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Exactly :LOL:

Even worse is that my math homework is actually online, so I can't just step away from the computer....


This place is just so tempting! Thank goodness I decided not to make a Tumblr or else I'd get nothing done (besides posting every single Muse/Green Day- related thing I can find)


YKYATMW... you run out of space on your ipod but you refuse to delete even one of the four versions of Muscle Museum you have on there! :musesign:


I have 4 versions of Muscle Museum as well (3 if you don't consider "Hey You Crazy Kids!" a real version :p)

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Ok,I know that American Idol was already broadcasted in America but....


YKYATMW you see James on American Idol singing Uprising and you want him to be the winner just because he chose a Muse song:chuckle:


I cut out of it the second the drum ppl came in.


YKYATMW you feel like saying "You fuck" after some boy in your class takes the girl behind you's cardboard sign and hits you on the head with it...at least he got a detention...:happy:

YKYATMW you have every Muse single (and album) artwork on a slideshow on your desktop (they are one minute apart).

YKYATMW you put "Made in Cydonia" at the top of EVERY SINGLE PAPER you turn in for school. :musesign:

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Ok,I know that American Idol was already broadcasted in America but....


YKYATMW you see James on American Idol singing Uprising and you want him to be the winner just because he chose a Muse song:chuckle:


Really? :stunned:


When you make a promise right before college starts to give up going on the Muse boards so you can get homework done, and it ends up not even lasting two days...


I know how this goes. It happens to me every freaking year :LOL:

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James Durbin??? (:eek:OMFG) I am rendered speechless...

Do you know what season it was? I need to see this for myself...(I wonder how he did)


YKYATMW you feel like saying "You fuck" after some boy in your class takes the girl behind you's cardboard sign and hits you on the head with it...at least he got a detention...

YKYATMW you have every Muse single (and album) artwork on a slideshow on your desktop (they are one minute apart).

YKYATMW you put "Made in Cydonia" at the top of EVERY SINGLE PAPER you turn in for school. :musesign:

I have no idea but I guess if you search it on YouTube you'll find something.He was good actually:D

Really? :stunned:





Yep.I watched it,i think...yesterday and I thought I was then when Matt is in the audience with Kate but no:p



When you're from Greece but you keep on watching American Idol just to hear Uprising and Matt scratching his nose:LOL:


And when you're keen on drawing OoS cover on every page of your notebook!

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I have no idea but I guess if you search it on YouTube you'll find something.He was good actually:D



Yep.I watched it,i think...yesterday and I thought I was then when Matt is in the audience with Kate but no:p



When you're from Greece but you keep on watching American Idol just to hear Uprising and Matt scratching his nose:LOL:


And when you're keen on drawing OoS cover on every page of your notebook!


I did watch the one when Matt was there. Okay, I watched the entire season.:$ I didn't like James, though. I also hated his version of Uprising.


I just wish Matt would have actually been shown rather than in the background.

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Some of you may remember earlier in this thread that I was using Muse in my English assignment. Well, I presented it today, and YKYATMW...


* You have a hard time picking which photo of Matt you're going to use (powerpoint) :$

* You have a tiny picture of the awesome face in the corner on the same slide :awesome:

* You can't stop smiling through your speech :D

* You thought about wearing your Muse shirt under your uniform (didn't end up doing it) :stunned:


* Your teacher makes your day by telliing you next terms book study is on 1984. :dance:


She also pointed out that MK Ultra is 'so 1984'.

Hopefully bonus marks? :p:happy::dance:


Almost forgot! You also blast out the songs you used in your speech afterwards.

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Some of you may remember earlier in this thread that I was using Muse in my English assignment. Well, I presented it today, and YKYATMW...


* You have a hard time picking which photo of Matt you're going to use (powerpoint) :$

* You have a tiny picture of the awesome face in the corner on the same slide :awesome:

* You can't stop smiling through your speech :D

* You thought about wearing your Muse shirt under your uniform (didn't end up doing it) :stunned:


* Your teacher makes your day by telliing you next terms book study is on 1984. :dance:


She also pointed out that MK Ultra is 'so 1984'.

Hopefully bonus marks? :p:happy::dance:


Almost forgot! You also blast out the songs you used in your speech afterwards.


Sounds like you did a nice job! :happy: I wish I could do a Muse presentation for one of my classes.The closest thing I've done was a paper on Stockholm Syndrome (sorta Muse-related but not enough)

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* Your teacher makes your day by telliing you next terms book study is on 1984. :dance:


My class read 1984 during September of 2009. Same time The Resistance came out. Learning 1984 related stuff while waiting for and listening to an album based largely on the same book. Fun times.

