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Pic of Matt with light-up shirt: http://twitpic.com/1tdd0w


blinky matt in TAB-action :D


i love this suit. :LOL:


ha! i asked if they'd wear a light up suit on stage in my entry for the myspace competition. :LOL::LOL:


someone posted a much better quality pic but i've gone crosseyed reading 150 pages of thread this morning so if anyone knows where it is.... cheers

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TaB is counted as rare now too. :LOL: Yeah, it's all about pleasing the new fans. Blind them with lights and OTT stage props so that people would not notice what's missing in the setlist. :D:LOL:


Seriously, what's so great/epic about that pyramid stage as I don't see/feel it in youtube videos? Did it enhance the show musically? I did not the see the pillars in person (not a huge fan of it). I want the opinion of fans who were actually there. It's cool but it looks like because of it (and too much light), I will have a hard time seeing the boys actually playing. I wonder what's the view looking into the stage if you are seated way up there.


The pillars were really cool.


I must admit that looking at the videos of this stage, while there are some shots which make the stage set up look awesome, I haven't seen one where I can actually see the guys properly which is really what I would like to do, even if it is on the screens, so it does feel rather detached. I think the fact that the stage encompasses them rather than being just something for them to stand on and the whole thing being open, adds to that feeling that they're miles away and removed from the audience. The platform thing seems a bit strange as they're cramped together on there with a huge empty stage behind them. Hmm, not sure. I suppose it's the difference of a stadium gig but I didn't get that with HAARP.


However it might be much better when you're actually there and it will be interesting to read the opinions from those who were. Also if anyone has any videos where you can actually see the band properly, please point them out as I would really like to see them.

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Hey there, first post after years of just lurking.

Gig was amazing... I was one of the protesters too. Understand you being pissed off, Deadstar, but I'm definitely looking forward to your vid:D. Great memories. I'm the one with the flower, btw

Me and a few others got into the golden circle for free afterwards:D... I only missed the part of Uprising during which I wasn't protesting and a bit of Newborn... Directly run to the golden circle:happy:


I'm cutting the video right now. I just realized that we might passed by the editiors and didn't even realize it :p LOL


It's comming soon. Yeah we were able to get in GC as well. No probs at all! - For free of course :)

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Chances are of Showbiz, Spiral Static, Assassin etc being played are looking slim at the moment. :(


Otherwise I'm pretty happy with what was played, maybe too much cheese for one gig though!


I sure hope Spiral Static isn't played too much live or i would really consider suicide :p

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Okay, here is for all you ignorant people, from a "hater" of the gig I wasn't attending yesterday.


The stage looked really good, and probably added a lot of feeling to it. And the fact that TaB seems to be back is really awesome, one of their most epic songs. I'm sure it was a really good gig....too bad they cancelled their only gig in Sweden without any explanation, otherwise I might have seen it live too...

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the interview was released at the day of the gig. they even mentioned to have had to learn it again. that's why i got really upset at the end. it just didnt feel right at all!!

about the gig. sound quality was great (especially for this stadium- seen robbie, bruce and coldplay ther before and they didnt get it quite right). a bit too silent, though. from dusk till the end it just got better!

If they had to re-learn it, chances are they don't think they are ready to bust it out fully yet.
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does anyone know where i can find reviews of people who WERE at the show? obviously they're not posting their impressions here.


nobody's who's posting in this thread went to the gig and the things they're posting about can be posted in a million different places on the board.


my god, how i hate muse fans. sigh.

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Okay, here is for all you ignorant people, from a "hater" of the gig I wasn't attending yesterday.


The stage looked really good, and probably added a lot of feeling to it. And the fact that TaB seems to be back is really awesome, one of their most epic songs. I'm sure it was a really good gig....too bad they cancelled their only gig in Sweden without any explanation, otherwise I might have seen it live too...


I really do hope for your sake that they will find another date or you will be able to attend a gig elsewhere. This is something you have to see... You can't imagine it, youtube tells you nothing about how it is inside this show. It is enormous. It's just at the edge where you ask yourself: can anyone top this ever? - unlikely


So for all haters out there: Go on then... stay at home and miss the probably greatest show of our time.

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If they had to re-learn it, chances are they don't think they are ready to bust it out fully yet.

Sorry, but I don't buy that for a second. how long have they had between end of the US tour and last night? it doesn't take that long to "re-learn" something you've written and played on tour several times before

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does anyone know where i can find reviews of people who WERE at the show? obviously they're not posting their impressions here.

nobody's who's posting in this thread went to the gig and the things they're posting about can be posted in a million different places on the board.

my god, how i hate muse fans. sigh.

i've read some on a Swiss forum. posts are in German though.


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Any reviews from the Swiss press been published yet? I want to see professional photos of the stage. :p


If they had to re-learn it, chances are they don't think they are ready to bust it out fully yet.


They had like a month. They're all talented musicians, I'm sure they could just about manage it. ;)

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DEADSTAR;7990556']I really do hope for your sake that they will find another date or you will be able to attend a gig elsewhere. This is something you have to see... You can't imagine it, youtube tells you nothing about how it is inside this show. It is enormous. It's just at the edge where you ask yourself: can anyone top this ever? - unlikely


So for all haters out there: Go on then... stay at home and miss the probably greatest show of our time.

How awesome was the stage when you were there in person? It looks stunning on youtube. :D

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It's typical Muse. They will bring out the interesting songs half way through the tour and then only play them on and off. Everyone earlier gig in the tour gets screwed because they decided not to play them for whatever reason.

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DEADSTAR;7990556']I really do hope for your sake that they will find another date or you will be able to attend a gig elsewhere. This is something you have to see... You can't imagine it, youtube tells you nothing about how it is inside this show. It is enormous. It's just at the edge where you ask yourself: can anyone top this ever? - unlikely


So for all haters out there: Go on then... stay at home and miss the probably greatest show of our time.

nobody's saying anything about the SHOW. The problem lies with the fact that the band DID ask for fan input in setlists, said that they WOULD honour the polls, and have went on to IGNORE the polls. nobody has a problem with the show itself because you can't judge that when you're not there, but you can sure as hell call the band on them going back on their word.

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It's typical Muse. They will bring out the interesting songs half way through the tour and then only play them on and off. Everyone earlier gig in the tour gets screwed because they decided not to play them for whatever reason.


you cant really tell that after 1 gig :chuckle: though if theyve done that on a lot of tours before, there could be something in it :erm:

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DEADSTAR;7989835']If you guys hadn't spammed around for 100 Pages you would have gotten your confirmation, even a review, more videos and pictures. You guys sitting around and demand, demand and demand... But instead you had to downgrading the show even though you haven't seen it. This show was fucking awsome and definitly one of their bests. So please shut your pie-hole until you see it for yourself.


But I can't manage reading so much crap some of you posted. And then still post my stuff.




Nevertheless: As some might know from earlier I was a protester and so were some of my friends.

Yesterday we managed to tape a camera in video mode to the rod of a banner and film the whole thing at the start from the "other way round" - It will be uploaded later today.

thank you for the videos!! :D


I'm sorry, but very few people here were complaining about the show, if you read what was posted.
this person was at the show and has details and things to share! you think he/she is or should be bothered to read 100 pages of inane discussion that doesnt belong here when they've just been to the gig?? :LOL: how delusional and out of perpective are you? :erm:
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