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I swear these threads get more and more depressing as each gig goes on...


I think I'm past caring. Just expect it now!


I just hang around for a bit because I think it would be interesting to know what was on the setlist.

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And guess what? They've played the two top ones for THIS gig at the previous two gigs, and then inexplicably play NEITHER tonight.




They had no internet connection in Bern and so they couldnt check up on .mu to see which songs won, so they played it safe and played unintended.

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This :D


However i think however much people moan about tonights setlist, we will see C.E and Bliss and the rest, they practised them at the production rehersals, and they wouldnt go through the expense of working out the lighting and visuals for a song if they were not going to play it


You're missing the point. As many people have earlier pointed out, this wasn't a rehearsal and it may be some fans only gig this time round so they won't care if it's played later or not.

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So let me get this straight. Most of you guys are throwing a hissy fit because the band didn't play one or two songs from an online poll on just one of their 20+ European Summer shows and said songs were played at previous shows last week. Ok.

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I'm sorry for those who feel disappointed, however it must be difficult to include more old songs considering that the tour is to promote their current album.

In my case, I go to gigs hoping they'll include some of my favourite songs, but I don't let myself go down if that doesn't happen. I mean, you are there because of MUSE, not because of one song, right? Let that to Twilight fans hahaha :fear:

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:rolleyes: Seriously...you're gonna defend them until you're blue in the face, aren't you?


They said they'd play one or two, yet tonight, they played NONE.


That's not defending them - that is clarifying exactly what they said in the beginning.

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I'm sorry for those who feel disappointed, however it must be difficult to include more old songs considering that the tour is to promote their current album.

In my case, I go to gigs hoping they'll include some of my favourite songs, but I don't let myself go down if that doesn't happen. I mean, you are there because of MUSE, not because of one song, right? Let that to Twilight fans hahaha :fear:


They could just play for a bit longer and fit in a couple more older songs. It wouldn't be difficult.

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I'm just saying be grateful for the songs that you do get, its not like those are played often. Anyway the people at the gig probably had a great time, and I'm betting that a lot of them are casual fans that didn't even know about the setlist polls in the first place.

I'd personally be happy as hell if I got the set that they played tonight.


Ive gotten it a4 times


Except for IBTY, NSC and Unintended.

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So let me get this straight. Most of you guys are throwing a hissy fit because the band didn't play one or two songs from a poll on just one of their 20+ European Summer shows and said songs were played at previous shows last week. Ok.


This happens every time Muse breathe.


Tbh, I wouldn't be utterly distraught if they didn't play CE or Bliss (which I think are top for 11/9), I don't mind them going back on that.

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:rolleyes: Seriously...you're gonna defend them until you're blue in the face, aren't you?


They said they'd play one or two, yet tonight, they played NONE.

To be honest, they did say on the website that they'd "try to play at least one" from the list. Absolutely no guarantee there whatsoever.

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