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Aah, these news made my day! :D I was probably going anyway, Roskilde is fantastic in itself, but having Muse there.. Oh my! That settles it, I HAVE to go, even if I cant get any of my friends to come along. Imagine Muse playing at the Orange stage, words can't describe how great it will be!! :awesome:

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Yup, just looked at their website, they'll be there: http://www.roskilde-festival.dk/nyheder/singlenews/fire-staerke-navne-til-roskilde-festival-2010/


MUSE (UK) er et af de mest ønskede bands blandt Roskilde Festivals publikum. Vi er derfor lykkelige over at have dette hovednavn tilbage – deres seneste koncert i Danmark dette efterår fik næsten ekstatiske anmeldelser. Det engelske band rummer spor af Queen, U2 og Radiohead. Frontmand Matthew Bellamys ambitionsniveau får dog de fleste referencer til at tage sig små og undseelige ud, når først trioen drejer laserkanonerne mod de fjerne galakser. Ofte medbringer bandet et arsenal af lys, som matcher den flamboyante fremtidsrock.


MUSE (UK) is one of the most requested bands amongst the Roskilde Festival audience. We are therefore thrilled to have this main event back - their latest concert in Denmark this autumn got nearly ecstatic reviews. The english band contains traces of Queen, U2 and Radiohead. Frontman Matthew Bellamy's ambition level does however make most references look small and insignificant, when the trio starts turning the laser cannon towards far away galaxies. Often the band brings an arsenal of light, that matches the flamboyant future-rock.
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Wihi, and in Denmark! Been some years since I was there. I know nothing about Roskilde. How does it work? Can you like buy a "dagspass"... only for one day? Or? I don't know about the other bands... Oh I really want to go!


You don't have to stay in the festival area, do you? I don't feel like bringing a tent or anything If I do go..


They haven't started selling tickets have they?

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Wihi, and in Denmark! Been some years since I was there. I know nothing about Roskilde. How does it work? Can you like buy a "dagspass"... only for one day? Or? I don't know about the other bands... Oh I really want to go!


You don't have to stay in the festival area, do you? I don't feel like bringing a tent or anything If I do go..


They haven't started selling tickets have they?


nothing other than festival tickets. no day passes or anything.


you dont have to stay in the festival area, but id suggest it the atmosphere is incredible. its an 8 day festival. and its incredible.

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nothing other than festival tickets. no day passes or anything.


you dont have to stay in the festival area, but id suggest it the atmosphere is incredible. its an 8 day festival. and its incredible.


I just checked,and it seems you can buy day-passes from 1-4 July? Hmm,but I dunno.

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Yeah you can, like most festivals


Yes, their website sells tickets for single days. Do notice, however, that a ticket for a single day costs 850 DKK, while tickets for all 4 (8) days costs 1675.


Ticket info is here: http://www.roskilde-festival.dk/billetter/generel_billetinfo/

and general info is here: http://www.roskilde-festival.dk/praktisk/

all in danish, but you can use google to translate the pages or something, I'm not translating all of that. :LOL:


Now let's see if we can find when Muse is going to be playing...

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