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When you want to wear your old silver Converse again because they remind you Dom! I used to wear them when he was wearing them too but I didn't know it then...:$

I always wanted sparkly or silver converse, and then when I realized Matt/Dom were wearing sparkly shoes, I wanted them even more. But they were impossible to find, except at Nordstrom for 80 bucks. Then I got over it because this girl at my school who I hate with a passion had gold converse. :stunned: how lame am I.


:erm: I still feel somewhat guilty about this but I went to one of those tshirt kiosks in your average mall and had it made (for 25 bucks too...:wtf:). I could not find ANY kind of Muse-related thing. At. All. I was lucky I even found anything in the HMV outside of Montreal. I am home now, so that makes it even harder (although if you go to Hot Topic in Sawgrass Mills you will find an entire stack of Muse logo shirts on a Bliss-like background).

A MUSE STACK AT HOT TOPIC?!?!? I have never heard of such a thing! That's BEAUTIFUL.

jeez, i hate babysitting little kids! every time my parents throw a party, EVERY time someone brings their children and expects me to watch out for them :fear:

new year's eve 2003 i locked myself in our bathroom, read harry potter for about 5 hours, sitting comfy in our bathtub :chuckle:


YKYATMW you refuse to do anything because you're still in post muse depression :phu:

My mom dos that too...She has all her spanish friends over to pray to the virgin mary, or is just having a party, and someone always has to bring a kid, and sometimes said kid is like, 4 years old. You don't even know, I hate children. So I have to watch them and try not to drop them or let them fall down the stairs. Now I leave the house, I go to the movies, or sleep over at a friends house...or have all my friends over so the little kids are intimidated. Or I just hide in my basement. My mom doesn't like kids in the basement. :chuckle:

:eek: FEEL BETTERRRR :kiss:

Thanks, I'm getting there :)


YKYATMW You get in an argument with another Muser about whether Hyper Music is better than Hyper Chondriac Music. (HYPER CHONDRIAC WINS)

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A MUSE STACK AT HOT TOPIC?!?!? I have never heard of such a thing! That's BEAUTIFUL.

I guess they had the thought to stock up on them when they came around in 2007...after all, Sawgrass Mills is right across the street from the BankAtlantic Center. Most of it sold out the first week. Then the leftover stuff slowly trickled out until only those shirts were left.


(this is all just a guess-probably very highly accurate):LOL:

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YKYATMW you try hard to keep yourself from listening to Muse for a while so then you'll enjoy their songs moar:D


First time I saw Muse live I didn't listen to Muse for a week before the concert. It was my first time since I became a fan of going without Muse for a few days, so I was pretty crazy by the end. And seeing the songs live was so much more worth it.

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First time I saw Muse live I didn't listen to Muse for a week before the concert. It was my first time since I became a fan of going without Muse for a few days, so I was pretty crazy by the end. And seeing the songs live was so much more worth it.


I wish there was a gig here in a couple of days! I dont think I can do it again:p:rolleyes:

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It had to happen sooner or later...I have never experienced this because I have never been :'(


2010, i felt your pain..your time will come! :yesey:



My mom dos that too...She has all her spanish friends over to pray to the virgin mary, or is just having a party, and someone always has to bring a kid, and sometimes said kid is like, 4 years old. You don't even know, I hate children. So I have to watch them and try not to drop them or let them fall down the stairs. Now I leave the house, I go to the movies, or sleep over at a friends house...or have all my friends over so the little kids are intimidated. Or I just hide in my basement. My mom doesn't like kids in the basement. :chuckle:


bringing friends over to intimidate them is so much funnnnn! no, really, i hate kids.



I know that feeling. The day after I saw Muse, I was walking around school with this expression on my face :eek: My friends were really worried about me, but I told them about my weekend and they just laughed. They do not understand the epicness I had witnessed!


haa, that was me after my first time seeing them! but now, since school starts next wednesday.. all i've been doing this week was running around in a shirt, boxershorts & bathrobe, eating & pulling all-nighters with a huge amount of muse/chocolate. i don't know why it got so bad after reading, probably because i dont have anything to do anyways and all my friends are still on vacation :rolleyes:


aww it's been almost a year since i first saw them and i still have post muse depression over that day :(

well i saw them at LA Rising, but that post Muse depression is separate from that one


30's and 26's always get to me


i actually scribbled this countdown to reading on my wall, so every time i got up i counted on day to it, now it's worthless :supersad:

to me it's the 19's, 5's & now 27's


YKYATMW you get surprised, or scared (aka someone making you jump up from your seat kind of scared), you take on a bit of a British accent (even though I'm American).

that is ME! i go david tennant on my dog "look at yooou! you're gorgeous! i mean this from the heart- and by the way, count those- it would be a crime, it would be an act of vandalism to WAKE YOU UP. but that won't stop me!"

