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I had a weird dream last night ...

It took place in muses tourbus and it was nobody there except of Matt. He was decorating the windows with little snowflakes which he made by himself :LOL: And he was wearing a christmas hat :happy:


Sorry for my bad English :$

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This is real embarrassing, but I had a dream that I was sleeping with Matthew in cookie dough. :$ Needless to say, it was amazing though.


I haven't read all of these but this made me laugh! :LOL:


I've only had one Muse related dream and it was very mundane in comparison! :LOL: I was at a Muse concert but for some reason they weren't performing and Matt was sitting at a table writing (lyrics). I was in the audience at the corner of the stage chatting to him, and he was being courteous, replying briefly, but was distracted and then it occurred to me that he was trying to concentrate giving me a sudden :facepalm: realisation: This is MATT BELLAMY! What the hell would he want to listen to me gabbling on for? And then I felt embarrassed and woke up.:LOL:

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this happened a few months ago:



me and my friend were in line to get autographs from muse. we got up to the table in which they were sitting. first was chris, i got his sig. next was dom. i pulled out a peice of music for the violin, and i asked him how to play it because he's good at counting beats and stuff. he was explaining to me how to play the song, and matt over heard this conversation we were having. he asked me if i played the violin and i said yes. he asked if i wanted to go on tour with them, to play the violin for exo I, II, and III. i happily excepted.


now 1 thing you need understand is that im american and i can make myself have a GOOD english accent. PLUS this dream took place in san deigo, btw...


so he told me to wait behind the table with them until they finished the sigs. i waited and a few moments later this girl with a country accent came uup to the table looking at me, obviously jealous, and said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?!"

i said in my english accent, "i don't know! im just a bloody tourist!:D"


then i woke up laughing :LOL:


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this happened a few months ago:



me and my friend were in line to get autographs from muse. we got up to the table in which they were sitting. first was chris, i got his sig. next was dom. i pulled out a peice of music for the violin, and i asked him how to play it because he's good at counting beats and stuff. he was explaining to me how to play the song, and matt over heard this conversation we were having. he asked me if i played the violin and i said yes. he asked if i wanted to go on tour with them, to play the violin for exo I, II, and III. i happily excepted.


now 1 thing you need understand is that im american and i can make myself have a GOOD english accent. PLUS this dream took place in san deigo, btw...


so he told me to wait behind the table with them until they finished the sigs. i waited and a few moments later this girl with a country accent came uup to the table looking at me, obviously jealous, and said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?!"

i said in my english accent, "i don't know! im just a bloody tourist!:D"


then i woke up laughing :LOL:


:LOL: OMG can I siggy this:



i said in my english accent, "i don't know! im just a bloody tourist!:D"

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Religious beavers? Hahaha.


I had a dream years ago that I had dim sum with Matt, Dom, and Chris in an upstairs telephone booth. :wtf: I don't remember that much of it since it's been so long.


I know I had one two nights ago, but I can't remember what happened. The muse part was pretty brief, but it involved smoke.


lame dream stories, I know.

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I dreamt that Chris and I were hanging out at my bathroom sink putting on my eyeliner.

He finished putting it all on and turned to me, smiled REALLYYY big and said "aren't I just so pwitty!!"

I was being nice so I just giggled and said "yes, of course."

he was straighening his hair and we were just talking when I accidentally dropped my wedding ring down the drain (:wtf: I was still 13 in my dream). He was trying to help me get it out for like 20 minutes but I told him it didn't matter much to me at all (I'm still wondering who I married?)

then we looked at eachother, smiled :D out of exhaustion and just started laughing. Then somehow that turned into a makeout session UNTILLL

my freaking brother's cat woke me up. Fyl, cat.


Good dream with the "quieter" Muse member :happy:

(he's always the nicest one of my dreams. :))

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Wozo that was a brilliant dream:LOL:(i dunno why but i can't quote:mad:)

:LOL:dom the stubborn kid and the religious beavers:LOL:I'd love to have muse dreams like that:awesome:


Haha, yeah it was pretty weird. :LOL: Matt was like a really... stupid and impatient little boy. :LOL:


this happened a few months ago:



me and my friend were in line to get autographs from muse. we got up to the table in which they were sitting. first was chris, i got his sig. next was dom. i pulled out a peice of music for the violin, and i asked him how to play it because he's good at counting beats and stuff. he was explaining to me how to play the song, and matt over heard this conversation we were having. he asked me if i played the violin and i said yes. he asked if i wanted to go on tour with them, to play the violin for exo I, II, and III. i happily excepted.


now 1 thing you need understand is that im american and i can make myself have a GOOD english accent. PLUS this dream took place in san deigo, btw...


so he told me to wait behind the table with them until they finished the sigs. i waited and a few moments later this girl with a country accent came uup to the table looking at me, obviously jealous, and said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?!"

i said in my english accent, "i don't know! im just a bloody tourist!:D"


then i woke up laughing :LOL:

Haha, that's awesome :LOL:


Religious beavers? Hahaha.



