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you know when your addicted to muse when........ :chris::dom::matt:


-You listen to their songs constantly

-Answering problems or questions for friends you refer to Muse songs

-You have them as your wallpaper on your phone and computer (home and school)

-You have them as your start up screen on your phone

-When you are constantly making collages on your computer and to put on your wall

-When you scream when you get a happy birthday message of the muse message board

-When you constantly post about Muse on your social networking sites

-When you want the whole Muse discography on CD and Vinyl for Christmas as well as the earlier biography and the DVD tours and every single they have ever made and the Japanese imports

-When in your music course work you are preforming 3 muse songs out of the 4

-When you feel really bad when you miss one of the guys birthdays (only happened once thank God)

-When you check Matt's Facebook page everyday without fail

-When you have a count down on your phone from about 50 days to your muse concert. Just so you know how many days until your muse concert so you can continuously remind your friends.


You know what I think I am extremely addicted....... :$

Oh well GO MUSE!!!! :musesign:

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YKYATMW you want to join school's radio group so that you could play only Muse songs :LOL:(I need to spread Muse awesomeness at my school because i'm the only one there who likes them :ninja::mad:)


Yes! That would be soo much fun. At my school it's only me and my friend who know about muse really so it would be so cool to play some SS or Bliss, Megalomania! The list goes on :LOL:

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When you're strolling down the street in a jolly manner and a ridiculously hot guy wearing a Muse shirt walks by, and you hyperventilate and look like this :eek::eek::D


LOLOL! I've never seen a ridiculously hot guy wearing a Muse shirt, it's been a while since I've seen any guy wearing a Muse shirt actually :( but if that happened to me i'd be like HOLY :eek: WHAT THE :ohmy: OMG :musesign:

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When you're on your way to college and you start playing one of the muse albums on your ipod and even though you get to college the album isn't finished and you have to listen to the rest of the album even if the lesson has started and there are people trying to talk to you :p


Or one I do quite frequently, i'll just start to tap my feet or tap the desk with my fingers then start to tap muse drum beats and then start singing the song in my head and get completely carried away :LOL:

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-When you have a count down on your phone from about 50 days to your muse concert. Just so you know how many days until your muse concert so you can continuously remind your friends.



I did this from over 200 days to go, it drove my friends NUTS! which i have to admit was very satisfying : )


When you still keep the receipts of everything you bought in London from 10-12 September.


I just can't throw them away :rolleyes: I feel a strong emotional bond with the receipt of my Tesco water bottle.


OMG I do this! I have a mashed up bar of museli, yes i bought it because it sounds like muse, which i had with me on the 22th of sept but never ate and last night i finished off a packet of energy tablets which i had on the day, it almost killed me to do it but i was nackered so i had to, ill keep the wrapper though!

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