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Thank you lovely Musers! I would fly to each of you to give you hugs but my private jet is being repaired right now ;). Sadly, I did not meet anyone :( BUT my American Values professor asked me, "Is that a Muse shirt?" and he told me he likes all types of music so hope is not completely lost! The quest for a Muser is not over yet! :D

Too bad...:chuckle::p

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YKYATMW you plan on wearing your Muse concert shirt on your 18th birthday (which happens to be today) because what better present is there than meeting Musers?:D


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance::dance::dance:


I did something similar today but it was just for the hell of it. Birthday already passed so...

when I finished with lunch today I went out to the benches in the hallway to just sit around. Some random girl walks up to me, says "That's a cool shirt", repeats that like three times, all the while looking around my outfit. Then she walks away as if nothing ever even happened. Then I went back to blaring Hysteria from my phone :happy:.

Wanna see why?

Just to be clear, I wore my silver Converse to school today. I did not have plain black shoes. And those in the picture are my socks.



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Why? Sorry I don't understand that...:$


YKYATMW you can't think anything bad about them...



Well, my username is Whatsername ( What's her name?) since I am a girl. The male counterpart to Whatsername is Whatshisface (What's his face?) Just trying to go along with the Green Day theme since both names are mentioned in their song "Whatsername". Sorry for any confusion! Did that clear it up for you?

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Well, my username is Whatsername ( What's her name?) since I am a girl. The male counterpart to Whatsername is Whatshisface (What's his face?) Just trying to go along with the Green Day theme since both names are mentioned in their song "Whatsername". Sorry for any confusion! Did that clear it up for you?


Oh right! Well I don't listen to Green Day so I didn't know that!:p

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YKYATMW you see Kate Hudson on TV(that usually doesn't happen in my country) and you're kinda excited about that(you know,Kate is kind of related to Muse now:erm::rolleyes: )


YKYATMW you watch Captain America trailer and you immediately think of Chris dressed like that!:p


:eek: I was gonna write the exactly same thing!

And also when you want to see the Captain America movie because of Chris!

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YKYATMW a year ago today, you broke down in tears when your parents bought you Muse tickets for your birthday! Best. Present. Ever! (and I got to see CE live!!!)


:eek: How come I can't get that lucky...all I got was a pair of skinnies and an oversized shirt-i'm not complaining about the shirt (It's implied).


Oh nevermind I know why. The first (and last) gig they had at the BAC was in 2007. It's in my keeps and I've never even seen the show (I was not a Muser at the time). Would have gone to Lolla but I was in Canada. Pity.

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My last birthday was probably the strangest yet. I got a Portal cake, I was going to get Random 1-8 and ended up getting some anime CD instead 10 days later :wtf:, one of my friends did loud yelling while taking a piss in my bathroom, and some other stuff.

Next birthday my friends said they'll probably make those OoS cupcakes. If they go through with that it'll be :awesome:. I should see how much more muser stuff I could incorporate into it.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance::dance::dance:


I did something similar today but it was just for the hell of it. Birthday already passed so...

when I finished with lunch today I went out to the benches in the hallway to just sit around. Some random girl walks up to me, says "That's a cool shirt", repeats that like three times, all the while looking around my outfit. Then she walks away as if nothing ever even happened. Then I went back to blaring Hysteria from my phone :happy:.

Wanna see why?

Just to be clear, I wore my silver Converse to school today. I did not have plain black shoes. And those in the picture are my socks.




This was so f*ing pwoper...

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