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Agreed :(


Edit: YKYATMW you and a tumblr celebrity (who you might be kind of obsessed with) have a twitter conversation about how amazing Muse is.




Right?!?! When I "Liked" Muse, I was the only person who did. Now there's about 25 people on my friend list that do, including my mother (she's okay though because she actually went to a concert and loved it! :happy: )


Who's the tumblr celeb?


YKYATMW you walk in to a store and you try to find as many leopard print items possible in the place (my inner Dom is being unleashed!)

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YKYATMW you see your friends who "Like" Muse on FB and you think, "None of you guys are pwoper Musers! I AM!" :mad::p


YKYATMW you just wished you knew ONE Muser in real life! :supersad:


I know no Musers. I do have one or two as Facebook friends, though. Not like I'll meet them, though :(

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I know no Musers. I do have one or two as Facebook friends, though. Not like I'll meet them, though :(


Aw :( I've tried so hard to get my friends to like Muse, but after we made that terrible "Population Uprising" video, my friends (at least my closest ones) can't stand to hear the intro to "Uprising"! :LOL: I've tried telling them that there's better songs than that one, but they're lost causes now. Playing that song 50 times in one night can make you sick of it!



YKYATMW you realize that Musers are absolutely crazy yet you're proud to be one of them! :musesign:

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Right?!?! When I "Liked" Muse, I was the only person who did. Now there's about 25 people on my friend list that do, including my mother (she's okay though because she actually went to a concert and loved it! :happy: )


Who's the tumblr celeb?


YKYATMW you walk in to a store and you try to find as many leopard print items possible in the place (my inner Dom is being unleashed!)


Ugggghhhh that just bothers me so much. Copycats :indiff::LOL: I've converted my dad, too!


It's the guy who played Spieling Peter (Dunno if anyone on here's heard of him, though. He's great :awesome:)


I've been meaning to buy something leopard print. Forever21 has a lot of cute leopard pring stuff, so I might stop by there this weekend :)


I know no Musers. I do have one or two as Facebook friends, though. Not like I'll meet them, though :(


I met one on here who's actually one of my best friends. We text daily and skype each other. The only problem is he lives in a completely different state :$

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I get you all too.I don't think I'll ever meet any pwoper muser(unless I meet some of you:shifty: ).I have a friend you likes them and she says she's kinda obsessed and she has 6 albumsbut she knows only the members so I can't have a conversation with her about the jokes and stuff:( Today,one of my friends told me she listened to 3-4 songs and she likes them all very much so I can still hope:happy:

(why I always write so much?:rolleyes: )


Our school is closed because almost all students in the country make a stand for their rights!Politicians wanna change our school system andwe aren't given no books this year so we have our resistance sooooo... YKYATMW the only songs played all day long today is Uprising and Resistance;)

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Right?!?! When I "Liked" Muse, I was the only person who did. Now there's about 25 people on my friend list that do, including my mother (she's okay though because she actually went to a concert and loved it! :happy: )


Who's the tumblr celeb?


YKYATMW you walk in to a store and you try to find as many leopard print items possible in the place (my inner Dom is being unleashed!)


I get you all too.I don't think I'll ever meet any pwoper muser(unless I meet some of you:shifty: ).I have a friend you likes them and she says she's kinda obsessed and she has 6 albumsbut she knows only the members so I can't have a conversation with her about the jokes and stuff:( Today,one of my friends told me she listened to 3-4 songs and she likes them all very much so I can still hope:happy:

(why I always write so much?:rolleyes: )


Our school is closed because almost all students in the country make a stand for their rights!Politicians wanna change our school system andwe aren't given no books this year so we have our resistance sooooo... YKYATMW the only songs played all day long today is Uprising and Resistance;)


There. I'm done. :LOL:

Oh, was I a total outcast there and made no sense? :ninja: Sorry if I was..


Ya made total sense. Sorry if my post said otherwise...I was doing those faces towards your sister's friend. She makes no sense.

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I saw some leopard print stuff a few days ago. Instant Dom rememberance.


Btw I've been without internet for over a week. What did I miss?




I think that because of Dom wearing so much leopard print, I notice leopard-print items more often than others.


You missed this picture being released..... Many funny moments in the LOLz and caption thread (highlight of my week so far :D)


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I met one on here who's actually one of my best friends. We text daily and skype each other. The only problem is he lives in a completely different state :$


Don't you hate that? :(


I actually have a really good friend who lives in another state, she's not a Muser, though. I'll work on that :chuckle:

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YKYATMW you can't help but dance/air guitar/ sing really loud to their songs (when you're home alone of course!) :p


I've done that myself...but I only got through Showbiz and (maybe?) NB and Bliss before my mom's BF came home...so I had to turn it down so he could play his video game. :(



Aforementioned BF lets you design a car on the game so when you paint it you look for a glitter finish and make it red. You could barely even see the glitter so I went with blue instead...


You search for Muse under Free On Demand (R+L is on a PPV channel :'(), and find a free video for USoE live under MTV Free On Demand. Naturally, I had to make sure I was awake and well, and not dreaming. :happy:


You don't get actual money so you are saving up every bit of change you find if, by any chance, Muse should come back to the BAC during #6's tour.


You refer to the new album as #6 and nothing else. (confused quite a few people with that bit too! :LOL:).


Your attempts at learning guitar songs include CE, Exo-Politics, Invincible, Uprising, and Bliss.

(also tried Holiday- *Whatsername* )

They all failed (CE and Holiday the exceptions-they somewhat failed)

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Your attempts at learning guitar songs include CE, Exo-Politics, Invincible, Uprising, and Bliss.

(also tried Holiday- *Whatsername* )

They all failed (CE and Holiday the exceptions-they somewhat failed)


Oooh, you have my attention! ;) I've always been dying to learn to play just one Muse song on piano and guitar, but I'm not artistically talented in any way! I tried learning how to play the New Born intro and Feeling Good on the piano (also Wake Me Up When Spetember Ends, but this is not the proper forum to talk about that!) but those attempts failed quickly. I took a semester of beginning piano and guitar in the beginning of the year, but the most challenging thing the teacher would give us is "When the Saints go Marching In" :LOL: My lonely Jimmy Kane (my acoustic guitar) sits in the corner of my room, begging to be played. If only I had the time! :(


YKYATMW people ask you your favorite song and you have a hard time thinking of one because you have to decide between at least 5 Muse songs.

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YKYATMW my friend and I finally figured out who's the bigger fan-girl! She rambled about how much she knew about Joel Courtney, I rambled about Matt. This is the exact quote: "I think you're pwned." "Yeah, I'm pretty sure, too." I even asked if she wanted me to ramble about Dom and Chris. She's like, "No,I'm good." I'm so proud if myself! :D

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YKYATMW my friend and I finally figured out who's the bigger fan-girl! She rambled about how much she knew about Joel Courtney, I rambled about Matt. This is the exact quote: "I think you're pwned." "Yeah, I'm pretty sure, too." I even asked if she wanted me to ramble about Dom and Chris. She's like, "No,I'm good." I'm so proud if myself! :D



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