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I seem to find muse merchandise and cd's etc in shops that people look for for hours and I find it in seconds :LOL: I can sniff out muse stuff haha :D


When you buy clothes because it looks like something Matt would wear ¬_¬

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When you rush over here so you can post your last post of 2010! :D


My last song is Starlight :)

also my song of the year :happy:


EDIT: and my first song of 2011 is Stockholm Syndrome :happy: I put it on shuffle and clicked play and that's what I got :p

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YKYATMW you were watching the countdown at Time Square in NY on tv (that's where it is, right? not sure) and just before the commercial break, they play a little part of Resistance and you freak out and yell "MUSE! :D"


funny thing, I only turned to that channel about 5 minutes before that :p

I KNOW when anything Musey is gonna happen :LOL::D

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YKYATMW you were watching the countdown at Time Square in NY on tv (that's where it is, right? not sure) and just before the commercial break, they play a little part of Resistance and you freak out and yell "MUSE! :D"


funny thing, I only turned to that channel about 5 minutes before that :p

I KNOW when anything Musey is gonna happen :LOL::D


DAMN YOU AMERICAN TV. And yes, it's in NY. :p

Also, when I was watching the countdown there was a woman wearing blue blinky 2011 glasses and I thought they were Matt's glasses at first! :LOL:

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1- This is my very 1st post of 2011


2- Here in Italy you always hear in new year's parties old versions of "Can't take my eyes off you", and you know you're addicted when you can only think about Muse's awesome version and feel mercy for all those one dancing...


3- You know this year's gonna be the 10th anniversary since you discovered the most incredible and talented band in the world but you still feel like it started yesterday...... MY GOD, CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!


(Without considering that this summer I thought I saw Matt...)


4- Most of the songs your mind plays are Muse's


5- You read all YKYATMW posts and you find out you did at least 2/3 of what others have written...and you just feel like saying OH MY....HOW DID IT COOME TOO THIIIS?! OOOOOH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH....


Greetings from Italy and sorry for my english. BUON ANNO A TUTTIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!

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YKYATMW you were watching the countdown at Time Square in NY on tv (that's where it is, right? not sure) and just before the commercial break, they play a little part of Resistance and you freak out and yell "MUSE! :D"


funny thing, I only turned to that channel about 5 minutes before that :p

I KNOW when anything Musey is gonna happen :LOL::D


I've done something like that before. I just decided to randomly turn the radio on once and Butterflies and Hurricanes came on. :awesome:

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---the first thing you did in 2011 was hear Muse.

---You talk with Muse quotes and try to see if anyone notices.

"i'm so sad!" "THIS LIFE'S TOO GOOD TO LAST!" :p

---(if you have itunes) your top 25 is all Muse. My #1 most played is Starlight and has 371 plays on it! The rest are Muse and also have a LOT of plays, the #25 has 149 :)

---You buy anything that says Muse even if it has nothing to do with them directly.

---You refuse to listen to radio anymore because all they ever play is Uprising. Still Muse, but not as good.

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