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I know I shouldn't care about what others think, but it's like walking out of a movie theater and loving a movie, then hearing everybody just complain about it. It kinda takes away some of the excitement about it. At least for me, maybe that's kinda stupid......


I never thought a queue line could be so fun :) I don't know if everybody else enjoyed themselves but I sure as heck did. Meeting you guys was awesome! I was too shy to introduce myself for the longest time but I'm glad I did! :happy:


I didn't know who u were then

but I saw that the guy who

Mandy gave the free ticket is your cousin so I think I know

who u are now.


I didn't have to


myself a lot thank god, thts usually awkward :chuckle:

but people

would recognize

me for my mask :awesome: what

makes things easier.

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I didn't know who u were then

but I saw that the guy who

Mandy gave the free ticket is your cousin so I think I know

who u are now.


I didn't have to


myself a lot thank god, thts usually awkward :chuckle:

but people

would recognize

me for my mask :awesome: what

makes things easier.


What mask were you wearing? Was it the red one that covered all of your face? I saw you then! And yes, I was the one wearing black skinnie jeans and a aqua blue t-shirt with my hair in a pony tail :)

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But honestly, I felt after last night's performance they didn't deserve that sort of loyalty. Same setlist they did in NOVA, no enthusiasm, almost like they were going through the motions. At Patriot, the vibe was very different and the band was all smiles and laughter. Here, it was like Matt couldn't get off the stage quick enough.


I've been on the barrier in front of Matt the past four shows and I didn't think the band were any less enthusiastic last night than the others. Aside from the setlist being a bit unimaginative, the performance was everything I waited 12 hours in the rain for ... so as far as I'm concerned, they do deserve my loyalty. From Friday through Wednesday was as happy as I've been in a long time, despite beating the pulp out of myself driving, queuing and going batshit crazy in the pit. Wednesday contributed plenty to that. While I was a bit bummed not to get to meet them after the gig, I'd never give them shit for not being out there. Sure, I'll bitch about my luck (we skipped waiting out at Raleigh, auuughhhhh!), but really, I don't think they owe it to me to come out of their bus any night I'm there and take a picture with me. Who knows what they did that night or why they did it? I've heard three stories already. Maybe they just wanted to exhale or celebrate the tour-ender with each other, you know? And they also have a gig in New Orleans on Friday, whether it's part of this tour or not.

I guess every gig looks different to each person, but I can't get the image out of my head of Matt bouncing around the stage chasing PIB balloons and bopping them with his head with a huge fucking grin on his face ... one of my favorite moments from my four-gig journey. I thought he seemed pretty peppy all night, gave us some great riffage at the end, never looked to me like he was eager to bolt.

Eh, each to his/her own. I was glad I waited in the pouring rain and dealt with that apocalyptic security (THAT I think we can ALL agree on ... it was ridiculous and demeaning) to get the spot I wanted and watch my favorite band do what they do so well one last time this tour. My loyalty is as strong, if not stronger, than ever.:happy:


Moving on: It was lovely meeting everyone, and having an absolute blast with friends I already knew. Too many stories and memories to even recount, it'd take me forever between this and the three other threads. For those who don't remember, I was the sort of spazzy one in the blue european tour shirt, No. 5 in line (I think we ALL got spazzy during the security mayhem). I bought the big pile of ponchos no one ended up needing.:facepalm:


Cheers and hope to see some of the same faces on the next U.S. tour. Until then, look forward to babbling on the forums more.:D

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I know I shouldn't care about what others think, but it's like walking out of a movie theater and loving a movie, then hearing everybody just complain about it. It kinda takes away some of the excitement about it. At least for me, maybe that's kinda stupid......


Not stupid at all. From what I gathered most people around me had a great time and didn't find the performance dull. It was the most bouncing, crazy time I've had yet in the U.S.; I couldn't even take pictures much (which didn't bother me of course) it was so active. Any gig (or movie or book, etc.) will have someone walking away feeling snubbed. But at this gig (or any other gig I've been to), I was not one of them ... :happy:.

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I'm not even gonna read any posts because I know it's gonna be full of b*tching. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I thought this show was absolutely fabulous!! The crowd was great were I was! First time in the pit and it was awesome! I got center barrier! :D

This show was completely amazing!! I wanted to thank that girl who gave my cousin a GA ticket. (I didn't catch her name) He was absolutely beaming and was soooo excited! Plus it was his birthday today so that made it really special :)


Okay, just wanted to say that. I'm not reading anything in this thread. I'm just going to remember and love every second of that gig!


