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I didn't mean to compare flight of the conchords sets to muse's. Just that the scenes where Murray tells them to play more slow songs because all the other bands are doing it or that they should learn dance music make me think of Muse for some reason

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Just thinking about it for a sec. Going through Resistance for fun songs for Chris:


Uprising - same thing over and over

Resistance - verse is just 16ths. chorus just 8ths. bridge and prechorus are fun though

Undiclosed Desires - snore snore oh shit I gotta play some slap snore snore

USoE - Verses are fun

Guiding Light - just boring octaves

Unnatural Selection - must be fun, got the riff and the ocean bit with high high bass

MK Ultra - OK

I Belong to You - Fun

Symphony - just root notes


but then compare this to Origin the "more fun on bass" album


New Born - hand cramp hand cramp

Bliss - FUN

Space Dementia - boring I guess but the octave bit is fun because it changes quickly

Hyper Music - Very fun

Plug in Baby - repetitive but kind of fun still

Citizen Erased - I really like playing this song, don't know why, just fun

Micro Cuts - Boring til riff bit

Screenager - root notes

Feeling Good - its Feeling Good

Megalolmania - Kinda boring


I'm not sure what my point is but it was fun writing this :D

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But I saw the setlist on the internet. :mad:

:chuckle: Oh yeah? Well I saw about 17setlists for this gig! :phu:


Still, to say that "it's just the first gig" is just as stupid. And Muse DID lie to the fans, and they ARE lazy.

I get the "this is the first show" isn't good enough, because all shows should at least start out on equal footing (some shows will undoubtably have better atmosphere than others by the time all is said and done, though, it just will happen)... but I don't think we can accuse them of lying, and I don't think they're lazy. I just think they're focusing their efforts on other things, and because they're not doing the thigs people want them to do, they're taking that as them doing nothing.... if that makes any sense.


I know right? :indiff:


Where's the love?

you do realize you're at the muse board, don't you? ;)


there's only so much chris can do with a song like guiding light...unless he were to bust out in an epic fucking bass solo and change the song completely just for shits and giggles.


maybe he should do. :eyebrows:

Chris is like a foot taller and 100lbs heavier than Matt, if he doesn't want to play GL, no way in hell Matt is gonna force him to :chuckle::p




I actually really didn't mean that, I don't think I worded it well. I mean well Matt gets to entertain himself with singing to. :LOL: They only have one thing to do blah blah *digging a hole* I'll shut up.

I see ;) I just see that attitude all over this board and it amuses me in it's silliness.. I guess people need someone to blame and Matt makes a good target (i mean, tonight he was apparently even lit up and blinking :chuckle:)

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Everyone who went said they had a great time regardless of the setlist...it's not just the setlist that makes a gig tbh

You people are STILL missing the point. With that logic Muse could just ignore the fans completely and just play the same setlist over and over, but now Muse gave a promise to play songs that the fans chose, and then ignored it. Of course people are having a good time, but Muse are STILL lying, and lazy, and could have given the fans so much better.

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Hi guys, I'm swiss and I was at the gig. No CE and Bliss.

Thats the correct setlist http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/muse/2010/stade-de-suisse-berne-switzerland-43d43b4b.html (though I'm not sure whether it was the MK-Jam or some new stuff).

Crowd was good at the beginning, but then it got hard to cheer to crap like NSC, IBTY, etc.

With Starlight they finally got the crowd right until the end. GL had a pompous moment, when colored paper stripes where catapulted into the crowd.

Just shoot with any sort of questions :)

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OK, so everyone's complaining that they didn't hold up their setlist poll deal, but unless I'm missing something, they did: "The band will endeavour to include at least one from the top five in the setlist at each show" ... well, CE was the top vote-getter, and they played it. And maybe we should wait for a concrete report of the setlist, anyway.


Maybe it makes me less than a real Muse fan, but I'm pretty happy with the setlist being reported. I've got some unpleasant shit to deal with in my life right now, so I'm not going to complain because Muse didn't cater to my every personal liking at the ONE show they've played on the stadium tour so far. I mean, hell, I get a bad rep for being a negative person, but even I'm not that negative. I'm still pumped for Wembley.:happy:

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So hang on, am I right in thinking the following; Dom acknowledges that we'll kick off if they don't play the songs people voted for, so they go ahead and don't play the songs people voted for?