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Sounds like you did a nice job! :happy: I wish I could do a Muse presentation for one of my classes.The closest thing I've done was a paper on Stockholm Syndrome (sorta Muse-related but not enough)

The only thing I've done is one time we had this extremely long-term project, where we make a scrapbook of phases and memories, and I did 2 pages on my Muse obsession. It looks pretty awesome, maybe I'll show it one day.


Some of you may remember earlier in this thread that I was using Muse in my English assignment. Well, I presented it today, and YKYATMW...


* You have a hard time picking which photo of Matt you're going to use (powerpoint) :$

* You have a tiny picture of the awesome face in the corner on the same slide :awesome:

* You can't stop smiling through your speech :D

* You thought about wearing your Muse shirt under your uniform (didn't end up doing it) :stunned:


* Your teacher makes your day by telliing you next terms book study is on 1984. :dance:


She also pointed out that MK Ultra is 'so 1984'.

Hopefully bonus marks? :p:happy::dance:


Almost forgot! You also blast out the songs you used in your speech afterwards.

Sounds awesome! :awesome:


YKYATMW For English, you're supposed to find a theme in the book, then connect it to a real life incident, so I chose the theme of "restricted" just so I could use a quote from TiRO :D

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Sounds like you did a nice job! :happy: I wish I could do a Muse presentation for one of my classes.The closest thing I've done was a paper on Stockholm Syndrome (sorta Muse-related but not enough)


It felt good to talk about him! :matt:

Well, SS is better than nothing! :happy:


My class read 1984 during September of 2009. Same time The Resistance came out. Learning 1984 related stuff while waiting for and listening to an album based largely on the same book. Fun times.


That would've been so cool! I'm just two years too late. :(


The only thing I've done is one time we had this extremely long-term project, where we make a scrapbook of phases and memories, and I did 2 pages on my Muse obsession. It looks pretty awesome, maybe I'll show it one day.



Sounds awesome! :awesome:


YKYATMW For English, you're supposed to find a theme in the book, then connect it to a real life incident, so I chose the theme of "restricted" just so I could use a quote from TiRO :D


Oh, please do. :awesome:

Haha good job! :thumbsup:

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YKYATMW you plan on getting the young couple you are renting a room from for college into Muse (shouldn't be too hard considering they have Absolution!)



YKYATMW you've posted on this thread enough times that you don't have to worry if you got the YKYATMW anagram right! :LOL:


Why does that not surprise me?


YKYATMW you are shocked to learn that the ONLY album your mother did not care for (at ALL) was, in fact, Absolution. :wtf::eek:

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Why does that not surprise me?


YKYATMW you are shocked to learn that the ONLY album your mother did not care for (at ALL) was, in fact, Absolution. :wtf::eek:



Besides my sisters, I've completely failed at trying to convert my family (Mom only likes Uprising, UD, and GL, Dad thinks all rock is evil, brothers listen to hip hop) so I now have some new victims!!!!! *evil laughter*


We need an evil face smiliey!

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That's cool!


YKYATMW you read 1984 BECAUSE of The Resistance! :p


That's one of the reasons I'm excited, because I've already read it. :happy:

I have no doubt that everybody else in my class is tempted to start a book burning over it, because they're guaranteed to find it boring considering their pop culture taste. :indiff:

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I did watch the one when Matt was there. Okay, I watched the entire season.:$ I didn't like James, though. I also hated his version of Uprising.


I just wish Matt would have actually been shown rather than in the background.

:chuckle: It doesn't surprise me that you didn't like him.I just watched it(missing some episodes though) just to hear James' version and to see Matt there:rolleyes:

I wish that too.

Some of you may remember earlier in this thread that I was using Muse in my English assignment. Well, I presented it today, and YKYATMW...


* You have a hard time picking which photo of Matt you're going to use (powerpoint) :$

* You have a tiny picture of the awesome face in the corner on the same slide :awesome:

* You can't stop smiling through your speech :D

* You thought about wearing your Muse shirt under your uniform (didn't end up doing it) :stunned:


* Your teacher makes your day by telliing you next terms book study is on 1984. :dance:


She also pointed out that MK Ultra is 'so 1984'.

Hopefully bonus marks? :p:happy::dance:


Almost forgot! You also blast out the songs you used in your speech afterwards.

Good job! :thumbsup:

I wish I could present a Muse project but I can't stand all those who keep on making rude comments about Muse(especialy matt):phu: Maybe I should though:stunned:

My class read 1984 during September of 2009. Same time The Resistance came out. Learning 1984 related stuff while waiting for and listening to an album based largely on the same book. Fun times.