Hey, that was me. I'm so glad he enjoyed it. I saw him behind me. Luckily I was able to give the other one away too. Someone actually came and was calling out "Amanda", just like I posted on the board. I was about 15 seconds away from being patted down when I realized he was calling my name for the ticket. I had just enough time to reach into my husband's pocket, grab the ticket and hand it to him before it would have been too late. HEY DUDE - If you are on here, I'd love to hear how you found out to come to the queue and start calling my name. Sorry it took a few times before I realized it was for me :$


They all seemed very tired, but after a while of touring I can understand why. I still would have liked to see Matt all over the place like he was when I last saw them. I know one thing for sure though, I will not go back to that venue. I felt like I was being processed to be put in prison, lol.


Wow, maybe it's because Ral/C'ville were my first two shows, but I thought the guys were 110% last night. Matt seemed really into everything, and played around with the crowd. He was awesome during PiB when he got knocked back and couldn't sing, and did anyone see his little sexy dance during KoC. :D


I just find it interesting how so many people can be at the same show and experience it in so many different ways. Anyways, regardless of what anyone else thought, it was perfection in my book.


I have started writing my review of the last two days, titled "Confessions of a Muse Virgin." Once it's done, I'll post a link.

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Wow, maybe it's because Ral/C'ville were my first two shows, but I thought the guys were 110% last night. Matt seemed really into everything, and played around with the crowd. He was awesome during PiB when he got knocked back and couldn't sing, and did anyone see his little sexy dance during KoC. :D


Exactly how I saw it. Very playful, made me just grin all gig.

And that was so nice of you to give away the tickets. That's the kind of spirit I love about Musers!:)

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Exactly how I saw it. Very playful, made me just grin all gig.

And that was so nice of you to give away the tickets. That's the kind of spirit I love about Musers!:)


Hey Cecily! How's the car? Glad you all made it home safe. It was so wonderful meeting all of you and hanging out these last couple of days.

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Hey Cecily! How's the car? Glad you all made it home safe. It was so wonderful meeting all of you and hanging out these last couple of days.


I think as far as deer damage it was fine, but it has a horrible squeal coming from one of the wheels at pretty much every speed (which means it's probably worse than a stuck brake pad or bent dust shield), which is annoying since I just had the brakes worked on. It had started a while before the trip, which is why I had the brake work done, but got much worse. Guess I'll have to take a look myself. I got home late so I had to resurrect my 1978 Mercedes to take to work ... it has a bad injector so it shakes madly but it's the only thing I've got that works now.:stunned:

At work now, until 2 a.m. ALL I want to do is play with photos, and post stuff on here and FB. Maybe I'll even write a blog post or something when I can.

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1.: I SO enjoyed meeting the several "seaters" at our meet-n-greet! It was wonderful to meet so many enthusiastic fans! :D

2: I was with my kids and enjoyed seeing them experience their first concert and having a good time. :)

3. Yes, the set was "safe", but I finally understood why they chose the songs they did. The in between little musical moments and the specific songs they chose, they were odes to anthem rock concerts! C'mon... they even played AC/DC. That was fun! :happy: (Although, I hated being teased twice that his intro could lead into Invincible :mad:)

4. Matt looked like he has so much fun. I loved it when Dom popped the eyeball with his drum stick! :LOL:

5. Chris' Suit... OMG! That was hysterical!

6. I was very happy to not have anyone behind me or in front of me in my seat so I could let loose and head bang away. Yes, I embarrassed the kids. :$


JPJ was an excellent venue and will go there again for other shows! I already told the kids they MUST go for a scholarship to UVA so mom and dad can have an excuse to go to JPJ more often! ;)

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Not stupid at all. From what I gathered most people around me had a great time and didn't find the performance dull. It was the most bouncing, crazy time I've had yet in the U.S.; I couldn't even take pictures much (which didn't bother me of course) it was so active. Any gig (or movie or book, etc.) will have someone walking away feeling snubbed. But at this gig (or any other gig I've been to), I was not one of them ... :happy:.

