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Yes it is



That is not flying, that's roaming, and IDK if i like it...they seem really high and the view may not be nice. They did well with the skyscrapers....but IDK about this


Also the UFO is cool and all, but takes attention away from the ACTUAL BAND playing, too much imo :rolleyes:


No, 'Overture' really, really needed this! ;)

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But she's his guiding light, she makes him feel good, their hearts combine like a neutron star collision and you just know that love is forever. It was all unintended. Matt feels the bliss, but he doesn't quite want to admit it yet, so he's trapped, like the stockholm syndrome, just yearning to say 'I belong to you' but instead he's just going to bury it until he can find his laptop charger and plug in that baby and jam away until he can feel the resistance

yeah, it was probably something like that... but it's a shame if he wasn't erased and that he didn't fade like a deadstar. I guess that's showbiz.... no wait....


Yeah, it does. :chuckle: Probably where he got the idea. No wait, he's been going on about that UFO for awhile. :rolleyes: I dunno, hate to say it, but it looks a bit hokey. I'm sure it would still be cool to see it, but it's not what I was expecting.

i thought the UFO he'd described before was all lights etc and was going to shine on the crowd? I'm thinking this is a new UFO, something they designed as a compromise so that health and safety would let them hang it over the crowd....?

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Okay peeps you must admit, even if you think the ufo is tacky, that was still pretty awesome!

Yes, it may look tacky but overture really has a powerful atmosphere and this really adds to it (even if it is wayyyy to similar to the ballons used in HAARP during blackout)

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it is essentially the same set as that wonderful night in London with some additions. Got to love those boys, they find an idea and stick with it


Seems so.


I'm gonna go listen to Showbiz and OOS in a dark corner.

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