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i was in italy at a film festival and chris was out side serving everyone soup(uuhh... :wtf: ...) and i walked past and

he said "here have some soup"

me: ook

*being shy i walked a bit down the path to have the soup*

*chris walks up to a guy next to me to refill his soup bowl*

chris: Heres some more soup

*chris walks up to me*

*he sits down*

chris: i just cant get enough of this stuff would you like some more?

me: no no im fine thanks tho

chris: so what brings you to italy

me: well to be honest you

chris: you came all the way from the states for the show?

me: yes

*at that time i notice matt and dom walking over

chris: oh hey guys meet....im sorry whats your name?

me: oh its liz

chris: meet liz she came all the way here for the show!

matt: wow either your mental or were just that damn good


so then i proceed to get pictures and signatures on my leg dom signs with a green higlighter *dont know why i recall that lol*



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I had a very weird dream last night...


Basically I was in a studio for like a talk show thing and for some reason Matt was the host of the talk show and I was his assistant :stunned:. The show was a mix between SNL and something else. So Matt entertained the guests with different skits featuring different stars. I was so confused though because I don't know why I was his assistant and besides I'm only a 13 year old. So then Matt decides to hold a beauty pagent with Dom and Chris as the judges. Instead of being called 'Miss America' or 'Miss Universe', it was called 'Miss Bellamy' :LOL::LOL:. Then I was forced by Matt to be in the pagent even though I was telling him no the whole time. We had a little arguement about it too:

Me: But Matt, I don't wanna be in the pagent!

Matt: Please, please, please, please, please!?

Me: NO!

Matt: :( Pretty please? *Getting really upset here*

Me: *Obviously not wanting to see Matt cry* Okay, okay fine.

Matt: :D:D:D:D

Then we have the pagent me vs. some other random 13 year olds...and I won for some reason...then my mom woke me up screaming:

Mom: Maria wake up! You have to clean your room! Vicki is coming over so clean your room!!!!!

Me: Okay mom just shut up!


'Miss Bellamy' :LOL: <3



..I had a dream I was performing on the x factor (what the fuck? :stunned:) and as I was singing the song, whatever it was, I looked over to Simon Cowell and I noticed that Matt was sitting in the audience behind him. I waved and he waved back and winked at me so I winked back, but Simon thought I winked at him and gave me a weird look.


..that's all i remember :erm:

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Do I really want to know? :LOL:




:awesome: <---- I did




Did Matt hold your hand and take you across the universe to strawberry fields to show you his yellow submarine? :eyebrows:


yup :happy: then we took a ride in it and passed an octopus's garden then when we came back up we took a walk in blue jay way and then he asked me"do you want to know a secret?~ i saidyeah of course and he hesitated and i said “say the word and youll be free” then he said “im in love with you” then we we left both left to my house in were we ended up sitting in a english garden waiting for the sun instead :awesome:

Edited by beatlesmaniac98
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I had a very weird dream last night...


Basically I was in a studio for like a talk show thing and for some reason Matt was the host of the talk show and I was his assistant :stunned:. The show was a mix between SNL and something else. So Matt entertained the guests with different skits featuring different stars. I was so confused though because I don't know why I was his assistant and besides I'm only a 13 year old. So then Matt decides to hold a beauty pagent with Dom and Chris as the judges. Instead of being called 'Miss America' or 'Miss Universe', it was called 'Miss Bellamy' :LOL::LOL:. Then I was forced by Matt to be in the pagent even though I was telling him no the whole time. We had a little arguement about it too:

Me: But Matt, I don't wanna be in the pagent!

Matt: Please, please, please, please, please!?

Me: NO!

Matt: :( Pretty please? *Getting really upset here*

Me: *Obviously not wanting to see Matt cry* Okay, okay fine.

Matt: :D:D:D:D

Then we have the pagent me vs. some other random 13 year olds...and I won for some reason...then my mom woke me up screaming:

Mom: Maria wake up! You have to clean your room! Vicki is coming over so clean your room!!!!!

Me: Okay mom just shut up!


:chuckle: pretty please






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ok trust me this is going to song VERY weird at first...



my dream was about me with muse. i was helping their sound engineer mix the resistence while they were recording. i secretly liked dom, and noticed that he kept staring at me. i would get lost in his eyes... then my cell phone would vibrate in my pant pocket totally freaking me out!

the next day we went for a swim in matts indoor pool. my need for dom was so much!!!! i swear!!! dom is fucking hot when he is wet! :$ later we went back into the recording studio. he put a 100 pound note in my pocket, and went into the recording room. he came back out, sat on the couch. i followed. i sat on top of him, facing foward. and i told him, "sorry i don't take money from someone i haven't kissed."


next thing i know im preg... :eek:



:facepalm: it was the weirdest dream!!! i swear i have never thought of that!!! it freaked me out! well it's out and i feel better:happy:

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ok trust me this is going to song VERY weird at first...



