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When I saw Muse at the Electric Factory the first time, they made me take all the pens / sharpies out of my bag... I was ticked off since that sharpie was my 'autograph' pen.


Security at the e-factory also made my husband leave his umbrella on a pile outside the doors (I think for a different show) but there was a moment when they looked the other way and he grabbed it back and I stuffed it in my bag....


oh no. Now I can't stop thinking about a crazy aggressive drunk stabbing people with pens and umbrellas at a show.

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Are we sure about the cameras? I called today and the dude said "No audio/video/recording"...basically what it says on the ticket...and thats it. Are we sure about this???


Mom4muse..when u called today..did u happen to ask about cameras?


I'm pretty sure cameras are fine! They were fine for the green day concert I went to there and I checked my ticket for that concert and it says the same thing about no audio/video/recording.

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When I saw Muse at the Electric Factory the first time, they made me take all the pens / sharpies out of my bag... I was ticked off since that sharpie was my 'autograph' pen.


Security at the e-factory also made my husband leave his umbrella on a pile outside the doors (I think for a different show) but there was a moment when they looked the other way and he grabbed it back and I stuffed it in my bag....


Yeah, I'm not a fan of the security at the Electric Factory. The goon who yells the rules to everyone before the doors open is kinda funny, but they're also very strict.

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its crazy what they wont let you take in; I went to see them open for U2 in sept at Giant stadium and they made me leave out a brand new umbrella I just got and there went $12.


every concert that I've been to they usually don't let you bring in an umbrella. or anything that can be used as a projectile. a pen is kind of pushing it though... :LOL:


if you're going to an outdoor concert, like the U2 concert, bring a cheap poncho or rain jacket. Light, easy to stuff into a bag, and doubles as something to hide your SLR camera in. But you didn't hear that last part from me...

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yeah me and my best friend were planning on doing that, but decided we wanted to stay in line, and hopefully wait after the show to try and meet them. :D


You're probably better off just staying in line. They were very very secretive about what's going down tomorrow. All they would tell me is where to go to get my pass, and then said I would "receive further instruction" - so they are definitely trying to keep people from stalking them at the museum tomorrow.

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I can't concentrate on school or anything either :facepalm::awesome:


Work was pure torture today. I am so glad I took the whole day off tomorrow to prepare!


You're so sweet, I can hardly stand it. I want to know what "sweet surprise" you're bringing to the museum! :)


My stomach is in knots. I know I'm not going to get any sleep tonight (like a kid on christmas eve... except i've felt like that since last week!) I've been at work for 2 hours now and have hardly accomplished anything. Looks like I've got a LONGGGGG day ahead of me tomorrow, but AHHHHHH so worth it :D I've been listening to SSPU all weekend to try and familiarize myself with some of their stuff--they're pretty decent. I think I'll enjoy them quite a bit :)


New Born has been my favorite Muse song for years, and I'm fortunate that they've played it every time i've seen them--but I'd trade it out if I could get a little Dead Star added to the setlist. I feel like I NEED to see that song live and in person at least once.


I don't care, though. They could play filip on a loop the whole night (my least fave muse song, btw) and I'd be grinning like a fool. YAY! IT NEEDS TO BE TOMORROW NOW.


My surprise gift is not that big a deal - it's funny though. Dead Star would be pretty amazing. But, you know I'm pulling for Fury - if not tomorrow then in Seattle or in Portland! what's more amusing is what I did to my hair this past weekend for the big event. :LOL:


Hi Kate, How fantastic that you will get to meet Muse tomorrow! I can't speak for everyone, but if I was aware of your situation, and since I like living vicariously through others when something exiting like this happens (ex., Sue), I would not mind at all your running out to get your passes and coming back to your place. If it were me, I would make people in line and around me at the barrier aware of the situation. I would also ask the security guard in front of the barrier if I could possible exit and return over and in front along the barrier. Do you have an email or other documentation to show a security guard, and then they may consider it "official business." If you have to work your way from the back through hundreds of people to return to your spot, them I can't speak for, you may have to tell your story a hundred times to get back that way! Good luck!


