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They're coming for you. :p


Oh shit...The fangirls are coming...I can hear them already... :stunned::LOL:


I get that people have different tastes in music but those people who won't even give them a chance just bug me...Most of the time I just find it hilarious when someone goes "Muse is so Top 40" and such. But anywhooo,


YKYATMW You can't help but be all AWWWW at the picture of Bing, even though you hate kids-especially when they're just born and look like a potato.

Really look at a baby it looks like a potato.



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-When you use your coupon for a free photobook not on graduation pictures or photos of friends and family, but the photos you took at a Muse gig :LOL: Oh, and when you then spend the next several days after it arrives in the mail obsessively looking at it and showing anyone who will look :LOL:


-When you cry like an idiot over something Muse-related two weeks after it happens, simply because something you read reminded you of it... :$:facepalm:(It's a long story. Well, not that long, but long enough that I don't wanna waste space on this thread explaining it haha)


:LOL: I need therapy.

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Well i still kinda like it but i sorta lost interest...and gh6 is what got me into Muse, NOT twilight...


When I read the books, I always saw how the author would thank Muse, but I never got around to checking them out until the summer of 2008, when they were supposed to be in the Twilight soundtrack. I checked out some of their live performance vids on YouTube and was sooo impressed (still am!) By then, my interest in the book was already dying and my Muse obsession was just about to be created. My friends even made me go see the movie and I was singing SMBH really loud in the theatre! :LOL: A few months later, I ditch my former favorite band and become addicted to Muse!


And that's my Muse conversion story! :p


EDIT: :eek: HOLY CRAP I ALMOST FORGOT!!! YKYATMW it's been a year since you've become a boardie!!! :LOL::party::dance:

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Same. Watching the movies made me realize how stupid the whole plot is too.

Yupp. But I didn't find Muse through Twilight...and really, I don't see what the big deal is about Musers who found them through Twilight. Get all pissed off if they only like SMBH or NSC, sure. But if the books actually converted them into being a real fan, who gives a flying fuck!? This whole hipster "I liked them before Twilight" thing, kind of bugs me sometimes :p

when you want your birthday cake to look like Matt's chrome glitterati...would that even be edible?

:eek THAT WOULD BE SO AMAZING. Or even what if it was SHAPED like the Glitterati? oh, that would be insane. But I am not permitted a cake with a fandom on it...Cuz well, I'm going to "grow out of it". (Now is where I point out that my favorite show has been canceled for 5 years and I still watch it)

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Yupp. But I didn't find Muse through Twilight...and really, I don't see what the big deal is about Musers who found them through Twilight. Get all pissed off if they only like SMBH or NSC, sure. But if the books actually converted them into being a real fan, who gives a flying fuck!? This whole hipster "I liked them before Twilight" thing, kind of bugs me sometimes :p



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When I read the books, I always saw how the author would thank Muse, but I never got around to checking them out until the summer of 2008, when they were supposed to be in the Twilight soundtrack. I checked out some of their live performance vids on YouTube and was sooo impressed (still am!) By then, my interest in the book was already dying and my Muse obsession was just about to be created. My friends even made me go see the movie and I was singing SMBH really loud in the theatre! :LOL: A few months later, I ditch my former favorite band and become addicted to Muse!


And that's my Muse conversion story! :p


EDIT: :eek: HOLY CRAP I ALMOST FORGOT!!! YKYATMW it's been a year since you've become a boardie!!! :LOL::party::dance:


YAY :dance:

Happy, happy, joy, joy for being a Muser for a year.. and on my sister's birthday :awesome:

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Yupp. But I didn't find Muse through Twilight...and really, I don't see what the big deal is about Musers who found them through Twilight. Get all pissed off if they only like SMBH or NSC, sure. But if the books actually converted them into being a real fan, who gives a flying fuck!? This whole hipster "I liked them before Twilight" thing, kind of bugs me sometimes :p


I didn't find them through Twilight. I found them in 2008 or so a bit before the movie was released. I always hated that hipster attitude towards the twilight-inspired musers, even though I hate the series. Hell, some of them are now bigger fans than the ones who knew them for years. Fans are fans and fake fans are fake fans. At my school most people just seem to know Muse through Uprising and that's it. No one seems to complain about that.


Anyways, YKYATMW your school will soon ask you for mottos to put under your picture in the yearbook, and you spend your time thinking of what line from a Muse song would work well.

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Anyways, YKYATMW your school will soon ask you for mottos to put under your picture in the yearbook, and you spend your time thinking of what line from a Muse song would work well.

"the more cars in the driveway, the bigger twat you become" :chuckle: I wonder if my school would let me put that if we had that thing going on...I don't think they know what a twat is...or maybe they'd google it just in case? hmmm...


YKYATMW You go to Hot Topic with your friend and you're looking at the CD's... (ugh, terrible selection.) But when you get to M's, and see that MUSE is empty, you insist it's because they're so fucking amazing that they sold out. :D

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"the more cars in the driveway, the bigger twat you become" :chuckle: I wonder if my school would let me put that if we had that thing going on...I don't think they know what a twat is...or maybe they'd google it just in case? hmmm...


YKYATMW You go to Hot Topic with your friend and you're looking at the CD's... (ugh, terrible selection.) But when you get to M's, and see that MUSE is empty, you insist it's because they're so fucking amazing that they sold out. :D


Mmm hmm :yesey:

Thats exactly what I thought when they did not have the MK Ultra shirt...

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"the more cars in the driveway, the bigger twat you become" :chuckle: I wonder if my school would let me put that if we had that thing going on...I don't think they know what a twat is...or maybe they'd google it just in case? hmmm...


They might allow that. I've seen some pretty interesting ones from past seniors. In my freshman year though I saw one who wrote "Don't waste your time or time will waste you" :awesome:

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YKYATMW you sit and yell "PLAY MUSE" to some band that was playing covers at the hot air balloon show I went to today


And when you bring your Muse shirt to wear in hopes of finding a Muser


I do that sometimes. I've gotten only one "I like your shirt" and it was in LA.

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