I was blown away by their performance that night. Plus, being center on barrier and jumping with everybody, that was unreal! I kinda figured with the typical setlist and this being the last US of A gig I thought everybody would be annoyed :$. But I'm very glad it was the opposite :happy: . I was wondering where you were at this gig. Now I know you were standing ahead of me the entire time :LOL:

Hey, that was me. I'm so glad he enjoyed it. I saw him behind me. Luckily I was able to give the other one away too. Someone actually came and was calling out "Amanda", just like I posted on the board. I was about 15 seconds away from being patted down when I realized he was calling my name for the ticket. I had just enough time to reach into my husband's pocket, grab the ticket and hand it to him before it would have been too late. HEY DUDE - If you are on here, I'd love to hear how you found out to come to the queue and start calling my name. Sorry it took a few times before I realized it was for me :$




Wow, maybe it's because Ral/C'ville were my first two shows, but I thought the guys were 110% last night. Matt seemed really into everything, and played around with the crowd. He was awesome during PiB when he got knocked back and couldn't sing, and did anyone see his little sexy dance during KoC. :D


I just find it interesting how so many people can be at the same show and experience it in so many different ways. Anyways, regardless of what anyone else thought, it was perfection in my book.


I have started writing my review of the last two days, titled "Confessions of a Muse Virgin." Once it's done, I'll post a link.


You're hugenkiss? I didn't recognized you when you were giving away the ticket :$ (I was standing behind you when you introduced yourself to Dead-Duck and Pinbaby. I was too shy to say anything). Thanks so much again! :)

Oh, and that moment in PiB when the balloon hit Matt in the head and knocked the mic away, that was priceless :LOL:

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Hi everyone :)


We are FINALLY home! We took the Skyline Drive all the way back up, and it took WAY longer than we had anticipated.


I just wanted to say, again, what a GREAT time I had last night! I loved meeting those of you I got to meet. My seating section ROCKED - no one sat down, the entire time! Everyone was shouting and dancing and singing, and we were one of the sections that was furthest away from the stage. I could NOT have asked for a better crowd around me.


My ears and throat still hurt :D

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The crowd on the floor was somewhat subdued. Not much energy there so great songs lead to AT MOST 2-3 people moving their heads back and forth. Kind of expected more from fellow Muse fans.


Huh? I've had seats the three shows I've been to, and this was by FAR the best pit I've seen. Everyone was standing/jumping/fist pumping everytime I looked down, and not just by the barrier. ALL the way back. The only thing I was shocked with was seeing two elementary school aged children on the floor before Muse came on. PARENTAL FAIL. I'm guessing ages 8 & 10. There is no way they could have possibly seen anything, and with the distinct possibility of getting hurt. They were maybe 7-10 rows back, Matt side. The far edge of Matt's side, but still. It's one thing if it's a seated floor like Cincy, but true GA, just no.


Would have been nice to see ONE rarity, especially as the last arena show, but, it is what it is. I certainly don't think there was a lack of energy from the band, and I think I've seen a bit of a Matt Bellamy phone-in from Cincinnati (with the caveat that a MB phone-in is still better than most of what you'll see live from anyone else). And actually, I think the whole eyeball thing energized them a bit.


Many, if not most, of the eyeballs made it to the stage. The mic thing has been mentioned, but Matt heading the eyeballs back into GA was awesome! The BEST part of the entire evening was when one of the eyeballs made it back to Dom, and he popped it with his drumstick, showering himself with confetti. :awesome: Awesome Dom is Awesome. Matt ending up popping one with his head stock right at the end. Please note that Muse did not ingest any of the said confetti. They know better . . . :chuckle:


Anyway, that really seemed to pump them up. The encore was great. The end of SS seemed to have some extra riffage (although I'm not sure as I'm not terribly good at identifying those yet) and Dom was a beast on the drums for the last two songs. An absolute beast. Anyone doubting his energy level needs to reassess what they expect from a show. I seriously don't know how he walked off the stage unassisted.


So, overall, while disappointed in the setlist, it was a solid show. I took my old college roomie as an early 40th birthday celebration, and she had an amazing time. She had seen them at ACL, but this was her first time for the arena show. The dinner meet-up was great (Basil in C'ville - highly recommended), as was the meet-up at JPJ, and it was great to be sitting in a row with two other boardies! The seats were fantastic, that's certainly the closest I've been to the stage (50-60 feet, maybe?). Probably the closest I'll ever get to the stage. I really lucked out finding someone who couldn't use their pre-sale seats.