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I got my Muse t-shirt at Hot Topic.

I got one there. But it doesn't fit me. I just bought it anyways. :$

I ordered one from their online store....still has the tag, I probably won't wear it because it's pink. The other two I have I got from the gigs I went to, but they don't have tour dates on them :stunned:

YKYATMW you stay to watch "Resistance" on your TV even though you've seen the video a ton of times and you are running late to go somewhere.


I checked out the t-shirt kiosk and they can do a shirt for $30! :happy:

What channel is this? I keep hearing people talking abotu Muse on their TV and I'm sitting here looking at On Demand, and occasionally finding NSC. I watch it anyways, that way maybe they'll add more Muse. :) But maybe it's because I live in the states?

YKYATMW you make a Facebook page for Matt's GH5 character.


Oh that was you?! :D

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Accidently found it!! :D


Oh my god that is an awesome suit :eek:


I always wanted sparkly or silver converse, and then when I realized Matt/Dom were wearing sparkly shoes, I wanted them even more. But they were impossible to find, except at Nordstrom for 80 bucks. Then I got over it because this girl at my school who I hate with a passion had gold converse. :stunned: how lame am I.


Thanks, I'm getting there :)


YKYATMW You get in an argument with another Muser about whether Hyper Music is better than Hyper Chondriac Music. (HYPER CHONDRIAC WINS)


I have a pair of silver converse. I got them originally to wear to my show, but now they're my favorite pair of shoes and everyone compliments me when I wear them. Some guy even told me he loved me after fawning over them.


Good :happy:


For me HM and HCM change on my favorites list depending on my mood. HM is my favorite when I'm angry, and HCM when I'm sad.

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Oh my god that is an awesome suit :eek:


For me HM and HCM change on my favorites list depending on my mood. HM is my favorite when I'm angry, and HCM when I'm sad.


Courtesy of WTF is Matt Bellamy wearing? blog. :)


Hmm... I'm almost always in the mood for HM but there are a few of those off moments where HCM is the better choice.

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I've tried that too but I failed! Every time I want to listen to music I immediatly think of Muse!


Mmm hmm. All I have at the moment that is not Muse is country music (ew too bland), heavy metal (ew too much), American Idiot (Green Day), Minutes to Midnight (Linkin Park), and 30 Seconds to Mars (This is War).




None of them every really fill that gap I feel when I try to go without Muse.

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YKYATMW you make a Facebook page for Matt's GH5 character.


Since that is one of my keeps,I shall "Like" it! :happy:


What channel is this? I keep hearing people talking abotu Muse on their TV and I'm sitting here looking at On Demand, and occasionally finding NSC. I watch it anyways, that way maybe they'll add more Muse. :) But maybe it's because I live in the states?

It was on Vh1. They sometimes show "Resistance" but usually only once every few months

Oh my god that is an awesome suit :eek:


Isn't it? :awesome: He should wear it to a few gigs (or at least a gig that I'm attending) ;)

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So it's your first day of college, and you're chilling in music class. The tutor tells you that soon, you are to bring in a song you like and play it on your instrument in front of everyone.


You know you're addicted to Muse when, before he even finishes the sentence, you're thinking "STOCKHOLM SYNDROME FUCK YEAH :awesome:"

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So it's your first day of college, and you're chilling in music class. The tutor tells you that soon, you are to bring in a song you like and play it on your instrument in front of everyone.


You know you're addicted to Muse when, before he even finishes the sentence, you're thinking "STOCKHOLM SYNDROME FUCK YEAH :awesome:"


If I was any good at guitar I would play Hysteria :awesome: Are you really gonna do it???

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So it's your first day of college, and you're chilling in music class. The tutor tells you that soon, you are to bring in a song you like and play it on your instrument in front of everyone.


You know you're addicted to Muse when, before he even finishes the sentence, you're thinking "STOCKHOLM SYNDROME FUCK YEAH :awesome:"



That's awesome!!! Hope you do well, maybe get a few people converted to Muse in the process! :awesome:


YKYATMW you refer to Muse as if it's a religion :$

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