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Guest Bliss272
Yes. It was very fun. (I'm gonna do it again for Halloween, just with a foam Glitterati thrown in for good measure)



YKYATMW you start humming KoC every time you see the trailer for Cowboys & Aliens (although the KoC video features no aliens whatsoever).


The Pwoud Keeper of:

The clapping in Starlight :boobs: (wish i had some)

Matt's silver Converses :matt:


And I made this picture!!!!!!!!!!!!



Haa ha, awesome! Let me know if anyone says anything :) Post a picture if you want. You seem very pwoper! XD Glitterati rules!! I can't take that movie, or Spiderman, or Captain America seriously with all the muse stuff :LOL: Good picture by the way :) Matt!

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Haa ha, awesome! Let me know if anyone says anything :) Post a picture if you want. You seem very pwoper! XD Glitterati rules!! I can't take that movie, or Spiderman, or Captain America seriously with all the muse stuff :LOL: Good picture by the way :) Matt!


:LOL: I don't think It's very easy for anyone to take Cowboys&Aliens seriously...I don't know, it' just looks so ridiculous :p

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Guest Bliss272
:LOL: I don't think It's very easy for anyone to take Cowboys&Aliens seriously...I don't know, it' just looks so ridiculous :p


True. The idea of mixing cowboys and alien is quite ridiculois. Like the Indianana Jones Crystal skull movie. It's just not a smart concept :p

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True. The idea of mixing cowboys and alien is quite ridiculois. Like the Indianana Jones Crystal skull movie. It's just not a smart concept :p


I know. Movies these days are just getting worse and worse...the only reason people watch them is for the 3D...:facepalm:


The Pwoud Keeper of:

The clapping in Starlight :boobs: (wish i had some)

Matt's silver Converses :matt:

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YKYATMW you feel like throwing bananas at your dad every time he interrupts you every five seconds while you're on the computer trying to type this up...:rolleyes:


he will never grow up XD


Matt's silver Converses (should show up in my sig but it doesnt)


It was in the last one :D

It also says :boobs: (wish I had some) :LOL::chuckle:

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I know. Movies these days are just getting worse and worse...the only reason people watch them is for the 3D...:facepalm:


Surprisingly I actually have some expectations for that movie. The name and setup makes it look pretty ridiculous but something about it looks interesting. I think maybe the people involved with it play into that.

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YKYATMW You count down the days till you next see them in concert :)


You haven't? I've been here every day... I guess I haven't posted here in a while. But hello!!! :D Wait, maybe that was sarcasm meaning I posted a lot... Nevermind...


... Lucky :p

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You haven't? I've been here every day... I guess I haven't posted here in a while. But hello!!! :D Wait, maybe that was sarcasm meaning I posted a lot... Nevermind...


... Lucky :p


Since when do concert tickets cost 120 dollars? Like, shit. I'm still in my youth. I payed it anyways. :LOL:

I'm on here everyday too, I just meant you personally!


YKYATMW you're one here everyday :p

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Aha... the 7th one does not have an extra letter and all the letters are there...

I'll give you a clue with the last one: it's the title of a song

And the second last one: It is somewhere they like to play--a more general word

Sorry for the confusion there! Well, now peeps have some more hints on the crosswords :p

Edit: Oh, now I see the quote really was just fine... I just wasn't paying attention at all! It clearly said the word scramble :facepalm:

Right and your stuck on 5 and 11

Five is another song title, and eleven is yet another song title! Eleven is a lesser known one, but not a B-side or anything like that. I hope that helped a little!


Speaking of which, I made another Muse crossword! I'll admit, I don't like it as much as the second one I created, because this one is filled with more absurd and pointless facts. After I read some of them over again, I realized how pointless it would be to know most of these, so I suppose it is for the addicts :chuckle: I had to verify many facts, because I didn't know most of them! So give it a go if you like. If you haven't done the second one though, I really recommend that one first, because maybe you'll learn something more interesting off that one :p

(By the way, solutions have been provided on the third and fourth pages of the document)


Ok, thanks Lupus!!


