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1.Butterflies and Hurricanes

2.Exogenesis Symphony

3.Space Dementia

4.Citizen Erased


6.Apocalypse Please

7.Take a Bow

8.Stockholm Syndrome


10.Hate this and I'll love you


fury,sing for absolution,megalomania,knights of cydonia,invincible are the 'could easily be there' category, but... oh well.

Someone likes classical music doesn't he ? Bring B.and.H back on the next tour please...

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I think you mean make it more frequent.

Yeah, I know....But they didn't play it in my country and didn't on any broadcasted gigs (like Glasto, Teignmouth, Reading) apart from Wembley. On BHaR tour they played it far more often...Yeah, make it more frequent is a better thing to say :-)

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Yeah, I know....But they didn't play it in my country and didn't on any broadcasted gigs (like Glasto, Teignmouth, Reading) apart from Wembley. On BHaR tour they played it far more often...Yeah, make it more frequent is a better thing to say :-)


Wembley wasn't a broadcasted gig...

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Yeah, I know....But they didn't play it in my country and didn't on any broadcasted gigs (like Glasto, Teignmouth, Reading) apart from Wembley. On BHaR tour they played it far more often...Yeah, make it more frequent is a better thing to say :-)


WAY more frequent :) Butterflies And Hurricanes is the top of my favorites and the best piece of music ever created on our tiny blue planet. My biggest dream is to hear it alive once... and also Cross-Pollination, though I'm afraid that won't happen...:(

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WAY more frequent :) Butterflies And Hurricanes is the top of my favorites and the best piece of music ever created on our tiny blue planet. My biggest dream is to hear it alive once... and also Cross-Pollination, though I'm afraid that won't happen...:(


you want to hear it alive? :eek:

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Actually, we've gotten enough threads banned tonight, let's not go here :rolleyes:


So unfortunate, I'd been lurking that thread for a long while and your guys' off topic stuff cracked me up. Oh well.


But uh, favorite ten Muse songs, even though it seems to change constantly:

1. Sing for Absolution (Full Length US Remix)

2. Spiral Static

3. Glorious

4. Endlessly

5. Megalomania

6. Space Dementia

7. Ruled By Secrecy

8. Take a Bow

9. Showbiz

10. Hyper Music

I'll give an honorable mention to The Gallery, though, because I really like it now but will probably phase out of it.

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So unfortunate, I'd been lurking that thread for a long while and your guys' off topic stuff cracked me up. Oh well.



They did have a point though, we shouldn't post in that thread when we had absolutely no news. Hopefully when they open it up again, we'll be a bit more mature about it :p


haha, anyway, at the moment my favourites are:


1. Knights of Cydonia (live - as cool as the album version is, it doesn't compare to seeing it live, with man with a harmonica)

2. Sing for Absolution

3. Stockholme Syndrome

4. Map of the problematique

5. Citizen Erased

6. Ruled by Secrecy

7. Exogenesis - Don't have a favourite part, and regardless, I normally listen to it consecutively

8. Hyper Music

9. New Born

10. Micro Cuts

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My top ten of the month



Knights Of Cydonia

Butterflies & Hurricanes




Space Dementia

Take A Bow

Citizen Erased



I've never noticed during making the list, but this have a little bit of every album (except Showbiz). That's the reason i can't choose one album/period of Muse.

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1. Showbiz

2. Hyper Chondriac Music

3. Fury

4. Glorious

5. Map of The Problematique

6. Citizen Erased

7. Stockholm Syndrome

8. Exogenesis Symphony: Part 1 (Overture)

9. Sunburn (especially the piano only version)

10. Butterflies And Hurricanes


Nothing really different from the others so I guess I'm a typical Muse fan :D

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1. Showbiz

2. Hyper Chondriac Music

3. Fury

4. Glorious

5. Map of The Problematique

6. Citizen Erased

7. Stockholm Syndrome

8. Exogenesis Symphony: Part 1 (Overture)

9. Sunburn (especially the piano only version)

10. Butterflies And Hurricanes


Nothing really different from the others so I guess I'm a typical Muse fan :D


There's the song I forgot :facepalm:

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I've never understood the fuss about Hyper Chondriac Music. It's a fantastic song, sure, but I wouldn't put it in my top 10 - I keep wondering what it is other people are hearing/seeing that I'm not.

It's emotional, great but simple. And one of the few Muse songs that I find really inspirational. I actually listened to it on repeat when I was writing a short novel with a dark theme.

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Hyper Chondriac Music is Muse doing a powerful song with feeling, and they're attempts nowadays come to Guiding Light....



In no order:

Knights of Cydonia


Dead Star

Stockholm Syndrome


Map of the Problematique


Plug in Baby

Citizen Erased

Space Dementia

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Alright, here we goooo, no order


Knights of Cydonia


Space Dementia

New Born

Plug in Baby


Micro Cuts

Unintended (probably just a moment thing, but fuuark...)

Hyper Music (chondriac and normaal)


aaand Fury, Bliss, City of Delusion, Butterflies and Invincible :happy:

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