I will try to get some pics up, but the upgraded camera I had has an auto-focus feature, and that doesn't mix well with a light show. Camera fail. But, the pics are still better than ones I had of the band from Columbus.


Now a day's wait before tomorrow's sexy plane . . . :) Fo Shizzle.


Reading last night's sexizzle planizze was the best part of today (on a plane for most of it, and two nights in a row of 3 hours of sleep is not a good thing). Can I still join the social group if I read it, but couldn't participate since I was at the gig?

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Dafty, I understand your walking-out-of-the-movie-theater-fear. I hope you glance at the forum still for pics and general raving of Muse being fantastical at the gig :D


I really enjoyed queuing with you all, and putting a lot of faces to names. Shawnee gave me sustenance that probably helped me to live through that night... I gave everything I had at the barrier. Loved jumping and rocking out up front with people I knew! Although -- I lost Ducky once we got past the frisking! couldn't find her anywhere and it made me so sad because I had her glowsticks, aka contraband. and we bonded over so many rainstorms and her musebrella! I couldn't get friends to come with me to the gig for the life of me :rolleyes: , so it was such a treat meeting some of you.


Anyone have pics or a vid clip of Matt getting his mike knocked away by the giant eyeball? There was so much awesomeness for me to absorb with my eyes that I didn't catch that :(

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Just read thru the whole thread, so before I post a review, I wanted to reply to the massive multiquote :awesome:


"izzle" What the fizzle? (: LOL: Fail :face palm:)


That setlist tweet is making me super concerned... :unsure: They wouldn't screw everyone on the last US arena show... would they?

HA! :-P


Museizzle is made up of Mattizzle Bellamizzle, Chrisizzle Wolstenhizzle, and Dominizzle Howardizzle.



We are the Univizzle


Map of the Problemizzle

New Bizzle

Supermizzle Blackhizzle


Star-Spizzle Bizzle/Interlizzle/Hysterizzle/Back in Blizzle Outrizzle

Nizzle/United Stizzle of Eurizzle

Fizzle Gizzle

Helsinkizzle Jizzle/Undisclizzle Dizzles

Hizzle of the Rizzle Sizzle Intrizzle/Tizzle is Rizzle Outizzle


Plug in Bizzle


Exogenizzle Symphonizzle Partizzle 1 : Overturizzle

Stockhizzle Syndrizzle

Man with a Harmizzle/Knizzles of Cydizzle


Tizzle izzle! (That's it!) :awesome: Now on to the assizzle bizzle of lizzle!

If only the actual setlist were this exciting! What I wouldn't give for them to screw up the names on the setlist every once in a while (sorta like what they did with the treasure hunt way back when!)



The crowd on the floor was somewhat subdued. Not much energy there so great songs lead to AT MOST 2-3 people moving their heads back and forth. Kind of expected more from fellow Muse fans.


Did I mention they played my favorite songs. Won't be attending this venue again. I'd rather hit VA Beach, D.C. or anywhere else. Be a longer drive but worth it.

I guess it's all relative, but the crowd around me was fantastic, singing loudly, pogoing, just generally rockin' out. Not much shoving until a bit of a pit opened up behind me during KoC, but definitely not dead!




Where were you? The crowd around us and everywhere else I could see was moving a fair bit. It was quite roudy, moreso than the 3 other shows I saw this year.

yeah, what he said!


great performance, but here's a math equation for you.




y=Patriot's center setlist.

x=Charlottesville setlist.


Yeah, pretty much what I was thinking... I was definitely disappointed, I was hoping they'd do something different since it was the last show and since they mixed things up a bit for the shows before, but ah well...


I'm not even gonna read any posts because I know it's gonna be full of b*tching. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I thought this show was absolutely fabulous!! The crowd was great were I was! First time in the pit and it was awesome! I got center barrier! : D

This show was completely amazing!! I wanted to thank that girl who gave my cousin a GA ticket. (I didn't catch her name) He was absolutely beaming and was soooo excited! Plus it was his birthday today so that made it really special :)


Okay, just wanted to say that. I'm not reading anything in this thread. I'm just going to remember and love every second of that gig!

You should go back and read the sexyplane, it was hilarious ;)


I know I shouldn't care about what others think, but it's like walking out of a movie theater and loving a movie, then hearing everybody just complain about it. It kinda takes away some of the excitement about it. At least for me, maybe that's kinda stupid......