I can't believe I couldn't figure these out. :facepalm:

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Since when do concert tickets cost 120 dollars? Like, shit. I'm still in my youth. I payed it anyways. :LOL:

I'm on here everyday too, I just meant you personally!


YKYATMW you're one here everyday :p


What!? :eek: That's ridiculous!

Oh... Well hi! :happy: How are you?


I'm on here more than everyday :facepalm: I'm addicted to this place...

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Guest Bliss272
I know. Movies these days are just getting worse and worse...the only reason people watch them is for the 3D...:facepalm:


The Pwoud Keeper of:

The clapping in Starlight :boobs: (wish i had some)

Matt's silver Converses :matt:


Yeah, movies and shows aren't very good anymore. I rarely watch something that is "wow". I prefer live DVDs and music videos anyway...


YKYATMW: When you always hear people speak and think of or say some lyrics, and you reguraly speak lyrics

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Guest Bliss272
What!? :eek: That's ridiculous!

Oh... Well hi! :happy: How are you?


I'm on here more than everyday :facepalm: I'm addicted to this place...


I'm on here quite often too, at least as often as I can :LOL: I understand ya ;)

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Guest Bliss272
YKYATMW you stay up every night just going through this thread over and over and over again...:LOL:


Same. It's 1:20 and I'm looking at this page and listening to music :LOL: Mostly muse....:D

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Worker: What can I get for you today?

Me: Some medium fries and a pack of 8 nuggets.

Worker: You mean McNuggets?

Me: Yeah, but nuggets is the same thing.

Worker: If you look on the sign, the name is McNuggets.

Me: Should I have asked for some McFries too?

Worker: No, they're just fries.

Me: Why?

Worker: Why do you care?

Me: I'm a customer, I deserve to know.

Worker: Well I don't know...

Me: Well unless you can tell me, I will leave this McDonalds with my McMoney and never come back to this McShitHole.


When I did this today I thought randomly of Muse and Uprising.

What did I come up with?


Uprising: The Attempt to Take Down McDonalds.



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Worker: What can I get for you today?

Me: Some medium fries and a pack of 8 nuggets.

Worker: You mean McNuggets?

Me: Yeah, but nuggets is the same thing.

Worker: If you look on the sign, the name is McNuggets.

Me: Should I have asked for some McFries too?

Worker: No, they're just fries.

Me: Why?

Worker: Why do you care?

Me: I'm a customer, I deserve to know.

Worker: Well I don't know...

Me: Well unless you can tell me, I will leave this McDonalds with my McMoney and never come back to this McShitHole.


When I did this today I thought randomly of Muse and Uprising.

What did I come up with?


Uprising: The Attempt to Take Down McDonalds.





I really Mclaughed so much with the last one and I love the Supermassive idiots video:chuckle:


YKYATMW... you try to turn your whole family into pwoper musers no matter what!:p

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MY FOAM GLITTERATI IS NEARLY COMPLETE (just needs some more paint and silver details-will have no strings)


Oh, and when I was taking a nap today, I had a dream I was one of the people suspended from the giant white balloon in the last night of the HAARP tour. The other person looked somewhat bored, banging his head and holding something long. I took a better look, and it turns out Chris was suspended from the other balloon, playing his bass as if nothing strange was happening. (I think people started to notice, because his side of the stage was occupied by the other acrobat). Then everyone started running away the second Matt stepped into the most pit. (??? what was he THINKING?????) When everyone (and I do mean everyone) left, he took a dart gun from out of nowhere and put a hole in Chris's balloon. (He survived). Then he saw me and put a hole in MY balloon (probably thinking I was Tom or someone). I survived. Then, for some reason, Dom starts puking all over the place. I just stood there with Matt and Chris, just watching Dom cover his drums in puke. Then Dom sees me and manages to stop puking just long enough to ask me if I want my forehead signed.


Strangest nap of my life.


(too lazy to tell you to go to the dream thread)

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