)


Disneyland :chuckle: Muse is my Disneyland :awesome:


With me it's mostly that I can't afford it. Which is true, because I spent all my money on the one and only Muse show I've ever been to :LOL: Though one time I dreamt that I had tickets for a gig and Death Cab was supporting (jizz). It was showtime, so I was scouring the living room for my tickets and found two people there: one I intended to take (Ralph - yes he's real and yes, that really is his name :p), the other I didn't know so well. They were putting on snowsuits (:wtf:) and I asked where my ticket was. Ralph said, "I gave it to -insert name here-. I didn't think you'd mind. :stunned:"


I woke up before I could wallop him :mad:


Not a dream as such but my mum told me that last night i was sleep talking to Matt,

apparently i went Maffoooo and then i just started mumbling :LOL::LOL:


Haha aww. I find that cute for some reason :LOL:

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After one of their big gigs, Muse were doing a little outdoor gig in a tiny car park (:wtf:). Which was free. But not many people knew about it so not many people went. So I was there waiting at the entrance to the car park. The entrance was like a really steep uphill bit of road. Anyway, they arrived in a white van, with Matt Chris and Dom sitting in the back of it. I saw Matt through the window thing at the back and shouted and waved at him (he didnt see me though :(). Then I ran up the hill alongside the van, and I got really close to them in their gig in the car park and took loads of great pictures! Then I woke up.

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Been a VERY long time since I've posted in here. Been a bit of a time since I've had a Muse dream...but this one was so good, I just have to share.


I was walking with Bellamy through a woods just having a chat. I don't even know what were talking about, but it was a pleasant stroll. He stops and runs over to a tree. I'm standing there confused as...he drops his trousers. I raise one eyebrow and he stars having a wank. When he's finished, he comes on the tree and shouts "SAVE THE RAINFOREST." I'm stood there like :eek::stunned::wtf: not moving. He comes over to me and starts walking and chatting as if nothing ever happened.


I woke up like :stunned:


I still feel like :stunned: with a little bit of :wtf: and :LOL: thrown in.


OMG, that's hilarious! :LOL: And KAT! Such a long time agoooo. :supersad::kiss:


I dreamt the other night that I was talking to Chris and he told me the following: "Dom won't wear his coloured skinnies this year." Nooo :supersad:


It's a crying shame. :'(

Not a dream as such but my mum told me that last night i was sleep talking to Matt,

apparently i went Maffoooo and then i just started mumbling :LOL::LOL:


Naaaaaaaw, that's soo cute. :happy:

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Here's a little summary of dreams I've had that I remember:


1. There was a Muse concert. I wasn't there, I could just see it through a video camera. Well, there was a big platform attached to the stage, like a catwalk, but it was round. On that platform, there was like a talkshow with a man with a suit and glasses. :wtf: He interviewed random people and stuff.

And then, Dom was on the stage, sitting by his drums, but he was turned against the audience. He sat there and fixed with controls and stuff (like Take a Bow at HAARP). The odd thing was that he pressed huge and colorfull buttons of toys. :LOL: Like there was a puppy, a duck, an umbrella etc. The funny thing was that he was soooooo serious and concentrated, he was so cute. :LOL: His mission was to press buttons that made fun noises when the talkshow host said something funny. :wtf:


Just weird :facepalm:


2. I was at the barrier at a Muse concert with friends. Muse came out on stage and Matt had the BHaR look. :D Suddenly he started to play Cave on guitar. :eek: And I was like screaming "IT'S CAVE!!! ON GUITAR!!111! HE HAVEN'T PLAYED IT ON GUITAR IN AGES!!11 :pope:" to my friends, but they just stood there like ... I don't know... lamp posts. :noey:

And after I had said that, there came out a clone of Matt, with the exact same clothes and the guitar and all that. :eek: And they played with eachother and I danced and jizzed :dance:


Dream ended :noey:


3. Same thing as dream 2, just that they came out and played Execution Commentary but the instrumental version. I danced and jizzed again. :dance:

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Ok, i just woke up.