Sue, you have a great time at the museum and the concert!!!


Everybody have a great time!


I am certain I will! In case I can get there early enough - when and where are you guys meeting up before the show? I will be wearing my .mu shirt and will be tough to miss - since a.) you saw me in my video and b.) I now have black and bright red streaked hair... so if you tell me where to go, then you can spot me...


That was kind of my plan! To run and get my place and then as people file in around me say, "OK EVERYONE. I HAVE TO RUN OUT BUT I WILL BE BACK MOMENTARILY. PLEASE LET ME BACK IN. I'VE BEEN HERE SINCE THE ASS CRACK OF DAWN." I figure if i have my pass from the people as I work my way back in i can kind of flash it and go "sorry i have to get up there." hahaha. But I LOVE your idea about asking the security people if i can duck back in from the other side of the barrier. Can't hurt to ask, right? :) I'm starting to feel a bit better about it. My friend and her boyfriend are going to kind of spread out to cover where I'm standing while I'm gone so that'll help. I'll have space to get back to... it's just getting there. haha.


Just be very very careful that no one tries to mug you to steal your pass to get back stage on your way back into line!! :eek: Stick it in your bra or something!!!


KoC is a given. with the awesome man w/ harmonica intro!


MotP is a possibility. i would faint if the other 3 happened. :LOL:


Absolutely - Man with Harmonica + KoC is the closer of every show now. MothP is almost a definite I'd say (which is great since it is my fav BH&R song.


TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE THE BEST DAY EVERRRRRRRRRR!!! After my wedding day that is, of course ;)


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You're right, Siouxz, you will be hard to miss. Looks great!


is anyone organizing a twitter list for tomorrow night? i would like my name on it if possible because i plan on tweeting during the show: @patday79




I could edit the post I made at the beginning of the thread to list the twitterers (tweeters?)

That way people could refer to a list that will stay in one place.

Is that ok with you thegodsleepingonthejob if I put your twitter @ there?

Anyone else who will be twittering, post your address, and I will add it (at least until I leave tomorrow morning).

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You're right, Siouxz, you will be hard to miss. Looks great!




I could edit the post I made at the beginning of the thread to list the twitterers (tweeters?)

That way people could refer to a list that will stay in one place.

Is that ok with you thegodsleepingonthejob if I put your twitter @ there?

Anyone else who will be twittering, post your address, and I will add it (at least until I leave tomorrow morning).


sure! :)

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You're right, Siouxz, you will be hard to miss. Looks great!




I could edit the post I made at the beginning of the thread to list the twitterers (tweeters?)

That way people could refer to a list that will stay in one place.

Is that ok with you thegodsleepingonthejob if I put your twitter @ there?

Anyone else who will be twittering, post your address, and I will add it (at least until I leave tomorrow morning).


I'll be twittering :) @HitomiAdrien


Oy sorry thats http://twitter.com/HitomiAdrien

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KoC is a given. with the awesome man w/ harmonica intro!MotP is a possibility. i would faint if the other 3 happened. :LOL:



Harmonic intro!!? Cool, I dont even want to know so ill be surpised. haha im doing the same as last tour... avoiding listening to their entire album so the experience is crazy-fresh-baby-spankin' new hehe

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Oh darn, sorry, my post is on the second page, I don't know what I was looking at before.

That's not going to work now. Sorry, sorry, sorry.


We need pmkin4ever, petrocs, snarkycat, or ChuckDrak to edit their posts on the first page to list the twitterers.


I guess just post your address before you leave so others can pick it up and pass it along throughout the night.


I just saw this.......I would have edited my post otherwise.

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not sure how much i'll be twittering, but feel free to add me to the list



Thanks, I'll add that. I'm trying my best to head out now. I hope nobody minds if I delete my crazy posts :rolleyes: from last night, plus I won't be able to add anymore to the list after this.


Hope to meet some of you there!

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