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OK I just got here...and i don't understand a word of this. But I don't think they played anything too out of the ordinary, right? I wasn't gonna check, since I almost made it to this show and didn't want to see what I missed, but I couldn't help it.


15 songs. Nothing special. Weakest setlist of the tour to close the arena show.


Fo' rizzle

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We are the Univizzle


Map of the Problemizzle

New Bizzle

Supermizzle Blackhizzle


Star-Spizzle Bizzle/Interlizzle/Hysterizzle/Back in Blizzle Outrizzle

Nizzle/United Stizzle of Eurizzle

Fizzle Gizzle

Helsinkizzle Jizzle/Undisclizzle Dizzles

Hizzle of the Rizzle Sizzle Intrizzle/Tizzle is Rizzle Outizzle


Plug in Bizzle


Exogenizzle Symphonizzle Partizzle 1 : Overturizzle

Stockhizzle Syndrizzle

Man with a Harmizzle/Knizzles of Cydizzle


Nothing too specializzle.



There is a hizzle in New Orlizzle

They caaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the riiiiiizzling siiiiiizzle

And it's beeeeeeen the ruizzle of many a poor bizzle

and Gizzle, I know I'm wizzle


It's a good thing I'm not drinking anything right now.

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The energy at this concert was enough to make it an amazing concert, even if the setlist was the norm. The crowd was AMAZING and insane. I got injured many times. Some guy headbutted the back of my head during the beginning of New Born, I'm pretty sure I have his teeth imprints on the back of my scalp. Plus, yes my ankles are so swollen and hurt so much it's unreal. I think I really did something to them, they shouldn't hurt THIS much. It's excruciating.


Was worth standing in the rain all morning, and meeting all the wonderful people today.

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Ok I was able to get the whole show again. Was in a bad spot so not my greatest work compared to my other videos but I'm uploading as we speak, plus a new camera trying to figure it out, youtube acting slow processing my videos.




I'll get these uploaded tonight and then off to new orleans for voodoo fest. I'll be sure to get better video in NO. I'm always paranoid recording at John Paul Jones arena with tight security. But it wasn't too bad tonight I just had too many people in my way and didn't have a good site line. Enjoy all.

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Boring, short setlist. You know what? I don't care! That was possibly the best show I have ever seen. the energy was incredible! The crowd was amazing! Even as I realized we weren't going to get anything special at all, I was having the time of my life.


I had high expectations, and they delivered.


Plus, they did MOtP :awesome:

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Ok I was able to get the whole show again. Was in a bad spot so not my greatest work compared to my other videos but I'm uploading as we speak, plus a new camera trying to figure it out, youtube acting slow processing my videos.




I'll get these uploaded tonight and then off to new orleans for voodoo fest. I'll be sure to get better video in NO. I'm always paranoid recording at John Paul Jones arena with tight security. But it wasn't too bad tonight I just had too many people in my way and didn't have a good site line. Enjoy all.


Thanks for the video :)

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You got some pretty good pics matt! Sorry your ankles are killing :(


I really enjoyed tonight... there was good energy in the pit, and the crowd was just pretty mellow in general (no jerks trying to cut up front). Some serious times of bonding waiting in line all day, ha! By the time the gig was over, I was ready for it to be, aka I was satisfied. Not the best one I've been to setlist-wise, but still a wonderful, musetastic time ;)

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Some photos:
























I was disappointed in my camera taking some really meh shots, though I got a few good ones here and there.


OH, no! I should not have looked at your photos! Now I am soooooooo kicking myself for not renting a car to get to this show!


And now....I will NOT go watch the YizzleTizzle videos. (Did I do that right?)

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I heard everything I wanna hear, it was great.. loved the crowd, you could definitely tell they were having fun with us on stage!


Great night, two concerts in two nights, my legs are wrecked to say the least!


Amazing memories though, loved every second!

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We are the Univizzle


Map of the Problemizzle

New Bizzle

Supermizzle Blackhizzle


Star-Spizzle Bizzle/Interlizzle/Hysterizzle/Back in Blizzle Outrizzle

Nizzle/United Stizzle of Eurizzle

Fizzle Gizzle

Helsinkizzle Jizzle/Undisclizzle Dizzles

Hizzle of the Rizzle Sizzle Intrizzle/Tizzle is Rizzle Outizzle


Plug in Bizzle


Exogenizzle Symphonizzle Partizzle 1 : Overturizzle

Stockhizzle Syndrizzle

Man with a Harmizzle/Knizzles of Cydizzle


Nothing too specializzle.


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I enjoyed the setlist. I don't pretend to be a tour manager or anything but they played ALL of my favorite songs and to be honest all of their songs are my favorites but they played ALL of my favorite favorites! I would have been disappointed if they didn't play KoC but they did at the end. This is my first Muse concert.


The venue unfortunately was pretty shitty. We had to walk around almost the entire arena just because we had floor access. They almost strip searched everyone before they went in so we had to head back to the car to unload our airplane liquor bottles.There was a line to get ID'ed for beer. By the time I got in line for the beer I had a paper bracelet on each wrist and a black X on my right hand. Luckily they didn't need to tag my ear after paying $7 a pop for the beer. Of which only 4 max was allowed to be purchased PER PERSON. FOR THE ENTIRE NIGHT. WTF?!?!


The crowd on the floor was somewhat subdued. Not much energy there so great songs lead to AT MOST 2-3 people moving their heads back and forth. Kind of expected more from fellow Muse fans.


Did I mention they played my favorite songs. Won't be attending this venue again. I'd rather hit VA Beach, D.C. or anywhere else. Be a longer drive but worth it.