my dream was about me with muse. i was helping their sound engineer mix the resistence while they were recording. i secretly liked dom, and noticed that he kept staring at me. i would get lost in his eyes... then my cell phone would vibrate in my pant pocket totally freaking me out!

the next day we went for a swim in matts indoor pool. my need for dom was so much!!!! i swear!!! dom is fucking hot when he is wet! :$ later we went back into the recording studio. he put a 100 pound note in my pocket, and went into the recording room. he came back out, sat on the couch. i followed. i sat on top of him, facing foward. and i told him, "sorry i don't take money from someone i haven't kissed."


next thing i know im preg... :eek:



:facepalm: it was the weirdest dream!!! i swear i have never thought of that!!! it freaked me out! well it's out and i feel better:happy:



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ok trust me this is going to song VERY weird at first...



my dream was about me with muse. i was helping their sound engineer mix the resistence while they were recording. i secretly liked dom, and noticed that he kept staring at me. i would get lost in his eyes... then my cell phone would vibrate in my pant pocket totally freaking me out!

the next day we went for a swim in matts indoor pool. my need for dom was so much!!!! i swear!!! dom is fucking hot when he is wet! :$ later we went back into the recording studio. he put a 100 pound note in my pocket, and went into the recording room. he came back out, sat on the couch. i followed. i sat on top of him, facing foward. and i told him, "sorry i don't take money from someone i haven't kissed."


next thing i know im preg... :eek:



:facepalm: it was the weirdest dream!!! i swear i have never thought of that!!! it freaked me out! well it's out and i feel better:happy:


:LOL: , well, your baby would be pretty if that was true :awesome:

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oooooh I had a muse dream! sooo my friend (whose uncle is one of their managers, dunno how she got so lucky, it's wasted on her seeing as she knows maybe 2 of their songs), anyway she took me on tour with them, and Matt said he liked my piano playing, and then he gave me his guitar!

ha so it wasn't that interesting but I got excited ;)

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:chuckle: we all ge it















It was not that kind of dream thank you very much. I ain't a ho :phu:


ok trust me this is going to song VERY weird at first...



my dream was about me with muse. i was helping their sound engineer mix the resistence while they were recording. i secretly liked dom, and noticed that he kept staring at me. i would get lost in his eyes... then my cell phone would vibrate in my pant pocket totally freaking me out!

the next day we went for a swim in matts indoor pool. my need for dom was so much!!!! i swear!!! dom is fucking hot when he is wet! :$ later we went back into the recording studio. he put a 100 pound note in my pocket, and went into the recording room. he came back out, sat on the couch. i followed. i sat on top of him, facing foward. and i told him, "sorry i don't take money from someone i haven't kissed."


next thing i know im preg... :eek:



:facepalm: it was the weirdest dream!!! i swear i have never thought of that!!! it freaked me out! well it's out and i feel better:happy:


I feel bad that he's treating you like a prostitute :LOL:.

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ok trust me this is going to song VERY weird at first...



my dream was about me with muse. i was helping their sound engineer mix the resistence while they were recording. i secretly liked dom, and noticed that he kept staring at me. i would get lost in his eyes... then my cell phone would vibrate in my pant pocket totally freaking me out!

the next day we went for a swim in matts indoor pool. my need for dom was so much!!!! i swear!!! dom is fucking hot when he is wet! :$ later we went back into the recording studio. he put a 100 pound note in my pocket, and went into the recording room. he came back out, sat on the couch. i followed. i sat on top of him, facing foward. and i told him, "sorry i don't take money from someone i haven't kissed."


next thing i know im preg... :eek:



:facepalm: it was the weirdest dream!!! i swear i have never thought of that!!! it freaked me out! well it's out and i feel better:happy:



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I dreamt that me and Muse were at the beach (we didn't have holiday clothes on or anything, they had their SMBH video outfits on.) and me, Matt and Dom were looking out to the sunset. Chris was with us briefly but then he walked off somewhere. As we were looking out to the ocean we saw a fish jump out of the water and back in again, and Matt said "Was that a FISH?:eek:" and Dom said "Oh course it's a fish, it's the fucking ocean smartass." ..then Matt decided he had to go and catch that fish, so he dived into the ocean and swam off into the sunset. me and Dom were like :LOL: and I noticed we were holding hands. Anyway, then we see Matt swimming back to us, and he was carrying the fish in his mouth :wtf: me and Dom just stood there like :stunned: ..He came over, put the fish on the floor and said "Ha! told you I could do it!". I looked to the right and noticed that Chris was on the ground talking to a turtle. :LOL:

..Then next thing I remember me and Dom are both on white horses riding along the beach. I looked behind me and Matt was on a horse as well trying to catch up with us. Then it turned into some sort of horse-race and Matt over took us and won.

Then the dream completely changed into some boring thing.

The only other muse thing I remember is them performing New Born somewhere, cuz that's what saw/heard in my head when I woke up.