I never thought a queue line could be so fun : ) I don't know if everybody else enjoyed themselves but I sure as heck did. Meeting you guys was awesome! I was too shy to introduce myself for the longest time but I'm glad I did! :happy:

The queue was one of the best parts of the day for me too! I had so much fun hanging around with you guys and bonding over bagals and ponchos lol


Moving on: It was lovely meeting everyone, and having an absolute blast with friends I already knew. Too many stories and memories to even recount, it'd take me forever between this and the three other threads. For those who don't remember, I was the sort of spazzy one in the blue european tour shirt, No. 5 in line (I think we ALL got spazzy during the security mayhem). I bought the big pile of ponchos no one ended up needing.:facepalm:

As opposed to the one in the blue stadium shirt who was #15 in line! :D



JPJ was an excellent venue and will go there again for other shows! I already told the kids they MUST go for a scholarship to UVA so mom and dad can have an excuse to go to JPJ more often! ;)

Just DON'T be GA! :-P


Actually, no, most of the people who dealt with us in the GA line were really nice (including the ones who did the patdowns), it was just that one guy who was a bit short with people plus we got a lot of conflicting information...


Dafty, I understand your walking-out-of-the-movie-theater-fear. I hope you glance at the forum still for pics and general raving of Muse being fantastical at the gig :D


I really enjoyed queuing with you all, and putting a lot of faces to names. Shawnee gave me sustenance that probably helped me to live through that night... I gave everything I had at the barrier. Loved jumping and rocking out up front with people I knew! Although -- I lost Ducky once we got past the frisking! couldn't find her anywhere and it made me so sad because I had her glowsticks, aka contraband. and we bonded over so many rainstorms and her musebrella! I couldn't get friends to come with me to the gig for the life of me :rolleyes: , so it was such a treat meeting some of you.


Anyone have pics or a vid clip of Matt getting his mike knocked away by the giant eyeball? There was so much awesomeness for me to absorb with my eyes that I didn't catch that :(

Did you end up on the barrier? I realized shortly after getting in that I lost track of you! I tried so hard to look down the barrier to see if I could see you down on Chris' side (I was right in front of Matt and I remember you saying you were aiming for Chris), even had the girls next to me who were taller trying to see, but we couldn't find you! I was thinking that I'd be able to find you once we got in and they sat us down, but it wasn't until we were standing in there for like 10mins that I realized they didn't make us sit this time...!


I really hope there's vid of the bloonz. I totally wanted to video of the balloons in general but was afraid to get yelled at. As soon as that happened, though, I started recording. I think I started right around the time Dom popped the bloon and I got Matt popping his at the end :D I'll have to wait until tomorrow to post it, though, once I'm home!

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Dafty, I understand your walking-out-of-the-movie-theater-fear. I hope you glance at the forum still for pics and general raving of Muse being fantastical at the gig :D


I really enjoyed queuing with you all, and putting a lot of faces to names. Shawnee gave me sustenance that probably helped me to live through that night... I gave everything I had at the barrier. Loved jumping and rocking out up front with people I knew! Although -- I lost Ducky once we got past the frisking! couldn't find her anywhere and it made me so sad because I had her glowsticks, aka contraband. and we bonded over so many rainstorms and her musebrella! I couldn't get friends to come with me to the gig for the life of me :rolleyes: , so it was such a treat meeting some of you.


Anyone have pics or a vid clip of Matt getting his mike knocked away by the giant eyeball? There was so much awesomeness for me to absorb with my eyes that I didn't catch that :(

I'm actually very surprised of how many people on here really really enjoyed the show! I mean, I know some people are just gonna walk away disappointed but I was expecting a whole lot more of complaining.


I really really enjoyed meeting all of you as well! :) You guys were awesome! I couldn't jump as much as I wanted to due to the fact I slept only 4 hours that night and felt so sick the night before. I have yet to have a full nights sleep. And here I sit at midnight watching Fight Club. (random last two sentences:$)

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You should go back and read the sexyplane, it was hilarious ;)



The queue was one of the best parts of the day for me too! I had so much fun hanging around with you guys and bonding over bagals and ponchos lol

How come whenever I think I got this place figured out I always end up looking like an idiot? :LOL:I really need to stop making assumptions


Btw I leaned over the barrier and saw you and waved. I'm not sure if you saw me or not. If you did, Pinbaby was standing right next to me in the pit :)

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Ok, mini-review time...


