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YKYATMW you plan on celebrating the 1st anniversary of seeing Muse live by....

1. Eating a banana with every meal and having pasta for lunch

2. Wearing your Muse shirt that you wore to the concert

3. Listening to nothing but Muse/ listening to the live bootlegs of the concert

4. Watching the concert vids on YouTube

5. Telling anyone who will listen that you saw Muse a year ago!


Today is going to be a Muse-ilicious day! :D

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ykyatmw you plan on celebrating the 1st anniversary of seeing muse live by....

1. Eating a banana with every meal and having pasta for lunch

2. Wearing your muse shirt that you wore to the concert

3. Listening to nothing but muse/ listening to the live bootlegs of the concert

4. Watching the concert vids on youtube

5. Telling anyone who will listen that you saw muse a year ago!


Today is going to be a muse-ilicious day! :D


+1 HAPPY MUSE-IVERSARY!!!! :awesome:

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YKYATMW: You complete a sentence that your friend is saying, mentally, to a Muse song. I forget what songs they were since I was in school, but it sure made me happy thinking the Musey way :happy:


It was like- friend says an incomplete sentence that's also a Muse lyric- I finish it in my head :p


Catch my drift, homeboys? :awesome::stunned::$

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YKYATMW you plan on celebrating the 1st anniversary of seeing Muse live by....

1. Eating a banana with every meal and having pasta for lunch

2. Wearing your Muse shirt that you wore to the concert

3. Listening to nothing but Muse/ listening to the live bootlegs of the concert

4. Watching the concert vids on YouTube

5. Telling anyone who will listen that you saw Muse a year ago!


Today is going to be a Muse-ilicious day! :D


OH HAPPY DAY! :D (but also kind of sad :stunned:)

I ate lots of bananas, listened to muse, wore a muse shirt, and this fur hat i got online because it reminded me of the uprising teddy bears :p


YKYATMW have any of you ever heard that *terrible* song by Victoria Justice? "Best Friend's Brother" Well my friend is a fan of her..so she listens to the song a lot. But everytime she sings it, during the chorus, it goes "BFB!" everyone always goes "BELLAMY FARTS BATS" or something along those lines...always to do with Bellamy. it makes me happy :D

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YKYATMW have any of you ever heard that *terrible* song by Victoria Justice? "Best Friend's Brother" Well my friend is a fan of her..so she listens to the song a lot. But everytime she sings it, during the chorus, it goes "BFB!" everyone always goes "BELLAMY FARTS BATS" or something along those lines...always to do with Bellamy. it makes me happy :D


My friends and I changed the lyrics to make it about my friend's boyfriend's sister who's dating her brother's best friend. So now it's BBF...


Yeah, today is a bit of a bittersweet kind of day. I'm glad I saw them live, but I'm upset that it passed away. Such an amazing night!


My feelings exactly!

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I bought them online, she hasn't actually started painting mine yet, there's apparently a long list.....But I'm still excited!





YKYATMW you plan on celebrating the 1st anniversary of seeing Muse live by....

1. Eating a banana with every meal and having pasta for lunch

2. Wearing your Muse shirt that you wore to the concert

3. Listening to nothing but Muse/ listening to the live bootlegs of the concert

4. Watching the concert vids on YouTube

5. Telling anyone who will listen that you saw Muse a year ago!


Today is going to be a Muse-ilicious day! :D

OH HAVE A HAPPY MUSE-Y DAY!:happy::happy:

now I want some bananas(we've ran out of bananas today) :p

YKYATMW have any of you ever heard that *terrible* song by Victoria Justice? "Best Friend's Brother" Well my friend is a fan of her..so she listens to the song a lot. But everytime she sings it, during the chorus, it goes "BFB!" everyone always goes "BELLAMY FARTS BATS" or something along those lines...always to do with Bellamy. it makes me happy :D




Today we started art project - we're painting small squares and triangles so we make a nice picture - and I'm trying to draw the Resistance cover to make it interesting and finally manage to finish it!(YKYATMW...) I'm posting pics when it's ready!:D

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YKYATMW you can't drive without Muse playing because you panic. :(


Once, my car had broken down in the dark woods(a mile away from a jail and two nursing homes) while it was raining hard so while I waited for my parents to come help me out, I put a Muse CD on to take my mind off the creepy situation.

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@little_mini_nassie: Whoa.


YKYATMW you spent an hour trolling the shops for yellow skinny jeans and sparkly converses and almost cried when you came home empty handed.


YKYATMW you turn around immediately when you hear someone say Stockholm Syndrome.


YKYATMW you have to remember not to spell Stockholm without an e. As in, Wolstenholme.


YKYATMW you force your best friend to listen to Plug In Baby..... it's one of the greatest songs she's ever heard, a masterpiece. :happy:




1. You get super excited when the band posts Twitter pics of them in the studio! :dance:

2. You buy a silver leopard print wallet (it matches Dom's Grammy jacket!)


It's been quite entertaining so far! The Muse shirt allowed me to meet another Muser! :D


YKYATMW the highlight of your day is Muse-related (meeting that Muser and doing Muse-y things)


YKYATMW your teacher says, "Don't waste your time." and you finish in your head, "Or time will waste you."




OH HAVE A HAPPY MUSE-Y DAY!:happy::happy:

now I want some bananas(we've ran out of bananas today) :p





Today we started art project - we're painting small squares and triangles so we make a nice picture - and I'm trying to draw the Resistance cover to make it interesting and finally manage to finish it!(YKYATMW...) I'm posting pics when it's ready!:D


I had to see what I missed on here.

Welcome back PiFB!!!

(someone fill her in please-PM)

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Not sure if this is a 'YKYATM' moment but at Leeds Fest I nearly slapped the guy next to me for getting the order of Origin Of Symmetry wrong but instead I just said "Actually, it's Screenager before Dark Shines :phu:"


My Muse nerdiness escapes sometimes :$

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Once, my car had broken down in the dark woods(a mile away from a jail and two nursing homes) while it was raining hard so while I waited for my parents to come help me out, I put a Muse CD on to take my mind off the creepy situation.

Sounds like a horror film with a happy ending:P

Muse should their own thriller:ninja::awesome:

I had to see what I missed on here.

Welcome back PiFB!!!

(someone fill her in please-PM)

AWW!Welcome baaack:happy:

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