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I had one a few weeks back where muse were playing on stage and they had all the theatrics and stuff and a moving platform for each member. Matt was on this podium which was moving up and down and then suddenly it shot up, throwing him up into the air at great height as the crowd gasps, he falls down and luckily gets caught by some cables just above the ground and then he gives a look of... "phew".

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I had my second-ever muse dream last night. And it was WEIRD.


In my first muse dream, I was at a party, and the guys were there, and Chris and Dom didn't say anything (just sat there slowly but steadily getting pissed on champagne), and Matt completely ingnored me, and started chatting to my friend Emily.

I was quite pissed off, actually.


And in my second dream, I can't remember all of it but basically what happened was: I was on a boat, and suddenly I saw Dom in the water, so we pulled him into the boat, and we had a chat, and I tried to take a picture but my camera wasn't working (it said something about needing to email my password to my hotmail account :stunned:) and then Matt and Chris appeared, and then they all drove off in a big black 4WD.


(And yes, all my dreams are that weird :LOL:)

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Tips For Lucid Dreams.

Get healthy sleep- 7-8 hours.

Exercise in the morning as it raises your metabolism. You need to wind down in the evening.

Eat less at night.

Avoid alcohol, caffine and chocolate for at least 2 hours before bed.

Cut down on TV before bed. Video programmes to watch the next day.

Cut down on computer time. Same effect as TV.

Establish a bedtime routine, it becomes a relaxing ritual.


Most lucid dreams occur before waking in the morning.

Keep a notepad and pen by your bed.

Record anything, even if you feel you're only dreamt for a few moments.

Dreams can repeat, and symbols re-occur.

Even if you don't dream, write it down. You will subconciously get used to remembering dreams.

You will not necessarily dream about Muse. There is more to life:LOL:

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Tips For Lucid Dreams.

Get healthy sleep- 7-8 hours.

Exercise in the morning as it raises your metabolism. You need to wind down in the evening.

Eat less at night.

Avoid alcohol, caffine and chocolate for at least 2 hours before bed.

Cut down on TV before bed. Video programmes to watch the next day.

Cut down on computer time. Same effect as TV.

Establish a bedtime routine, it becomes a relaxing ritual.


Most lucid dreams occur before waking in the morning.

Keep a notepad and pen by your bed.

Record anything, even if you feel you're only dreamt for a few moments.

Dreams can repeat, and symbols re-occur.

Even if you don't dream, write it down. You will subconciously get used to remembering dreams.

You will not necessarily dream about Muse. There is more to life:LOL:


I've been doing this for about 3 years and even now when I flick through it I can remember what I dreamt back then. It works :)

Anyway, I had a Muse dream before waking up this morning. Matt was doing an interview alongside Dave Grohl and a girl I've never seen before who apparantly was a famous violinist. Then Matt grabbed an acoustic guitar and the three of them started to do a cover of a Foo Fighters song, except it wasn't even a FF song. It was just something my mind came up with but it sounded really good!

When I woke up I still had the song in my head but now it's completely gone :(

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One of my wierdest dreams involved me meeting up with some of my friends sometime in the future, and they were all blind. Bear in mind of all my friends, I have the worst eyesight. Then I went into some room, which was covered in iconic pictures of the 20th Century, with pictures of my friends topless mixed in between them. No Muse. :(

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Tips For Lucid Dreams.

Get healthy sleep- 7-8 hours.

Exercise in the morning as it raises your metabolism. You need to wind down in the evening.

Eat less at night.

Avoid alcohol, caffine and chocolate for at least 2 hours before bed.

Cut down on TV before bed. Video programmes to watch the next day.

Cut down on computer time. Same effect as TV.

Establish a bedtime routine, it becomes a relaxing ritual.


Most lucid dreams occur before waking in the morning.

Keep a notepad and pen by your bed.

Record anything, even if you feel you're only dreamt for a few moments.

Dreams can repeat, and symbols re-occur.

Even if you don't dream, write it down. You will subconciously get used to remembering dreams.