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is anybody really surprised when Muse pull the same shit over and over again? Did you guys ACTUALLY think they'd pull out some golden oldies and rock the fuck out? This is no longer the Muse from way back when. i think the more people come to accept that, the more they'll enjoy standard set lists and cheesy productions.

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Just thinking about it for a sec. Going through Resistance for fun songs for Chris:


Uprising - same thing over and over

Resistance - verse is just 16ths. chorus just 8ths. bridge and prechorus are fun though

Undiclosed Desires - snore snore oh shit I gotta play some slap snore snore

USoE - Verses are fun

Guiding Light - just boring octaves

Unnatural Selection - must be fun, got the riff and the ocean bit with high high bass

MK Ultra - OK

I Belong to You - Fun

Symphony - just root notes


but then compare this to Origin the "more fun on bass" album


New Born - hand cramp hand cramp

Bliss - FUN

Space Dementia - boring I guess but the octave bit is fun because it changes quickly

Hyper Music - Very fun

Plug in Baby - repetitive but kind of fun still

Citizen Erased - I really like playing this song, don't know why, just fun

Micro Cuts - Boring til riff bit

Screenager - root notes

Feeling Good - its Feeling Good

Megalolmania - Kinda boring


You say what this is like for Chris but isn't this just you jamming along on your squire at home?

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And to whoever just emailed me, yes I have travelled to see Muse and thats because I get to explore the world with mates. And we have lived on hope that the next gig might be better but it hasn't happened. Casino de Paris was a turning point for me as I found faith in them, this however has sucked that right out. I am not hiding behind bandwagon criticism as I am hugely disappointed with this band from when I first saw them till now. Every gig has been hope.

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Just thinking about it for a sec. Going through Resistance for fun songs for Chris:


Uprising - same thing over and over

Resistance - verse is just 16ths. chorus just 8ths. bridge and prechorus are fun though

Undiclosed Desires - snore snore oh shit I gotta play some slap snore snore

USoE - Verses are fun

Guiding Light - just boring octaves

Unnatural Selection - must be fun, got the riff and the ocean bit with high high bass

MK Ultra - OK

I Belong to You - Fun

Symphony - just root notes


but then compare this to Origin the "more fun on bass" album


New Born - hand cramp hand cramp

Bliss - FUN

Space Dementia - boring I guess but the octave bit is fun because it changes quickly

Hyper Music - Very fun

Plug in Baby - repetitive but kind of fun still

Citizen Erased - I really like playing this song, don't know why, just fun

Micro Cuts - Boring til riff bit

Screenager - root notes

Feeling Good - its Feeling Good

Megalolmania - Kinda boring


If he plays boring music he kinda has himself to thank for that really. Doesn't he write his basslines? :erm:

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Come onnnn, They are Swiss! They climb mountains and shit, so im sure they can deal with a couple of songs not getting played. Muse clearly took this into consideration.


This :D


However i think however much people moan about tonights setlist, we will see C.E and Bliss and the rest, they practised them at the production rehersals, and they wouldnt go through the expense of working out the lighting and visuals for a song if they were not going to play it

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they can do whatever they want, but I´m really getting a bit angry that they don´t take their fans seriously, that´s the impression I have.. I´m sorry for the fans who were at this gig and really hoped for CE or Bliss.


I knew they would do whatever they wanted... but you always hope that they won't.. but not, I will feel teased on 16th in Madrid if they don't play the songs that will have won the poll since I paid 73€ for the ticket...

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Yeah, and how is that relevant to the people who went to this gig? Neither TAB, IBTY or Unintended was in the top5, and they all seem to be songs that are gonna be played for most of the tour.


I'm just saying be grateful for the songs that you do get, its not like those are played often. Anyway the people at the gig probably had a great time, and I'm betting that a lot of them are casual fans that didn't even know about the setlist polls in the first place.

I'd personally be happy as hell if I got the set that they played tonight.

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