The Queue = EPIC.


Easily the best queue ever for me, VA musers <3 We're the best :p


I loved meeting all of you, and I especially enjoyed talking to those of you I hadn't met ever before (daft moron - who needs a better nickname!, pinbaby, matt... and all the ones I'm forgetting :$)


Thanks for the bagals, Shawnee! Thanks for beautifying my sign, pinbaby! (don't know how to spell your name :$)


The rain was annoying but fun, made it an experience! I still can't believe I managed to queue twice in the UK while remaining perfectly dry only to get poured on right here in VA!


The Venue = security was a bit fail at times, but the guys inside were 100x better than the ones in Fairfax, the guy in front of me that night was such a stick in the mud! Catherine was talking to the guy in front of us before the show, so he knew we were all huge fans right there in front of him. He was bopping his head when they played the BiB riff and a few of the other "familiar" songs, and he was quite amused at the timing of the pogoing during TIRO and PiB - standing there with his fingers up for a sec before, then "directing" us like a conductor in time with the music when we started (dunno if anyone else noticed that ;))


Metric = meh.... I'm not hugely into them and I think there sound wasn't that great so I pass no judgement, I personally liked SSPU better because the drummer was fun to watch. Couldn't hear the chick singing especially at the beginning....


Teh My00z = :awesome: I will not lie when I say that I was very disappointed with the setlist. I also have to admit that when he played the first notes to FG and I realized we were getting screwed setlist wise I was infuriated, barely looked at the stage during that one :$ But I got over it because it was a great show and I wasn't going to let that get me down.


Matt was quiet but he was all smiles, I think he was pleased with the crowd... which, btw, seemed to be very LOUD from where I was standing.


Highlight of the show was definitely PiB with the bloon hitting the mic. I so wish I was recording, but hopefully someone got a good shot of it! It was hilarious, he started laughing and just gave up and started headbutting them around and running around the stage, didn't sing the rest of the song!


Aftermath = band meeting fail, security telling us we couldn't stand there because it was private property... even though it's a public university's arena and I'm a taxpayer, so whatever...


Also had massive setlist reciept fail! Came within seconds of getting a setlist twice but all to no avail! At least the first time TripleC got it, which is awesome... and the other setlist was a raleigh one but I didn't even care I would have taken it :LOL: BUT it's was all good in the end because Catherine is going to hook me up later.


I had a sign but I don't think it got any notice (if it did I didn't see it) My sign said "Say hi to the sexy plane" - i so wanted to get you guys a shout out!


I got a ton of pics, including some that are amazing. I'm going to try to put a couple of my favorites up in a few mins but it's late so I won't be able to process all of them until I get home tomorrow night...


one last note - i loved the gig, but I wish I had been able to go to raleigh! If it had been on 2 days before instead of 1 day before, I would have so been there, but it just wasn't doable because I couldn't queue twice in a row and I MUST queue for any gig when muse is in my home state... so, not saying I wanted to miss this gig, just that I wish I had gone to both!


I'm sure I'll post more as I remember details etc :$

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I'm actually very surprised of how many people on here really really enjoyed the show! I mean, I know some people are just gonna walk away disappointed but I was expecting a whole lot more of complaining.


I really really enjoyed meeting all of you as well! :) You guys were awesome! I couldn't jump as much as I wanted to due to the fact I slept only 4 hours that night and felt so sick the night before. I have yet to have a full nights sleep. And here I sit at midnight watching Fight Club. (random last two sentences:$)

I wasn't very jumpy either, I tend to bounce more, like so I'm going up and down but my toes are always on the ground :chuckle:


How come whenever I think I got this place figured out I always end up looking like an idiot? :LOL:I really need to stop making assumptions

eh, it was a fairly safe bet to make - I was figuring there'd be beef in here from the people who weren't at the gig, especially when I saw some of the predictions of awesomeness :chuckle: I'm glad the people at the gig didn't b33f too much, just some of the normal disappointment...