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I enjoyed the setlist. I don't pretend to be a tour manager or anything but they played ALL of my favorite songs and to be honest all of their songs are my favorites but they played ALL of my favorite favorites! I would have been disappointed if they didn't play KoC but they did at the end. This is my first Muse concert.


The venue unfortunately was pretty shitty. We had to walk around almost the entire arena just because we had floor access. They almost strip searched everyone before they went in so we had to head back to the car to unload our airplane liquor bottles.There was a line to get ID'ed for beer. By the time I got in line for the beer I had a paper bracelet on each wrist and a black X on my right hand. Luckily they didn't need to tag my ear after paying $7 a pop for the beer. Of which only 4 max was allowed to be purchased PER PERSON. FOR THE ENTIRE NIGHT. WTF?!?!

The crowd on the floor was somewhat subdued. Not much energy there so great songs lead to AT MOST 2-3 people moving their heads back and forth. Kind of expected more from fellow Muse fans.


Did I mention they played my favorite songs. Won't be attending this venue again. I'd rather hit VA Beach, D.C. or anywhere else. Be a longer drive but worth it.


If you're going to a gig to see your favourite band and all you're concerned about is buying beer, then you probably shouldn't be going to gigs.

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If you're going to a gig to see your favourite band and all you're concerned about is buying beer, then you probably shouldn't be going to gigs.


Agreed. I can drink beer at home. But I also like to drink beer. I haven't quite found that Nirvana in the spiritual self-righteousness of those of purer Concert Going Personas.

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My mind and my cheese heart are really really sad ATM,

I haven't read the whole thread yet but I'm sure there was a lot if setlist beef.

Anyways I enjoyed as

much as i could. Small, the venue was small but the crowd was just awesome were inwas s least.

Hahaha Matt saw my sign :facepalm: input it up when starlight started and he smiled :chuckle: hehehe my sign :$

anyways, Dom gave Haley his drumstick, and it was right for her cause he was coming to the middle and then he saw her and gave it to her... So sweet :dom:

the 2 guys that are just Muse specific security were Awesome, on Tuesday one came during US I think an asked



many gigs have you been at" and I when I said 8 he smiled, then almost at the end he without me asking, came and gave me a setlist. I will love him for that forever. And the other one, bald and a little shorter, we were talking before and he promised e a setlist so when he came yo gave it to me I told him I had one already so he gave that to Haley :happy:

then at this gig the

fucking virginia "rule" was no MASKs, fucking rules.. I had to ran and put my jigsaw mask in the car... Thankfully they didn't open the doors until I came.

But when we were inside (4th barrier at the 4th gig :awesome:) the Same awesome guy who gave me the setlist the night before came and asked me "where is your mask!?" so I told him... And I gave him the Captain America mask for Chris and Haley gave him the pimp hat for Dom, he laughed and went backstage to give them that.

After a while he came with 2 picks, one for me and one for Haley... And he said they were a "thank you" from the guys.. My heart melted xD


I like metric, but After 2 dys without sleep and coming from Raleigh, shower and go queue

again, I was just too tired and I think I almost fell asleep.. But I tried to put energy.. The deserve it after all.


And then Muse came and I died.. I was si aware that that one was my last gig that I wanted to enjoy it as much as I could. I took hundred of

pictures, Matt mostly tbh but very good ones of Chris and Dom,

I didn't record at all I think... But I rocked as if it were the last day of

my life.

Generic, setlist was generic but i don't care, I had CE in Newark, and RBS and TaB... I love Muse, I love their crew, I love my

Muser friends, I love every fucking Hour that I spend without sleep... This week will be forever between my best

memories... Cheese maybe but if u were here u will undersand.

Now I have to leave... Not much time here but as soon I get to Seattle I'll put everything... And I will those billions if pictures that I have of

all this week.


I will miss my Muse, a lot :(

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Yeah, it was a great show last night. I also hate the venue as it is too strict with everything. Each person with a complete pat down never seen that before anywhere else. I was suppose to fly out to New Orleans this morning but the flight was over sold and I volunteered and got a 400 dollar voucher. So instead of getting to New Orleans this morning I will be arriving tonight and a free ticket out of it. Can't beat that.



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great performance, but here's a math equation for you.




y=Patriot's center setlist.

x=Charlottesville setlist.



fuck arena gigs. I'm going to festivals from now on :\

What a great show last night. The energy from the band was awesome, even the set list was short. I was really hoping for Bliss or CE, but it wasn't to be... I'll just have to go to more shows :D


I apologize to anyone I may have stepped on, I was slightly inebriated and it was a pretty good thing I dumped my flask in a parking lot when I saw the strip searching going on or I may not have made it home. But it made for an AWESOME concert. Especially moshing to KoC.

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Hi everyone, we are leaving C'ville now and heading home. I will write more later, but just felt that I needed to express how utterly amazing last night was. I don't care if the setlist was generic - those guys put 110% into that gig. And Matt was amazing - especially when he got hit with the balloon and it knocked his mic away. He couldn't sing anymore, but the crowd definitely kept it going. There is so much I can say, but it will have to wait until I get home and can properly put my thoughts in order.


To all my planers' - it sure looks like you all had a good time :) I'm looking forward to finishing out the tour with you guys.

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I don't know what people are talking about with the crowd not moving, I was right next to a bloody mosh pit..


Matt actually looked at Dom and gave a surprised/impressed look when he gave the audience a chance to sing in Time is Running Out. And the whole getting hit with an eyeball and just not singing the whole ending to Plug in Baby was fantastic.


We soo killed it in Starlight as well, singing that is.


Everyone around me was crazy and having fun, the setlist played everything essential at a MUSE concert, not many surprises, but I'd rather get every song I know is amazing live then something else just so...

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