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Funny that you say that, the vocals in the chorus of revolt really bother me, it feels joyfull when it should be a protest song.:party::dance::twitchy::twitchy::facepalm:


It definitely doesn't feel like a song that lends itself to revolting! It sounds more like "fuck yeah, I just got Friday off, let's get some wine coolers and head to the lake!"

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In concistency? Yeah. In strength of the material? Hell no.


In strength of the material. Abso has TSP, ToaDA, FAWY... and I sincerely think that they are massively overrated. They sound very generic and boring... Stockholm Syndrome is my fave Muse song, but, Reapers and The Handler is an amazing combo. So, I think they are rather similar, in my opinion. But I know this is very controversial amongst the Muse fandom :LOL:


EDIT: I'm thinking that both albums lose steam in the last third part, but both of them are redeemed by The Globalist + Drones and Ruled By Secrecy :LOL:

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In strength of the material. Abso has TSP, ToaDA, FAWY... and I sincerely think that they are massively overrated. They sound very generic and boring... Stockholm Syndrome is my fave Muse song, but, Reapers and The Handler is an amazing combo. So, I think they are rather similar, in my opinion. But I know this is very controversial amongst the Muse fandom :LOL:


EDIT: I'm thinking that both albums lose steam in the last third part, but both of them are redeemed by The Globalist + Drones and Ruled By Secrecy :LOL:


I could live without Ruled By Secrecy and GLobalist+Drones. :stunned::stunned:

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