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:LOL::LOL::LOL: I might have an addiction to this board (and this thread)! I'll pack eventually :rolleyes:


I'd grab my hard drive if I ever had to evacuate. Along with all my stuff I have almost 50gb worth of Muse recordings, songs, and videos. Imagine losing all that :eek:

If I were to evacuate I'd probably grab my computer and ipod first, and then run to my dresser and pack all the Muse CD's. Cuz I'm very proud of my collection :p


YKYATMW A stranger walks into your room and says, "Hmmm, I wonder, what's your favorite band?" Very sarcastic-like. XD

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YKYATMW A stranger walks into your room and says, "Hmmm, I wonder, what's your favorite band?" Very sarcastic-like. XD


I've had so many strangers walk into my room lately since the house is being sold, and every weekend people had come over to see it. I kept all my Muse posters and related merch out :happy:. Everyone had about the same reaction as you saw.

Also my random picture of the :awesome: face on my wall next to Matt.

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This! I wa watching american Idol and Steven said "Muse" and I went like "OMG HE SAID MUSE!":chuckle: and my mum was like "calm down!You're too obssesed!":$:facepalm:

Once I was watching a tv show with my mum and they put Map of the Problematique so I jumped up, I screamed and I started singing along!!!:D My mum after asking me if I'm ok said the same thing with yours!:rolleyes:


Just watch the old interviews:chuckle:

Yeah I've seen them lots of times and I know they're not that good but still they're my heroes! I can't think anything bad!:p

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Well, I evacuated. The important thing is that my laptop, cds, and iPod are safe (who needs clothes or textbooks? :rolleyes:) I'm back home now( I was in my "college home") so we'll see how things play out this weekend!



YKYATMW you listen to Exogenesis in full the night before a big test to calm you down. I've done it the three times before I took my SATs, and it really helps! I'll be listening to that a lot this semester! :p

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YKYATMW you listen to Exogenesis in full the night before a big test to calm you down. I've done it the three times before I took my SATs, and it really helps! I'll be listening to that a lot this semester! :p


I'll add that to my SAT preparation list :chuckle:


YKYATMW you cannot help but think what would happen if Muse (even just one member) were to show up at your house while your parents are out. Wowwwww...


... +1

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YKYATMW you might have to evacuate your home due to flooding and one of the first things you want to pack are your cds (especially the Muse ones!) Gotta keep the priorities in check! :p


I'd grab my hard drive if I ever had to evacuate. Along with all my stuff I have almost 50gb worth of Muse recordings, songs, and videos. Imagine losing all that :eek:

I lost my memory stick which is full of Mse pics videos and all the songs(+B-sides) when I was on holiday:eek::(

Once I was watching a tv show with my mum and they put Map of the Problematique so I jumped up, I screamed and I started singing along!!!:D My mum after asking me if I'm ok said the same thing with yours!:rolleyes:



This just reminded me my musing!Thanks!:p

Well, I evacuated. The important thing is that my laptop, cds, and iPod are safe (who needs clothes or textbooks? :rolleyes:) I'm back home now( I was in my "college home") so we'll see how things play out this weekend!



YKYATMW you listen to Exogenesis in full the night before a big test to calm you down. I've done it the three times before I took my SATs, and it really helps! I'll be listening to that a lot this semester! :p

I'll need this for the exams this year!:D

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YKYATMW you keep a list on a piece of scrap paper of everything that happened in each class (and on your way home) that you automatically think "MUSE!!!! :dance:"


Full list:

Short 30-second lecture on the nine Muses, where the word "museum" came from, and the word musing.

Eurasia as choice D on my Geography test.

The answers I had bubbled in on the first column kinda looked like the Uprising rhythm from the solo tab.

MM was carved into the side of my desk.

On the way home, some of the clouds ahead of the storm sorta looked like butterflies.



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YKYATMW the band is partially the inspiration for your fashion sense (The good things of course! No LED suits or granny coats in my closet!:p)


Red skinnies. Black blazer. Yellow skinnies. Silver Converse. Wearing glasses on my head (although I think that came to be before Muse).

YKYATMW you dressed Dom-style in those yellow pants and your black Muse shirt, along with the converse and the glasses to school. :dom:

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YKYATMW you cover your assignment planner in Muse lyrics to inspire you throughout the day.


I did that on the back cover of my book cover (since we don't get planners). I wrote out the entire lyrics to Citizen Erased and took snippets from other songs (five from each album).


It got trashed though. I wanted to make a new one (with OOS on the front and the same deal on the back). Besides, I scribbled all over it.

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YKYATMW you cover your assignment planner in Muse lyrics to inspire you throughout the day.


I did that last year with my Spanish folder. I wrote all of the OOS songs lyrics on it! :happy: As soon as I get some binders that I need, I'll be putting plenty of pictures and lyrics on them!


YKYATMW you plan on buying school binders sooner than you originally were just so you can decorate them with Muse-y things!

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YKYATMW the band is partially the inspiration for your fashion sense (The good things of course! No LED suits or granny coats in my closet!:p)


I would actually go to a school dance or something in an LED suit for lolz. Never been to any school dance though and am not really planning on going to one so that idea is kind of out...

In a serious sense though, I like a lot of the shoes Matt has, and depending on the gigs I might track down some of the shirts he's worn.

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I did that on the back cover of my book cover (since we don't get planners). I wrote out the entire lyrics to Citizen Erased and took snippets from other songs (five from each album).


It got trashed though. I wanted to make a new one (with OOS on the front and the same deal on the back). Besides, I scribbled all over it.


That was basically my math notebook last year :chuckle: After my show I wrote "10/24 BEST DAY EVERRRR!!! CITIZEN ERASED BABY!!!" everywhere.


Oooooh that's a good idea :awesome:


I did that last year with my Spanish folder. I wrote all of the OOS songs lyrics on it! :happy: As soon as I get some binders that I need, I'll be putting plenty of pictures and lyrics on them!


YKYATMW you plan on buying school binders sooner than you originally were just so you can decorate them with Muse-y things!


I did that on the inside of my assignment planner last year :chuckle: After our show I went crazy writing CE everywhere!

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