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I had a muse dream a little while ago, I was at Matt's place with him and Dom (idk where Chris was, probably at home in Teignmouth) and we were just talking and generally acting like we've known each other for years. Matt went off to the kitchen to make us all a cup of tea, and Dom and I were just generally joking around and chatting about random stuff until Matt came back. When he did, he asked me to come and have a look at a painting that Dom had done, it was A colourful piece done on a bit of scrap cardboad of a small cottage by a lake surrounded by trees. It looked really awesome! But then I noticed a random splodge if paint where it shouldn't have been and Dom said that Matt had got a bit drunk and picked up one of the paintbrushes and slapped it onto the cardboard. I laughed and replied with "Aw harsh one Dom, cause that's a really good painting! Are you gonna fix it?"

Dom: "Err, nah. I'll leave it I think. If I tried painting over it, it'd probably make it worse. I don't mind anyway."

Matt: "It looks pretty cool though! How's your guitar playing going btw?"

Me: "alright, I guess...I can play popcorn, but not much else. I doubt I'll ever get to your standard though."

Matt: *laughs* "Im sure you will! Here, come and have a go on the Glitterati if you want" *smiles*

(How the hell could I refuse THAT?!)

On the way into the other room, Matt quickly stopped at the Piano and had a quick play of the In Your World intro. I then told him that I'm useless at piano, the only thing I can do is a TINY BIT of Titanic :facepalm:

Then Dom put his hand on my shoulder and said that all I need is practise and I'll be fine. Then I was like "yeah, try fitting a piano in my house though! The reason why I quit drums was that I had nothing to practise with cause it was physically impossible to find a place in my house to fit a drumkit!" :LOL:

And then I woke up during when I was holding the Glitterati with Matt offering to give me a few guitar lessons. It felt so real! It was such an amazing dream too :(

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I dreamed two muse dreams last week, the first one was so horrible! :(

I dreamed that I was visiting some kinda morgue, and that the coroner was showing me

matt's death certificate, which means that he had died. Then I woke up and I was panicing like hell. One part of me said it was true, and the other said that it was just a dream. So I argued with myself whether he was dead or not. Then I eventually convinced myself he was alive and fell asleep again. It was soo horrible!

The other dream was nicer :)

I dreamed that I had watched some clip with matt and dom singing a duett, which was quite cute. Then, in my dream I woke up and realized it was I dream, I was really disappointed. But then I saw the clip again and went :eek::D:happy: But then I woke up for real, damn it! :rolleyes:

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It was not that kind of dream thank you very much. I ain't a ho :phu:




I feel bad that he's treating you like a prostitute :LOL:.


Are you kidding? I would kill to be Dom's prostitute.


... Wow. I have a reached a whole new level of creepy. :facepalm:


and i've had recurring nightmares

that i was loved for who i am

missed the oppurtunity

to be a better man!


no but seriously i have had many dreams of the muse variety all very weird but very enjoyable


So like... you should tell us about 'em :awesome:

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I had a very odd Muse dream recently... I only remember bits and pieces but here it goes:


I was at my first live show (yay!) and I got to meet the band before they performed (double yay!). They were all pretty cool guys, actually I only remember talking with Dom and I recall nothing from the conversation.


This show was in a theatre with assigned seats, no GA floor (not yay). Right before Muse came on stage, a bouncer offered me a better seat, stemming from my previous conversation with Dom. Then the show began... and this is the only part I vividly remember...


Matt, sporting a most extravagant dress, glasses and sunhat ran onto the stage singing a cover of an Enya song while Chris was headbanging and Dom was giggling behind his drumset.


I have no idea whatsoever...


What I do know is I had to play Knights of Cydonia about 50 times after that to flush it out of my mind.



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I had a very odd Muse dream recently... I only remember bits and pieces but here it goes:


I was at my first live show (yay!) and I got to meet the band before they performed (double yay!). They were all pretty cool guys, actually I only remember talking with Dom and I recall nothing from the conversation.


This show was in a theatre with assigned seats, no GA floor (not yay). Right before Muse came on stage, a bouncer offered me a better seat, stemming from my previous conversation with Dom. Then the show began... and this is the only part I vividly remember...


Matt, sporting a most extravagant dress, glasses and sunhat ran onto the stage singing a cover of an Enya song while Chris was headbanging and Dom was giggling behind his drumset.


I have no idea whatsoever...


What I do know is I had to play Knights of Cydonia about 50 times after that to flush it out of my mind.




BRIIIILLIANT! This dream is brilllliant! :LOL:

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Sure, looking back on it, it seems hilarious. However, it was all very confusing when it happened. I called a friend immediately after I awoke to make sure Muse had not changed their image (well at least not THAT drastically).




Well, at least you found relief when you woke up. I always get great stuff and lose it, get real close to the band, then wake up, etc. Quite depressing, really.

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