Sadly yes :facepalm::LOL:

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i was in italy at a film festival and chris was out side serving everyone soup(uuhh... :wtf: ...) and i walked past and

he said "here have some soup"

me: ook

*being shy i walked a bit down the path to have the soup*

*chris walks up to a guy next to me to refill his soup bowl*

chris: Heres some more soup

*chris walks up to me*

*he sits down*

chris: i just cant get enough of this stuff would you like some more?

me: no no im fine thanks tho

chris: so what brings you to italy

me: well to be honest you

chris: you came all the way from the states for the show?

me: yes

*at that time i notice matt and dom walking over

chris: oh hey guys meet....im sorry whats your name?

me: oh its liz

chris: meet liz she came all the way here for the show!

matt: wow either your mental or were just that damn good


so then i proceed to get pictures and signatures on my leg dom signs with a green higlighter *dont know why i recall that lol*

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*snort* :chuckle::LOL:... really?? what do you think? RELIGIOUS BEAVERS??:LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

for god's sake! u are 11! :LOL: :LOL:


wait! when i was 11...:stunned: ok... i get it now






:awesome: <----JOIN http://board.muse.mu/group.php?groupid=402


Do I really want to know? :LOL:




:awesome: <---- I did


thats exactly what we did play monopoly..... beatles edition :cool::rolleyes:


Did Matt hold your hand and take you across the universe to strawberry fields to show you his yellow submarine? :eyebrows:

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Do I really want to know? :LOL:




:awesome: <---- I did




Did Matt hold your hand and take you across the universe to strawberry fields to show you his yellow submarine? :eyebrows:


:LOL::stunned:.. no you dont

:LOL:.. i was a pervy-perv-perv girl since little... i was a panic! at the disco fan when i was 11 (NOW I HATE THEM... because they started doing crap stuff... i only like their first two albums)... and i went all day long fantazising about brendon urie (lead singer)

... ´´´just imagining´´ things :awesome::LOL:

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i was in italy at a film festival and chris was out side serving everyone soup(uuhh... :wtf: ...) and i walked past and

he said "here have some soup"

me: ook

*being shy i walked a bit down the path to have the soup*

*chris walks up to a guy next to me to refill his soup bowl*

chris: Heres some more soup

*chris walks up to me*

*he sits down*

chris: i just cant get enough of this stuff would you like some more?

me: no no im fine thanks tho

chris: so what brings you to italy

me: well to be honest you

chris: you came all the way from the states for the show?

me: yes

*at that time i notice matt and dom walking over

chris: oh hey guys meet....im sorry whats your name?

me: oh its liz

chris: meet liz she came all the way here for the show!

matt: wow either your mental or were just that damn good


so then i proceed to get pictures and signatures on my leg dom signs with a green higlighter *dont know why i recall that lol*


whats up with and soup? :LOL:

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I had a very weird dream last night...


Basically I was in a studio for like a talk show thing and for some reason Matt was the host of the talk show and I was his assistant :stunned:. The show was a mix between SNL and something else. So Matt entertained the guests with different skits featuring different stars. I was so confused though because I don't know why I was his assistant and besides I'm only a 13 year old. So then Matt decides to hold a beauty pagent with Dom and Chris as the judges. Instead of being called 'Miss America' or 'Miss Universe', it was called 'Miss Bellamy' :LOL::LOL:. Then I was forced by Matt to be in the pagent even though I was telling him no the whole time. We had a little arguement about it too:

Me: But Matt, I don't wanna be in the pagent!

Matt: Please, please, please, please, please!?

Me: NO!

Matt: :( Pretty please? *Getting really upset here*

Me: *Obviously not wanting to see Matt cry* Okay, okay fine.

Matt: :D:D:D:D

Then we have the pagent me vs. some other random 13 year olds...and I won for some reason...then my mom woke me up screaming:

Mom: Maria wake up! You have to clean your room! Vicki is coming over so clean your room!!!!!

Me: Okay mom just shut up!

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