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You should maaaaake aaaa staaaaand, stand up for oooooonnnneeeee yoooooou beeeeliiieeevvvee!!


Ok ignore that bit, it was the first thing that came to mind. (YKYATMW... :LOL:)

Well our class had the choice of filming our speech or presenting it live. I did mine live. So many people filmed theres that the only people in my class who watched me was my teacher and one student. Thankfully, crisis averted! :D

Prove to them that Muse is the pinnacle of :awesome:!


Blurb from my copy:

'It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.'


Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, cheif city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster, the Thought Police uncover every act of betrayal. When Winston finds love with Julia, he discovers that life does not have to be dull and deadening, and awakens to new possibilities. Despite the police helicopters overhead, Winston and Julia begin to question the Party; they are drawn towards conspiracy. Yet Big Brother will not tolerate dissent - even in the mind. For those with original thoughts they in vented Room 101...

1984 is George Orwell's terrifying vision of a totalitarian future in which everything and everyone is a slave to a tyrannical regime.


It's hard to describe. It's really deep and sometimes complex.

Whatsername, can you help me out here (please)?

I love that book!!!! Altough the end was a bit disappointing..!


Oh,I see!:DI think I've read a review somewhere in the past but at that time I really couldn't understand;it was too complicated for me.But now it seems it's good so I might read it,hopefully in my language(that way it should be easier to understand).



YKYATMW....(I'm sure this had been made b4 but...) you read a book just because it's somehow related to Muse and every insane Muser is talking about it:p

You should read it!

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1. Your day feels weird and incomplete when you don't do at least one

Muse-related thing.


2. You realize how much more you can get done (school-wise) if you spend less time doing Muse-related things.


3. When you almost tell your friends, "That looks like a Zeta!" I stopped myself and said "alien" instead.

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YKYATMW you and your friend try to stump each other with making connections to your favorite thing. Mine was (obviously) Muse related, and the only ones I couldn't do was:


Fake Palm Trees

Double Rainbow (Well, there's Belldom, but then I'd have to explain, and well...my parents were in the car.)

Fake Palm Trees sounds like Fake Plastic Trees, which is a Radiohead song, which Muse is a "cover band" of.

Not sure about Muppets though, gotta think about that.

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YKYADTMW you make Muse-related things in school almost every day.



-Book mark

-Door ornament (or something)

-They had a page on my slide show

-I had to make a setting thing in English class, so I based it off of a Muse gig in a local pub (not a real gig, obviously)

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Seeing as we were on the topic of 1984, this seems appropriate:



The part where they talk about Eurasia anyway. :p


I'm currently repainting my room and was putting undercoat on today. I was told to wash the brushes outside and not in the laundry but I did anyway. YKYATMW you don't want to leave the house so you can still hear Muse coming from your room!



Not trying to be pessimistic, but I think its a bit far-fetched to start this after two people (that I know of) cover Muse songs. You never know, someone might come along and do a Muse cover really well.

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School started just a couple of weeks ago and I'm already bored and can't get up at 7.00!:p

Thanks to Muse I can still keep myself entertained!


YKYATMW...you're getting better in spelling certain words in English lessons because of Muse songs and interviews(yeah,now Muse helps you get better marks:D),unless you write "proper" with "w":shifty:


Last weekend I watched Cowboys and Aliens!:p


YKYATMW... you're laughing while watching this film 'cause you're thinking of KoC video:chuckle:

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School started just a couple of weeks ago and I'm already bored and can't get up at 7.00!:p

Thanks to Muse I can still keep myself entertained!


YKYATMW...you're getting better in spelling certain words in English lessons because of Muse songs and interviews(yeah,now Muse helps you get better marks:D),unless you write "proper" with "w":shifty:


Last weekend I watched Cowboys and Aliens!:p


YKYATMW... you're laughing while watching this film 'cause you're thinking of KoC video:chuckle:


KoC Was in the movie?

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