So me and my sister and my mom were waiting after a gig for the boys to come out. We were in some type of like, stadium or something, it was really odd. So Matt comes out in this little sweater vest, and he sets down his stuff and were all chatting and he is signing my camera and then he like puts his hand inside of the screen. Like, he shoved it through, but he didnt break it. I asked him if after this tour, they were taking a break. And he says "No." And then disappears. Suddenly, a huge vessel starts like, sliding out of the stage and then sea creatures slide out as Exogensis part 1 plays, and Matt says that this is what they will be doing for Wembly, it was so beautiful that my mom starrted balling. Then, i woke up.


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Had the most weirdest dream ever a couple nights back. Not really that much Muse, but still :LOL:.


So basically, my best guy friend admitted his love for me in the dream! And I'm still stunned about it, cause well...you know he is pretty cute...and erm :$. Well, there was Muse songs playing in the background! My dream kept blurring and changing scenes and at one point it was like I was in a dark castle thingy in space walking around and The Gallery was playing in the background. I was basically walking around after hearing of what my best guy friend told me and I was just shocked and walked around to get some air. I also swear that Matt was watching me while I was walking around because I felt his presence and eyes following me. I spotted him once! He was Hullabaloo Matt :LOL:. So through out the dream, The Gallery kept playing and the dream felt like a nightmare rather than a dream, having The Gallery give it a dark presence. With people looking at me weirdly (mainly Matt :LOL:) and most of my class mates trying to get me and my best guy friend together :facepalm:


What a weird dream.

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Last night's dream was so strange. Muse related of course.

My sister and I went to see Muse at some very strange venue and we were toward the back (which would never happen in real life) when the show was over somehow we were able to have dinner with Matt and Dom in this strange diner type place (I don't know where Chris was..).

Dom and I had a very long conversation while my sister talked with Matt.

Then Matt and I were talking and it seemed like he liked me (:LOL: starts to get crazy now) but then someone from my friends list on facebook (who is a country musician) popped up and Matt was suddenly enamored with her and forgot all about me. I was pissed and trying to get her away from Matt.

She would come find me and ask me to call Matt at his hotel and let him know she was coming..I was so pissed. I can't remember what happened much with Matt after that but then I went into a room where Dom was acting strange and leaning forward on one foot and almost fell until I caught him. I noticed his shoes and we started talking about that. :LOL: That was the weirdest Muse dream yet..

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I once had a dream that I was in an SUV with Matt and Dom (and Finn from Glee). Matt was in the drivers seat, Dom was in the passenger seat. Matt would be gone, and come back a few times. There were zombies outside of the car. When the zombies were gone, we all got out of the car, and examined the weird markings left on the windows.

Another one I had, I was at a Muse show, and Matt, Dom, and Chris came and sat by me. When I looked on stage they were there.

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^^ :eek: :eek: :eek: no way!! I had one almost exactly the same!!

I was at the future November Aus concert and I had invited Matt, Dom and Chris along somehow? Matt sent me a txt asking what he should wear and I told him to wear his white lab coat. When we had sat in line for like 50 years, we got in and were right down the front. Matt came on stage wearing his white lab coat, and Matt next to me was wearing his red H.A.A.R.P suit .. Dom, Chris, Matt and I went wild for the next few hours, especially when Matt started playing Muscle Museum randomly, when all his other songs were the usual setlist.

BEST.DREAM.EVER. :happy::yesey:

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Well, I dreamt my weirdest dream so far. (I think). Omg, ahhaha.

If you have the time, please read it even if it's long. I'm sure it will be worth it. :chuckle:


[spoiler=Awesome Musedream]

Well it began that I was at a soccer match where a girls team were playing. Then I caught one of them cheating and I went to an umpire to tell. :shifty: He asked me which player it was and then I turned around and the whole field had transformed to a gigantic gymnastics room where it was disco and all the girls were in a dance train and I couldn't spot the girl.


