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A Video Tour Of Matt's Rig

Impulse 101

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He's a freak. Piano through that rig? Damn.


It's interesting to see that he dumped the Rocktron pedal in leu of the Liquid Foot.


I love all of the Fuzzes and his Fuzz Factory in the pedal tray is a Vexter series.





The piano through that setup was the most interesting part. I didn't realize he had that many fuzzes in his setup either.


Are you familiar with that egnater thing? I'm wondering what he's using most of the time now ... his main sound definitely doesn't sound like a VH4


Oh, and it looks like he has more Mansons on tour with him than he actually uses...hmm

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I've played a few of the Egnater modular rigs. They are excellent and get even better when you have the modules modded. Dave Friedman of Rack Systems did some mods on one that I played with and it was killer.


All of the Egnater stuff is good even the import stuff. I highly recommend the Rebel amps for younger players on a budget.



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and the sustain pedal for the reverb :LOL: Im guessing thats for massive epic endings of songs to just make shit loads of noise!


Interesting to see that matt has gone for the switchblade with its "digital matrix" whilst chris has gone for a more analog patch bay!


I wonder if they will have done one for drums :awesome:

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yah so dis is da gong drum, is my favorit drum coz its nut a kick, but its not a tom...


an i leik this cimbal becus itt has a nice TOAN .


dees ar midee trigors for trigoring sampls liek da supor massve blak hole snarr.


dom liekz his lepard print, so we has this seat maded specially for domm!



/extent of drum tech's language skills.

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what do you think about the fuzz head?

just checked some videos on youtube but i can understand if it could give a powerfull tone on low strings!


it's probably used with other pedals or dirty amps anyway, none of matts sounds except SMBH sound like a fuzz pedal really...

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I wonder if they will have done one for drums :awesome:


"So what have we got here?"

"Well these are Dom's drums, they are black and have some shiny silver things on them."

"Anything else?"

"Well he uses these electric sample pads for one song but thats it really."



"Oh he does use a whammy on the snare every now and ag-"

"Oookay, this is Dunlop TV signing out."


Or something like that.

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I would like to see a British version of these videos. Just for the sheer lack of enthusiasm.


haha yeah


"woah what is that freaky looking gadget?! this is insane! jeeze this dude has 5 of them!!"


would become:


"so uh, whats this? looks pretty technical..."

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What would the wah be for? :erm:


Sing for absolution? :LOL:


It's used in the Voodoo Chile jam i think


It'll be used for Feeling Good with the piano going through the guitar rig I guess, and on his Liquid Foot board it had a button for Blue Box / Wah so maybe he uses it as a filter for MK Ultra or something?

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