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School started just a couple of weeks ago and I'm already bored and can't get up at 7.00!:p

Thanks to Muse I can still keep myself entertained!


YKYATMW...you're getting better in spelling certain words in English lessons because of Muse songs and interviews(yeah,now Muse helps you get better marks:D),unless you write "proper" with "w":shifty:


Last weekend I watched Cowboys and Aliens!:p


YKYATMW... you're laughing while watching this film 'cause you're thinking of KoC video:chuckle:

That's what I thought...although I have never seen it. :( I watched the trailers expecting KoC to drift to my ears; no such luck... but they named the town Absolution! That counts for SOMETHING right?

YKYATMW this is your birthday cake:





That is frickin EPIC

YKYATMW you troll your local shops looking for the shiniest clothing possible and beg your mum to let you dye your hair bright red :D

(upcoming halloween party) I was actually considering that but I knew she would never let me go for it... and I am not allowed to buy a wig. So I must settle with curly hair that is brown.

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YKYATMW this is your birthday cake:






That. Is. Amazing :eek:

And Happy Birthday, Muser :happy:




YKYATMW: Your bus seat mate that you barely talk to sees you with your Mp3 player out and wants to listen to some music. I couldn't pick what song, so she picked and then started scrolling again and saw Muse and commented, saying something good, but I couldn't hear her.... Basically [YKYATMW] you want to tell the girl to back off because that is MY Muse :shifty:

Besides... she loves everything I hate... Don't know why she wanted to talk to me or listen to my music anyway. :stunned:

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Some more of the ways Sirs. Bellamy, Wolstenholme and Howard have messed with my head:




You are willing to risk a detention by listening to them in class because you can't possibly go a whole 50 MINUTES without them in your ear.


You drew that.



During long and boring Shakespeare lessons you tap out the rhythm of SBH on your neighbour's desk ('cos you're dardy like that) and when the teacher goes 'What the HELL is that noise?!?' you have the nerve to invite the teacher over and plug in, then laugh like a Matt Bellamy through the whole of the following detention.


When you are doing a sose comic project about the Victorian Gold Rush you hijack the whole project, give your partner a whole week of free periods just so you can give all the miners red hair.


You have an account here and are posting on this thread.


You will only date a guy if he is as obsessed with Muse as you are.


Every time somebody mentions the Muse concert in your city THAT YOU MISSED, you start screaming and sobbing uncontrollably on the floor D:

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YKYATMW You and your friends are playing a game, "Who's a bigger super-fan?" And you're winning. Seriously, my friend Sara asked me when their first gig was, and I was like, "Well, their first big one was in Exeter, but their real first one was Battle of the Bands 1994 (Was it 94 or 92? :confused:) " And she was like, "Whoa." Then I said, "Booyah *high-five*"

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YKYATMW You and your friends are playing a game, "Who's a bigger super-fan?" And you're winning. Seriously, my friend Sara asked me when their first gig was, and I was like, "Well, their first big one was in Exeter, but their real first one was Battle of the Bands 1994 (Was it 94 or 92? :confused:) " And she was like, "Whoa." Then I said, "Booyah *high-five*"


I'm pretty sure it was 94, but I'm kind of bad with years

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YKYATMW this is your birthday cake:






That's :awesome: I want a cake like this!

And Happy B-day!:dance:

KoC Was in the movie?

No,but the whole concept reminds of the video(didn't I mentioned that?:wtf: )

That's what I thought...although I have never seen it. :( I watched the trailers expecting KoC to drift to my ears; no such luck... but they named the town Absolution! That counts for SOMETHING right?


Really?I should watch it again at least one more time...

Some more of the ways Sirs. Bellamy, Wolstenholme and Howard have messed with my head:




You are willing to risk a detention by listening to them in class because you can't possibly go a whole 50 MINUTES without them in your ear.


You drew that.



During long and boring Shakespeare lessons you tap out the rhythm of SBH on your neighbour's desk ('cos you're dardy like that) and when the teacher goes 'What the HELL is that noise?!?' you have the nerve to invite the teacher over and plug in, then laugh like a Matt Bellamy through the whole of the following detention.


When you are doing a sose comic project about the Victorian Gold Rush you hijack the whole project, give your partner a whole week of free periods just so you can give all the miners red hair.


You have an account here and are posting on this thread.


You will only date a guy if he is as obsessed with Muse as you are.


Every time somebody mentions the Muse concert in your city THAT YOU MISSED, you start screaming and sobbing uncontrollably on the floor D:


You're vewy pwoper:LOL:

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YKYATMW the first thing you do when you look through someone's iPod is to see if they have any Muse on there.

I did that with my friend Wendy in class when she asked if she could see myy iPod. I then asked if she could show me her songs. She goes straight to Muse. She has everything except TR (and maybe Showbiz? I don't remember). And I do mean EVERYTHING. I saw PEB, Con-Science, Twin, Host, Coma, and a ton of others on there. And she's NOT a Muser? :wtf:

YKYATMW you scream "Pwoper fish!" over and over again because you're seeing how paper fish fly in science. And your fish's name is Hullabaloo. :D

I actually wrote "Pwoper Fish" with a picture of a fish on the board today. I then had to tell everyone that I spelt it wrong on purpose. :rolleyes:

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I did that with my friend Wendy in class when she asked if she could see myy iPod. I then asked if she could show me her songs. She goes straight to Muse. She has everything except TR (and maybe Showbiz? I don't remember). And I do mean EVERYTHING. I saw PEB, Con-Science, Twin, Host, Coma, and a ton of others on there. And she's NOT a Muser? :wtf:


I actually wrote "Pwoper Fish" with a picture of a fish on the board today. I then had to tell everyone that I spelt it wrong on purpose.:rolleyes:


PEB? But coolio on the pwoper fish. *high-fives*

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Why thankyou ^^ I feel special now


You should, m'dear :D


YKYATMW the first thing you do when you look through someone's iPod is to see if they have any Muse on there.


I do that all the time! I do it whenever I see an iPhone in stores too.


I did that with my friend Wendy in class when she asked if she could see myy iPod. I then asked if she could show me her songs. She goes straight to Muse. She has everything except TR (and maybe Showbiz? I don't remember). And I do mean EVERYTHING. I saw PEB, Con-Science, Twin, Host, Coma, and a ton of others on there. And she's NOT a Muser? :wtf:


:eek: How is she not a Muser when she has b-sides like those that are barely known?!




Pink Ego Box ;)

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YKYATMW the first thing you do when you look through someone's iPod is to see if they have any Muse on there.

Me too! Or I just ask them If they like them before I look!


YKYATMW they're the reason you think men with British accents are sexy. :$




I was in a cafe with my friends and I saw on the tv Muse so I started poking my friend, pointing at the tv and screaming "It's Mu.. Mu.. MUSE!!!!! OMG IT'S MATT AND DOM AND CHRIS!!! I'M DYING!!!!" Then my friends were making fun of me but I don't care! I was just expressing my feelings!:p

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Irish accent is my favourite. :happy:



Ok, so the radio at work never plays ANY Muse (It did once, but that was last year). Today Telstar by the Tornadoes came on. I thought 'Well, if I can't get Muse that this is the next best thing!' :dance:

(If your wondering why this is in the slightest Musey, do some research on Matt's dad)


And today was also the day I was meant to meet a Boardie, but I missed them by that much. :(

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