As I was trying to see her, suddenly I saw Matt. He had this hip hop cap on and he was so hip hopish. :LOL: Then I saw Jay-Z and apparently he and Matt were performing a rap song together, not a duell, they were cooperating. I remember Matt like shouting "OI" and "YEAH", sometimes when Jay-Z was rapping. He was sooooo ghetto, man.


And when I saw this, I took up my phone and started to film everything. I was thinking "This will sooo come up on Youtube" :awesome:. And I heard my friend saying "I hate you" because she was jelaous of me that I witnessed this, but she stood right behind the corner behind me, she could've stepped forward if she wanted to, hah.


Then Matt transformed into a dog (the dog in Up) and I asked my friend how he showed his devotion to people and she said that he pissed on you. I was like... oookay? :stunned:


After that I saw a keyboard and went to it, started to play some chords and stuff, just playing around. Suddenly Matt stood next too me and he started to play the keyboard with me, he played the higher notes. He adjusted after which notes I played and we improvised up a great musical piece. :D I was so shy, so I just looked down on my hands and didn't say anything, just bubbled with joy. Our hands came against eachother sometimes and his hands were soooo warm


And suddenly there was a huge dinner table and me and Matt sat down. The dinner table was filled with midsummer food (Swedish tradition :p) with alot of swedish food and stuff.

Then Matt decided that we were going to play a farce/burlesque or something, with really redneck humour. He talked like a really really old farmer, with alot of accent. (He talked in Swedish though, but you can imagine it in your own language :LOL:)

Then my friend came again and sat down by the table.


Matt was so in to the play, he yelled at us like he was the man in the house and we were his wifes that haven't done what he wanted. :LOL: He also went really pissed at my friend because she hadn't ate carrots that was on her plate and that she didn't act in the play. He yelled at her so much. I sat there and was kind of smug, hehe. :chuckle:


Then he stopped to play and said something like "Everyone who has cows smells like cows and shit". And I have cows, so I was just about to ask "Me then?" but then he disappeared. :noey:


And then I met up with Jay-Z again and we talked. I said that he was a great artist (even though I've never listened to him, hah). And he just asked why over and over, he wanted to now why I thought that. He had so low self-esteem. :noey: Then I said that he had so meaningful lyrics in his songs and he got happy again. :D



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Well, I dreamt my weirdest dream so far. (I think). Omg, ahhaha.

If you have the time, please read it even if it's long. I'm sure it will be worth it. :chuckle:


[spoiler=Awesome Musedream]

Well it began that I was at a soccer match where a girls team were playing. Then I caught one of them cheating and I went to an umpire to tell. :shifty: He asked me which player it was and then I turned around and the whole field had transformed to a gigantic gymnastics room where it was disco and all the girls were in a dance train and I couldn't spot the girl.


As I was trying to see her, suddenly I saw Matt. He had this hip hop cap on and he was so hip hopish. :LOL: Then I saw Jay-Z and apparently he and Matt were performing a rap song together, not a duell, they were cooperating. I remember Matt like shouting "OI" and "YEAH", sometimes when Jay-Z was rapping. He was sooooo ghetto, man.


And when I saw this, I took up my phone and started to film everything. I was thinking "This will sooo come up on Youtube" :awesome:. And I heard my friend saying "I hate you" because she was jelaous of me that I witnessed this, but she stood right behind the corner behind me, she could've stepped forward if she wanted to, hah.


Then Matt transformed into a dog (the dog in Up) and I asked my friend how he showed his devotion to people and she said that he pissed on you. I was like... oookay? :stunned:


After that I saw a keyboard and went to it, started to play some chords and stuff, just playing around. Suddenly Matt stood next too me and he started to play the keyboard with me, he played the higher notes. He adjusted after which notes I played and we improvised up a great musical piece. :D I was so shy, so I just looked down on my hands and didn't say anything, just bubbled with joy. Our hands came against eachother sometimes and his hands were soooo warm


And suddenly there was a huge dinner table and me and Matt sat down. The dinner table was filled with midsummer food (Swedish tradition :p) with alot of swedish food and stuff.

