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Good questions... I like it, but I wish it wasn't a single :( We have enough Starlight already


Haha exactly. It's Starlight's less interesting twin. ARGH I HATE IT. I put Planet Rock on last night while I was ironing (ironing in a very metal way of course \m/) and they said, 'We have some Muse coming up!' so I went in the kitchen to wash up and rock out and they played bloody Mercy. I'd've been happier with Madness. Or even Guiding Light!!!!!!!


TL;DR - It's a dreadful song and a dreadful choice for a single. Grrr.

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Psycho has become possibly my least favourite Muse song e v e r. The drill sergent, the repetition, the awful "your aaaaaass", just ugh. I loved the riff and I hate how it's been used.


Dead Inside, on the other hand, has become one of my top Muse songs. It's on the same level as Reapers and The Handler, if not better.

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Psycho has become possibly my least favourite Muse song e v e r. The drill sergent, the repetition, the awful "your aaaaaass", just ugh. I loved the riff and I hate how it's been used.


Dead Inside, on the other hand, has become one of my top Muse songs. It's on the same level as Reapers and The Handler, if not better.


For some reason I've started to like Pyscho again. I do agree the drill sergeant needed to be better integrated into the song, like they do with the riff rather then in separate bits. I also agree that it is very repetitive too. However in context I actually love the lyrics, for a dark subject matter you do need a fun song or two. You have to admit it has balls.


I do agree with you on Dead Inside, it's up there as one of the best songs in Drones. I really really like the synths in it for some reason.

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Haha exactly. It's Starlight's less interesting twin. ARGH I HATE IT. I put Planet Rock on last night while I was ironing (ironing in a very metal way of course \m/) and they said, 'We have some Muse coming up!' so I went in the kitchen to wash up and rock out and they played bloody Mercy. I'd've been happier with Madness. Or even Guiding Light!!!!!!!


TL;DR - It's a dreadful song and a dreadful choice for a single. Grrr.


I feel sorry for you :LOL: :LOL: It's my least favourite from the album, and even though I can stand it, it's too similar to Starlight. And I don't see why they play both at gigs (but I must admit I loooooove the confetti :LOL:)


Psycho has become possibly my least favourite Muse song e v e r. The drill sergent, the repetition, the awful "your aaaaaass", just ugh. I loved the riff and I hate how it's been used.


Dead Inside, on the other hand, has become one of my top Muse songs. It's on the same level as Reapers and The Handler, if not better.


I barely listen to it these days. I quite like it, but it'd be miles better if it was shorter.

And agreed about Dead Inside, fell in love with it since I first listened to it, for me, it's the best Muse pop song :love:

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For some reason I've started to like Pyscho again. I do agree the drill sergeant needed to be better integrated into the song, like they do with the riff rather then in separate bits. I also agree that it is very repetitive too. However in context I actually love the lyrics, for a dark subject matter you do need a fun song or two. You have to admit it has balls.

I actually don't mind the verses, the lyrics are alright and I like the melody. There are enough fun songs on the album though, Mercy, Defector, Revolt. I wish we got one truly dark weird song that delved deep into the protagonist's mind...

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Meh. The Handler is good and fills the role to an extent but I think Muse are still capable of going darker and weirder.


Fair enough :)


I do actually agree that Dead Inside is better then Pyscho, but there are much worse songs e.g. Guiding Light.

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Fair enough :)


I do actually agree that Dead Inside is better then Pyscho, but there are much worse songs e.g. Guiding Light.

Honestly at the moment I'd rather listen to Guiding Light :p surprisingly, after seeing GL live I actually started to like it more. Probably because I was at the catwalk barrier and now associate the song with having an uninterrupted 4 minute closeup of Matt lol

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Maybe fairly controversial, but I never wanted "dark" Muse. They're capable of making music that really touches me emotionally, and I've really enjoyed that they touch on dark themes, but usually have an element of hope that comes out somewhere.

Even The Handler, which is easily the darkest song in a long time, they gave a positive ending.


Dead Inside was pretty damn dark, and left me feeling a bit down after I first heard it.

I really wouldn't want too many songs that do that sort of thing to me.

I guess I was really in to depressing stuff when I was young, but now life depresses me enough on it's own. :chuckle:

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Exo Politics is a good, fun song and the board reactions made me realise how fucking miserable most Muse fans are.



Oh, and I don't get the Fury hype. I like it, but I wouldn't freak out at a gig where it's played. At least not more than I already freak out when I see them live. :LOL:

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Exo Politics is a good, fun song and the board reactions made me realise how fucking miserable most Muse fans are.




Oh, and I don't get the Fury hype. I like it, but I wouldn't freak out at a gig where it's played. At least not more than I already freak out when I see them live. :LOL:


Also agree. It's a great track. I can appreciate the disappointment after hearing the beefy live version though.

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All the Showbiz songs that have been played lived and been revived in the past few years all sound soooo much worse than they did when Muse originally played the songs live. I don't think Muse should play anymore songs of that album anymore after seeing them play these onese. Falling Down and Cave both sound so dull on piano as opposed to guitar. Muscle Museum and Uno sound okay but they are still less passionate and have less energy/spontaneity than the older live versions did.

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I actually just watch that gig again! That one and Montreux Jazz Festival.

I have enjoyed some live performances of FD, but it's far from a favorite, and I never listen to it on album.


I guess on controversy, the Montreux one made me realize MC might have always kind of sucked live... At least from a technical aspect. Still pretty enjoyable, just not as, erm, accurate. Always noticeable straining, and most lyrics not sung, to the extent in this one that Bellamy's mouth is closed during the chorus, and he's just kind of moaning the notes.

For some reason it's just more noticeable now that he's older. And I don't mean how it sounds, just the "visual" aspect of it.


And yeah, as much as I love it, I don't feel like that's a song that should be carried through, especially if it's going to wreck him for following, better, songs.

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I actually just watch that gig again! That one and Montreux Jazz Festival.

I have enjoyed some live performances of FD, but it's far from a favorite, and I never listen to it on album.


I guess on controversy, the Montreux one made me realize MC might have always kind of sucked live... At least from a technical aspect. Still pretty enjoyable, just not as, erm, accurate. Always noticeable straining, and most lyrics not sung, to the extent in this one that Bellamy's mouth is closed during the chorus, and he's just kind of moaning the notes.

For some reason it's just more noticeable now that he's older. And I don't mean how it sounds, just the "visual" aspect of it.


And yeah, as much as I love it, I don't feel like that's a song that should be carried through, especially if it's going to wreck him for following, better, songs.


The only good performances have always been the Hullabaloo ones tbh. Montreux had nice screams I guess, but that's it.

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