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Thankyou ^^ I feel very accepted now

Oh,and didn't welcome you on the forum,did I? Well,welcome Muser:D

YKYATMW they're the reason you think men with British accents are sexy. :$


Me too! Or I just ask them If they like them before I look!






I was in a cafe with my friends and I saw on the tv Muse so I started poking my friend, pointing at the tv and screaming "It's Mu.. Mu.. MUSE!!!!! OMG IT'S MATT AND DOM AND CHRIS!!! I'M DYING!!!!" Then my friends were making fun of me but I don't care! I was just expressing my feelings!:p

:chuckle: That happened to me yesterday.I was checking out some Cds in a shop selling books,DVDs and stuff,and I headed to where the Cds were and started looking for Muse like a maniac! And after 15mins of searching I found BH&R and it was the last one and I was jumping up and down,screaming! I had to explain to my friends why I was acting like that for once again:rolleyes:Unfortunately,I had left my wallet at home and I couldn't buy it!:(

If they have Muse songs, I use it as a conversation starter. I'll say "So, you like Muse huh?" Good way to start talking about music.


Indeed.I used to start conversations like that untill my friend started aking everyone about Muse for me,even though she just pretends to like them.

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:chuckle: That happened to me yesterday.I was checking out some Cds in a shop selling books,DVDs and stuff,and I headed to where the Cds were and started looking for Muse like a maniac! And after 15mins of searching I found BH&R and it was the last one and I was jumping up and down,screaming! I had to explain to my friends why I was acting like that for once again:rolleyes:Unfortunately,I had left my wallet at home and I couldn't buy it!


Woww I found BH&R at the Target my mother works at on final clearance. However, I did not know my current copy was scratched up beyond recognition (only SMBH, but still...), so I passed on it and bought This Is War. Now I have no money left and am begging my mother to go back and buy it for me.

Oh, when I looked at it, the track listing was turned 90° to the left...and mine is normal. Which way is it supposed to be?

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If they have Muse songs, I use it as a conversation starter. I'll say "So, you like Muse huh?" Good way to start talking about music.


Yeah it's a good way to make friends! Last year I was talking to a girl at school that I didn't really liked at the begining and I asked her if she knows Muse and she said that she knows all of their songs (apart from the B-sides) and she likes them!:awesome: And then I found someone to talk about Muse at school!:D Now we're good friends!

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YKYATMW you hear on TV that colorful skinnies are becoming the trend of the Fall and you automatically say Dom started the trend


I think he started the leopard print trend. After he wore that silver jacket to the Grammys, BAM! Leopard print everywhere! :p


YKYATMW you see someone post on their Facebook, "Going to see Dom today!" and you instantly think, "Lucky jerk!" :facepalm:

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I think he started the leopard print trend. After he wore that silver jacket to the Grammys, BAM! Leopard print everywhere! :p


YKYATMW you see someone post on their Facebook, "Going to see Dom today!" and you instantly think, "Lucky jerk!" :facepalm:


It wouldn't surprise me. He's very fashionable!

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YKYATMW you hear on TV that colorful skinnies are becoming the trend of the Fall and you automatically say Dom started the trend

:dom: :dom: :dom:

I think he started the leopard print trend. After he wore that silver jacket to the Grammys, BAM! Leopard print everywhere! :p

YKYATMW you see someone post on their Facebook, "Going to see Dom today!" and you instantly think, "Lucky jerk!" :facepalm:

haha see how the grammys mess with peoples heads?



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haha see how the grammys mess with peoples heads?





I can't even express how many people I saw wearing leopard print this summer!


What's with the :eek:?



YKYATMW you have to be somewhere early in the morning and you're STILL on the boards. (By the way it's almost 10 pm where I live)

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I can't even express how many people I saw wearing leopard print this summer!


What's with the :eek:?



YKYATMW you have to be somewhere early in the morning and you're STILL on the boards. (By the way it's almost 10 pm where I live)


the FB/Dom stuff. :eek: I WANT TO MEET DOM (or any member of Muse, for that matter).


If I met them all at once my head would probably explode.

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the FB/Dom stuff. :eek: I WANT TO MEET DOM (or any member of Muse, for that matter).


If I met them all at once my head would probably explode.



You know it wasn't REALLY Dom! The Dom I mentioned was actually the girl's brother! I just instantly got "jealous" because as soon as I read 'Dom", my brain went to Dom the drummer, not Dom the brother! If anyone says Matt, Dom, or Chris, I instantly think of Muse! Hence the instant envy! I have problems! :LOL:



EDIT:Just realized it's been 11 months since I've seen Muse live! :supersad:

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You know it wasn't REALLY Dom! The Dom I mentioned was actually the girl's brother! I just instantly got "jealous" because as soon as I read 'Dom", my brain went to Dom the drummer, not Dom the brother! If anyone says Matt, Dom, or Chris, I instantly think of Muse! Hence the instant envy! I have problems! :LOL:


EDIT:Just realized it's been 11 months since I've seen Muse live! :supersad:

Oh come on...you know I knew that wasn't the Dom we all know and love. :happy:

Feel lucky you've seen them live at all...:supersad:

It's true. I even have a silver leopard print wallet :awesome:



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YKYATMW you see your friends who "Like" Muse on FB and you think, "None of you guys are pwoper Musers! I AM!" :mad::p


YKYATMW you just wished you knew ONE Muser in real life! :supersad:




Agreed :(


Edit: YKYATMW you and a tumblr celebrity (who you might be kind of obsessed with) have a twitter conversation about how amazing Muse is.

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YKYATMW you print out 7 pages of Muse photos to decorate your binder with! Although when I printed them out, they were all in black and white! :mad: I chose those pictures specifically becuase of the colors!!! Dang school printers tricking me!

Schools are too cheap for color.

YKYATMW you see your friends who "Like" Muse on FB and you think, "None of you guys are pwoper Musers! I AM!" :mad::p


YKYATMW you just wished you knew ONE Muser in real life! :supersad:

I know right??? I know there is one real Muser in my school other than me and one almost-Muser (she is in the stage when she loves the music but doesn't really know the band and the jokes and the history and all that Musey stuff). I do not know the real Muser; the fringe Muser is my friend Wendy.

And then my sister has this "friend" who got all in her face about how much Muse sucks and how much she loathes them and on her Facebook page, Muse is under her likes for music :mad:


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