Then Matt decided that we were going to play a farce/burlesque or something, with really redneck humour. He talked like a really really old farmer, with alot of accent. (He talked in Swedish though, but you can imagine it in your own language :LOL:)

Then my friend came again and sat down by the table.


Matt was so in to the play, he yelled at us like he was the man in the house and we were his wifes that haven't done what he wanted. :LOL: He also went really pissed at my friend because she hadn't ate carrots that was on her plate and that she didn't act in the play. He yelled at her so much. I sat there and was kind of smug, hehe. :chuckle:


Then he stopped to play and said something like "Everyone who has cows smells like cows and shit". And I have cows, so I was just about to ask "Me then?" but then he disappeared. :noey:


And then I met up with Jay-Z again and we talked. I said that he was a great artist (even though I've never listened to him, hah). And he just asked why over and over, he wanted to now why I thought that. He had so low self-esteem. :noey: Then I said that he had so meaningful lyrics in his songs and he got happy again. :D



:LOL: That's so random. Matt turned into a dog?! lolwhat

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Well, I dreamt my weirdest dream so far. (I think). Omg, ahhaha.

If you have the time, please read it even if it's long. I'm sure it will be worth it. :chuckle:


[spoiler=Awesome Musedream]

Well it began that I was at a soccer match where a girls team were playing. Then I caught one of them cheating and I went to an umpire to tell. :shifty: He asked me which player it was and then I turned around and the whole field had transformed to a gigantic gymnastics room where it was disco and all the girls were in a dance train and I couldn't spot the girl.


As I was trying to see her, suddenly I saw Matt. He had this hip hop cap on and he was so hip hopish. :LOL: Then I saw Jay-Z and apparently he and Matt were performing a rap song together, not a duell, they were cooperating. I remember Matt like shouting "OI" and "YEAH", sometimes when Jay-Z was rapping. He was sooooo ghetto, man.


And when I saw this, I took up my phone and started to film everything. I was thinking "This will sooo come up on Youtube" :awesome:. And I heard my friend saying "I hate you" because she was jelaous of me that I witnessed this, but she stood right behind the corner behind me, she could've stepped forward if she wanted to, hah.


Then Matt transformed into a dog (the dog in Up) and I asked my friend how he showed his devotion to people and she said that he pissed on you. I was like... oookay? :stunned:


After that I saw a keyboard and went to it, started to play some chords and stuff, just playing around. Suddenly Matt stood next too me and he started to play the keyboard with me, he played the higher notes. He adjusted after which notes I played and we improvised up a great musical piece. :D I was so shy, so I just looked down on my hands and didn't say anything, just bubbled with joy. Our hands came against eachother sometimes and his hands were soooo warm


And suddenly there was a huge dinner table and me and Matt sat down. The dinner table was filled with midsummer food (Swedish tradition :p) with alot of swedish food and stuff.

Then Matt decided that we were going to play a farce/burlesque or something, with really redneck humour. He talked like a really really old farmer, with alot of accent. (He talked in Swedish though, but you can imagine it in your own language :LOL:)

Then my friend came again and sat down by the table.


Matt was so in to the play, he yelled at us like he was the man in the house and we were his wifes that haven't done what he wanted. :LOL: He also went really pissed at my friend because she hadn't ate carrots that was on her plate and that she didn't act in the play. He yelled at her so much. I sat there and was kind of smug, hehe. :chuckle:


Then he stopped to play and said something like "Everyone who has cows smells like cows and shit". And I have cows, so I was just about to ask "Me then?" but then he disappeared. :noey:


And then I met up with Jay-Z again and we talked. I said that he was a great artist (even though I've never listened to him, hah). And he just asked why over and over, he wanted to now why I thought that. He had so low self-esteem. :noey: Then I said that he had so meaningful lyrics in his songs and he got happy again. :D



^^Now THAT is what I call a random dream!! :awesome:

I had a seriously weird dream last night where I was meant to be going on some expedition walk-thing, but apparently we were meant to be starting out at Dom's house...and then when we got there he was dressed as a builder, grabbed a tool kit, jumped into a van and yelled "so long guys!" So I have no idea what was meant to be going on...:LOL:

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I had a sex dream about Matt :facepalm:, like two nights ago. It's weird cause i've never thought of him like that..


if you don't want it I'll take it :LOL: .