I haven't read it.Is it good?:D

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Musers rejoice!!! I AM NOT ALONE DOWN HERE...


YKYATMW you are speechless after you are done talking to who is, in fact, another Muser!!! :dance::dance::dance:

She saw my shirt and is like "I never knew anyone else in this school even knew who they WERE".

Sounds like me when I first came to my school...


YKYATMW you set your desktop for every single and album artwork to change every minute (because of this, I had to cover up the SMBH tits).



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Good job! :thumbsup:

I wish I could present a Muse project but I can't stand all those who keep on making rude comments about Muse(especialy matt):phu: Maybe I should though:stunned:


I haven't read it.Is it good?:D


You should maaaaake aaaa staaaaand, stand up for oooooonnnneeeee yoooooou beeeeliiieeevvvee!!


Ok ignore that bit, it was the first thing that came to mind. (YKYATMW... :LOL:)

Well our class had the choice of filming our speech or presenting it live. I did mine live. So many people filmed theres that the only people in my class who watched me was my teacher and one student. Thankfully, crisis averted! :D

Prove to them that Muse is the pinnacle of :awesome:!


Blurb from my copy:

'It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.'


Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, cheif city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster, the Thought Police uncover every act of betrayal. When Winston finds love with Julia, he discovers that life does not have to be dull and deadening, and awakens to new possibilities. Despite the police helicopters overhead, Winston and Julia begin to question the Party; they are drawn towards conspiracy. Yet Big Brother will not tolerate dissent - even in the mind. For those with original thoughts they in vented Room 101...

1984 is George Orwell's terrifying vision of a totalitarian future in which everything and everyone is a slave to a tyrannical regime.


It's hard to describe. It's really deep and sometimes complex.

Whatsername, can you help me out here (please)?

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You should maaaaake aaaa staaaaand, stand up for oooooonnnneeeee yoooooou beeeeliiieeevvvee!!


Ok ignore that bit, it was the first thing that came to mind. (YKYATMW... :LOL:)

Well our class had the choice of filming our speech or presenting it live. I did mine live. So many people filmed theres that the only people in my class who watched me was my teacher and one student. Thankfully, crisis averted! :D

Prove to them that Muse is the pinnacle of :awesome:!


Blurb from my copy:

'It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.'


Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, cheif city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster, the Thought Police uncover every act of betrayal. When Winston finds love with Julia, he discovers that life does not have to be dull and deadening, and awakens to new possibilities. Despite the police helicopters overhead, Winston and Julia begin to question the Party; they are drawn towards conspiracy. Yet Big Brother will not tolerate dissent - even in the mind. For those with original thoughts they in vented Room 101...

1984 is George Orwell's terrifying vision of a totalitarian future in which everything and everyone is a slave to a tyrannical regime.


It's hard to describe. It's really deep and sometimes complex.

Whatsername, can you help me out here (please)?


I'll admit, it's been a while since I last read it. :$ I think you got the important parts though! I might just read it over again.

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You should maaaaake aaaa staaaaand, stand up for oooooonnnneeeee yoooooou beeeeliiieeevvvee!!


Ok ignore that bit, it was the first thing that came to mind. (YKYATMW... :LOL:)

Well our class had the choice of filming our speech or presenting it live. I did mine live. So many people filmed theres that the only people in my class who watched me was my teacher and one student. Thankfully, crisis averted! :D

Prove to them that Muse is the pinnacle of :awesome:!


Blurb from my copy:

'It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.'


Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, cheif city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster, the Thought Police uncover every act of betrayal. When Winston finds love with Julia, he discovers that life does not have to be dull and deadening, and awakens to new possibilities. Despite the police helicopters overhead, Winston and Julia begin to question the Party; they are drawn towards conspiracy. Yet Big Brother will not tolerate dissent - even in the mind. For those with original thoughts they in vented Room 101...

1984 is George Orwell's terrifying vision of a totalitarian future in which everything and everyone is a slave to a tyrannical regime.


It's hard to describe. It's really deep and sometimes complex.

Whatsername, can you help me out here (please)?



It does make you want to punch and kick inoccents at some times though.

I'll admit, it's been a while since I last read it. :$ I think you got the important parts though! I might just read it over again.

Oh,I see!:DI think I've read a review somewhere in the past but at that time I really couldn't understand;it was too complicated for me.But now it seems it's good so I might read it,hopefully in my language(that way it should be easier to understand).



YKYATMW....(I'm sure this had been made b4 but...) you read a book just because it's somehow related to Muse and every insane Muser is talking about it:p

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