Btw I leaned over the barrier and saw you and waved. I'm not sure if you saw me or not. If you did, Pinbaby was standing right next to me in the pit :)


AHA! I didn't see her, but I did see you wave, did I not wave back? I was so out of it I probably failed to :$ I'm glad you were able to get such a good spot! It was nice to look down the barrier and see so many familiar faces from the queue. At the 2 shows I queued for in the spring security stupidity lead to a lot of randomers being at the barrier... but this time it seems like all the people who were there early got good spots :)

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I wasn't very jumpy either, I tend to bounce more, like so I'm going up and down but my toes are always on the ground :chuckle:



eh, it was a fairly safe bet to make - I was figuring there'd be beef in here from the people who weren't at the gig, especially when I saw some of the predictions of awesomeness :chuckle: I'm glad the people at the gig didn't b33f too much, just some of the normal disappointment...



AHA! I didn't see her, but I did see you wave, did I not wave back? I was so out of it I probably failed to :$ I'm glad you were able to get such a good spot! It was nice to look down the barrier and see so many familiar faces from the queue. At the 2 shows I queued for in the spring security stupidity lead to a lot of randomers being at the barrier... but this time it seems like all the people who were there early got good spots :)

I don't know about anyone else but my calves burn, my voice is shot, I have bruises all over my body (thanks KoC!!) but it was totally worth it.


I'm not sure where the "lack of energy" argument comes from, I thought they had a LOT of energy, especially during KoC when the crowd really got into it. I'll admit, some sections of the crowd were lackluster, but myself and my group of 7 friends were CRAZY, probably thanks to a little help from my friend Jack Daniels, who, alas, had to be abandoned prior to entry.


Yeah, I wish a few rarities had been pulled out (I was practically BEGGING for CE after Nishe) but I can never complain because I've never been disappointed going to a Muse show.


I hope everyone enjoyed Charlottesville overall, it's a great school and I'm glad to still be living here.

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Ok, i'm posting like eleventy billion times in a row, but a) i haz a lot to say :p, b) there's time in between the posts and c) i'd totally be getting smacked by the board for excessive smiley usage if I tried to post everything at once :LOL:


Just glanced thru my pics and chose a couple to put up here for now, I'll go thru them properly tomorrow and get them stuck up in an album somewhere, I'll post the link when I do.. but a couple of these are too good not to share immediately....


I tried to pick at least one pic of each of the guys to post tonight, but i had a hard time getting pics of Dom... I may have some goodies in there, but I didn't see any with my quick glance through.


I took just under 600 pics (and this is without using burst mode :$ all manual all the way, baby), and probably a good 580 of them are Matt :LOL: (unapologetic fangirl :phu:) Then Chris is my second go-to for pics... and Dom... well.... it's not my fault I can't get good pics of him... it's his :p


Anyway... here's the pics...







My sign - but I just noticed this was taken before pinbaby finished beautifying it! I'll have to see if I have a better one from later on!












I guess people didn't see it, but I tweeted during the show that I consider helsinki jam to be my "time to try to get a good bum shot of Chris" song - consider this picture proof of a mission accomplished!




This pic is so great... you'd think I'd planned it with how well framed the whole thing is... one of my favorite gig pics ever...




This pic is my other fav of the night - when I took the pic and glanced down at my camera I actually said OH MY GOD out loud right there during the gig :LOL:




chilled matt is chillin'









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I wasn't very jumpy either, I tend to bounce more, like so I'm going up and down but my toes are always on the ground :chuckle:



eh, it was a fairly safe bet to make - I was figuring there'd be beef in here from the people who weren't at the gig, especially when I saw some of the predictions of awesomeness :chuckle: I'm glad the people at the gig didn't b33f too much, just some of the normal disappointment...



AHA! I didn't see her, but I did see you wave, did I not wave back? I was so out of it I probably failed to :$ I'm glad you were able to get such a good spot! It was nice to look down the barrier and see so many familiar faces from the queue. At the 2 shows I queued for in the spring security stupidity lead to a lot of randomers being at the barrier... but this time it seems like all the people who were there early got good spots :)

Yay for bouncing! :awesome:

I honestly can't remember if you waved or not :LOL: I wanna say that you did, but I'm so tired right now I can't recall. I'm pretty sure you did though :)

I was really happy for you guys to get barrier since you lined up so early! You really did deserve it :) . I'm still in shock I manged to get center barrier! :D


HOLY CRAP Ducky those pictures are awesome!!!! :eek:

Would you care if I saved them on my computer or do you not like people doing that? :$

I really, really need to get me that Lumix camera! *writes on Christmas list*

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