I've had so many lame muse dreams... I played ping pong against matt once, matt was my dad once, I went on a quest to find dom a new drumkit once...

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Last night I dreamed that I my dad got me the vinyl for Exogenesis, and there actually was a part 4 salvation, only it was actually really awesome and not a joke, and I was so happy...


the dream also involved Mickey Mouse and Ichigo from Bleach, which is weird because I've never watched Bleach before. :LOL: as well as an attic and trapdoors and Zelda-esque temples... it was a pretty cool dream, but I don't really remember what happened.

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WARNING: Long dream ahead :D


Last night I dreamt of HAARP, kind of xD. Somehow in my school there was this big huge stadium, the size of Wembley. Muse was preforming there too! I was part of the club that set it up, but I was the only one that volunteered to clean up after the show/party thing and no one wanted to help :p. Well anyway, the party was amazing! Everyone in my grade was there and Muse was amazing! Matt, Chris, and Dom were also dressed like how they were in Wembley back in 07. Same outfits and everything :D. I don't really remember the set list, but I remember the last two songs. Invincible then Screenager, but where Matt was preforming it on the piano.


After Screenager, everyone left except for me, my best friend, and a couple of other random kids. Dom and Chris left too, Matt was still there though on the piano just playing whatever. My best friend, Valerie, kept telling me to get an autograph from Matt like right now. I kept telling her no because I was really shy :LOL:. Either way, she took my arm and dragged me there where Matt was up on stage. He seemed to notice us, but laughed a little at me for trying to break free from Valerie. She left me there and I wanted to freaking kill her! Well, there was a table right in front of the stage where there were tons of drinks and chips. Kids were there before and left it a mess. So since I was the cleaner, I had to clean it up :(. As I started organizing random stuff, Matt jumped off the stage and walked up to me! I was going to go crazy xD. He offered to help me, but I said no since he just preformed so many songs and must be tired. Still, it seemed like he really wanted to help me. I was going to walk to the trash can that was near him to throw this stuff away, but there was something on the floor and I tripped and almost fell, but Matt caught me before I did :LOL:. (why do I always trip over stuff in my dreams?) I was embarrased obviously, but I thanked him. I was still in his hold though, we looked into each others eyes, then again ended up making out :facepalm: HAPPENS IN EVERY DREAM I HAVE WHEN HE IS THERE!! AHHH ! :LOL:. Then the dream ended from my dad waking me up for school -_-.

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Ok, there was a lot more in my dream than this, but I don't remember anymore. This is directly copy/pasted from an msn conversation earlier this morning minus emoticons and weird spacing, so yeah.


I had a Muse related dream. It was pretty crazy.I lived in a dingy NYC apartment with Matt and Dom, and I think we were mechanics or something. Anyway, we didn't have a bathroom, and the only bathroom available was this public one on the street that was ALWAYS FULL.


so I'm like walking around trying to find a bathroom and there's like funerals all over the street from dead people dying of famine and stuff but I didn't care because I just really needed to go to the bathroom.


And then Dom was driving a space shuttle, which was apparently a more advanced version of the Model T. I knew because my mom told me. Dom was excited because they didn't have such things in Britain.


And anyway, apparently, Matt was a mobster, and the crimelord was the Bishop. But Matt's an atheist, so the Bishop had problems with him. So while I was trying to find a bathroom, the clergy went all around putting up wanted posters of him and everyone was out to kill him.


So I got into Dom's spaceship so we would go on a mission to rescue him.


And then I woke up

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