You will not necessarily dream about Muse. There is more to life:LOL:


What really works for me is having a big conversation with a friend about wierd dreams, and then at the end saying to yourself, "Hey, I haven't had a wierd dream in ages, I must have one tonight!"


Ok, it only worked once, but that was one of my wierdest dreams.

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I had a dream the other night that Matt and Chris sang a duet together. I was walking past the tele at the time when it caught my eye. It was a slowish song and I just stood there, sort of gobsmacked. It was a good song, but just so weird seeing them singing together. Matt had a beige jacket on and Chris wore a bluey grey jacket. Could only see Dom's head above the drums.


I've thought for a long time that I'd like to hear Chris sing more obviously in the songs, and I think that has become imprinted in my brain now.

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had a wierd one last night, I was swimming in the sea in Brighton, the beach was packed and it was boiling hot as i get out of the sea, I look over to see Matt Dom and Chris getting out of a rowing boat, Matt in his Red wembley gear, Chis wearing exactly the same as Matt but in bright yellow (ie Doms trousers yellow), Dom was decked out in sailor etire, his stripey jumper, blazor jacket and black trousers. Next thing i know Dom turns around and jumps into the sea fully clothed and goes for a swim..I decide to join him, saying "do you do this often", now I'm not sure how but when we return to the beach it's no longer a beach but a village hall. Moi still in a bikini instead of wrappy a surong around myself puts an apron on instead :stunned: I start chatting away to friends at how excited i was to have met Muse when Dom starts DJing only he plays Christmas jingles :LOL: Chris is outside playing some kiddies drums and Matt is standing next to Dom...then i woke up.

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WOAH! I've had my first Muse dream, it was at some school, which I supposedly attended >.<, and Muse were going to play, and everyone was like "Who the fuck are Muse?" and I was going to see them, and they played, and when it was over I got to talk to Matt, and suddenly the whole school loved Muse, and everyone wanted to have his autograph and he just wanted to get out, so I asked him "Should I carry you, and kick down everyone who's in my way, like Homer Simpson", and he said yes, and I kicked down some fashioncore girls ^^


And then the dream ended! :(

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I had a Muse dream last night for the first time in ages.


Was at a family gathering and my bloke was going on about how crap Muse are live, basically winding me up. He then went on to play them massively loud to my mum; it was some jam, really discordant and then I think went into Dead Star, and everyone just looked at me with irritation and pity for going on about how great they are when they'd all hated listening to them so much.


Sounds a lot like being awake when I come to think of it really:LOL:

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i've had 2 in the last week :)


I had one the other night where i was coming back from a shopping centre with my friends, and then i got off the tram and went to this park. all i could think of was how much i wanted a cigarette. so i sat down at this bench and and Dom was there so i asked him for one. then i think we stated chatting.

i seem to have lots of dreams about smoking, even though i don't in real life...


and in my other one, i came home from school and mum had brought a muse at Rod Laver Arena ticket for me. so, a couple of days later i went with my friend and we were in the gold lower seating, but we figured out that we could sneak in the GA bit. so we went right up the front but everyone was sitting down with picknic rugs and things. then muse came on, but it was just some sitty imposters that were miming to a video of muse playing in the background.

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I had some seriously fucked up dreams last night Matt was in one of them. All I remember was that it was some kind of ritual some people from this board were watching basically Matt comes out on stage but hes strapped to these chords and has blood dripping down his face, his hair is a mess but basically Blackout is playing in the background and Matt spins round with this weird aggressive look on his face it was well messed up :LOL:

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I had some seriously fucked up dreams last night Matt was in one of them. All I remember was that it was some kind of ritual some people from this board were watching basically Matt comes out on stage but hes strapped to these chords and has blood dripping down his face, his hair is a mess but basically Blackout is playing in the background and Matt spins round with this weird aggressive look on his face it was well messed up :LOL:




I've had dirty dreams :$ Don't even fancy any of them, I wake up creeped out

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the only dream i had of muse was...odd...

and pointless...

just matt and dom dancing in dress shirts and no pants...lol...they were choreographed and everything and chris and i were just standing there watching them...haha...i can't remember the rest of it though...but i had the dream a few weeks ago anyway...

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