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I would Love this stage more if I could actually see the band well


I liked the skyscrapers, and I am not Rageful...Im disappointed :(....I can't see them well and....the setlist is predictable...wow...really now?

it seems like with all the overhead space they have rigged up they would use more of it to project the band on screen. it sucks that all you see are a couple of little white sperm looking creatures bobbing around stage from that distance.


it's only the first stadium gig and people are jumping off a building


that's cause the same thing happened last fall. shows started out short and stayed short and predictable.


Why should the first stadium gig be any different to the last?


exactly. what surprises will there be now? if they aren't prepared to forge the fuck ahead with the setlist polls now, how will they be so later in the summer? :erm:

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I think we should give it a few shows to see where this is going, this was the first one and they may have wanted to get through it without any hiccups, so just stuck to what they know even if they have been rehearsing for the last few weeks.


If there is still a lack of rotation of songs in a few weeks then I think the band have forgotten how to play 'live' as a band and are just looking to provide a show like performance rather than a gig.

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So far, the people we have heard from who paid to go to this gig enjoyed it and said it was great....

Still, to say that "it's just the first gig" is just as stupid. And Muse DID lie to the fans, and they ARE lazy.

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this is the first stadium show people. calm down.


i'm sure we'll here Assassin, Citizen Erased, Bliss, B&H, and Showbiz further down the road.


now if the year ends and they hardly played those songs, then we can bitch and moan appropriately. but for the time being, lets be patient and see how these set lists change about.


No, no, no.


"This is the first stadium show" - wtf? It shouldn't matter whether it's the first or the 12th show. ALL the fans should be treated the same. It's like when we heard the first few TR gigs were a bit of a warm up and by the time the tour wrapped in France they whipped out B&H etc. It's not fucking on and it's a fucking insult to the people (some of who I am friends with) that paid to go to that gig to have voted and didn't get what they wanted because Muse have for sure become lazy, selfish guys who don't give a fuck about the music or those who put them where they are today.

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dom doesn't look bored, more surprised that he's in a band. Chris does look noticeably bored at times. Is it wrong that every time i watch a flight of the conchords band meeting now i think of muse?

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haha ok, that´s right, but I think a lot more people would know there is no "real" reason to complain, we just want to see muse keeping their word and with one or two rarities in the set we would see that they are at least trying!!!

yeah, I agree, it would calm things a bit... i just thought it was amusing - people around here will always complain :)


I just don't get any of it really. To go from playing awesome stuff, to dull stuff.

yeah, who knows... it just gets me the way people always assume that Dom and Chris must be miserable - I mean, they were there in the studio, they recorded these songs, they rehearsed them, now they're playing them live. If they're miserable playing them it's their own darn fault ;)


... but note that I don't believe that.

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Thanks! :)


"only the first", you know, there are actually PEOPLE at those gigs. To say that "they will be better next time" is a fucking joke when you're only sitting and reading what songs they played. People payed to see Muse at that gig, why are they gonna have to pay just because Muse are lazy and liars?


EXACTLY what I was thinking. If I had been at that gig, I would have insanely excited to hear some rare songs. This would have really been a blow. I wouldn't care if they got played a thousand times after the gig I attended. This probably crushed some people for who this was the only gig they'd be able to attend.

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I think it all looks pretty cool... I don't see what the big deal is if CE and Bliss didn't get played... they're sure to be played at the other shows and this show got TAB, I Belong To You, and Unintended... Those are all rarities, I don't think TAB has been played at all this tour yet

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I think it all looks pretty cool... I don't see what the big deal is if CE and Bliss didn't get played... they're sure to be played at the other shows and this show got TAB, I Belong To You, and Unintended... Those are all rarities, I don't think TAB has been played at all this tour yet

The point is...we were ASKED what we wanted played, and they'd play the top two choices. They've not done this. When are they ever going to?

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