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Excitement indeed!


MAJOR spoiler for Miele and Tee.

Have you received yours yet, Miele?


I looooooove it. Best merch I've ever wasted money on.:)





Exogenesis was so emo. In an extreeeemely excellent way.




@Deb I know what you mean about being stuck in a jam voluntarily! I blast the music so loud when I'm alone, that it's so hazardous to other motorists I think.



Selamat Hari Raya all of you awesome people! Maaf Zahir & Batin. Peace. :p


Nice! Muse thumbdrive = I iz jelouz. :happy:


ok i got my copy of The Resistance! soo freakin happy!!! :D




As if there aren't enough pics all over the net. ;) A bit hard to avoid...I've seen basically all of them haha, so it'll be a bit ruined for me, but ehh I don't really think so. My aunt was right about the Royal Mail box looking like a pizza box, hehe. I love boxsets, and that looks great, and I don't regret buying it at all but...does anybody else think it's way overpriced? :erm: 60 quid is really a lot just for that, I've gotten boxsets for the same price that came with way more stuff, and boxsets for cheaper that have the same amount of things...but oh well, I'll just be grateful I have a boxset at all. ;) Or well, will have a boxset, seeing as it technically isn't in my ownership yet. :supersad: Glad you finally got your boxset Nut!

Noor: I remember making that face and having a spazz attack when I saw the Depeche Mode - Sounds of the Universe boxset in Singapore. :facepalm: The people behind me were actually laughing at how excited I got. :$


Aww, hang in there, it'll be your hands soon in Oct!



Lol did you guys read Matt's random er.. rant/outburst in the forum? Requiring ISPs to pay for certain copyrights and including barcodes in files so the original user will know when and how it's used? *bewildered*


Major LOL @ the tags!


Oh and Happy Hari Raya to everyone! Have a safe trip home :happy:


:LOL: yes!


Selamat Hari Raya everyone, maaf zahir & batin! :happy:

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Lol I think I'm gonna make TL 1980 my ring tone. It has such a groovilicious beat to it :) Uprising is my alarm currently, and it works like a charm haha!


I sent a @TheAtaris over in twitter to enquire, and they've updated saying that they'll be playing JAKARTA! Ahhhhhhhhh. Right now, I half wished it was Bali too, because as I was browsing through the flight tickets just now, my mom saw Jakarta and she immediately gave me the no-go because of the whole "malaysian sweeping" incident going on at the capital of Indonesia :( This sucks. It would've been a perfect after-finals gig for me. Also, to see Kris Roe and perhaps be able to talk to him, that would've been great! Maybe they'll do an acoustic show at Hard Rock....hmmm. Fingers crossed as well :(


Neil Gaiman wow my friend would be ecstatic! He'll probably end up dressing as...the sandmand? Lol. But aren't you heading back to sg in October?


Must be nerve wrecking not being able to take ownership of your box set! I remember going on a short holiday only to find that my Lifehouse DVD arrived the next day and it turned out that it wasn't a very enjoyable holiday because my heart's totally not in it anymore once I found out about my DVD arrival! haha. Hang in there...


:D Nice. My alarm used to be Walking Barefoot, it was lovely waking up to that. ;)

:mad: Screw all those bands only going to Jakarta. :phu:

Yep, for three days, during which there will be no concerts or anything else remotely interesting. Just my luck...

I send all my things to my grandparents or my sister, so it drives me crazyyy. :LOL: I occasionally send things to other people too, but that's not too often, just like once a year.

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I got The Resistance! :D


I'm currently in Kelantan, which I just got here yesterday. I thought it's gonna be a week till i get the album, because I will be back in KL next week.


Then my father brought me to the KB Mall just now. I thought that The Resistance will be here at least next Monday, but just trying my luck, I went to Speedy. But no luck :(


Just before heading home, I came across a quite lousy CD store, which I forgot the name of the store. Again, just trying my luck, I searched at the International CD section, and got really suprised to see it :D and I was 'YESS!'


Then the shopkeeper asked me:


She: Haha minat ke dik?

Me: Aah, dah lama dah tunggu =D

She: Album ni baru je sampai hari ni, stock pun sikit je.

Me: Alhamdulillah =D


Yeahh currently listening to USoE :D

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is it just "the making of" on the dvd ?

i'm waiting for limited tour edition of the resistance. hope they'll make it as black holes & revelations.. :stunned::shifty:


Yup. The DVD shows the making of of all songs in the album. But aside of that, we can see three of them playing together and making jokes, it's really fun :LOL:

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I got The Resistance! :D


I'm currently in Kelantan, which I just got here yesterday. I thought it's gonna be a week till i get the album, because I will be back in KL next week.


Then my father brought me to the KB Mall just now. I thought that The Resistance will be here at least next Monday, but just trying my luck, I went to Speedy. But no luck :(


Just before heading home, I came across a quite lousy CD store, which I forgot the name of the store. Again, just trying my luck, I searched at the International CD section, and got really suprised to see it :D and I was 'YESS!'


Then the shopkeeper asked me:


She: Haha minat ke dik?

Me: Aah, dah lama dah tunggu =D

She: Album ni baru je sampai hari ni, stock pun sikit je.

Me: Alhamdulillah =D


Yeahh currently listening to USoE :D


lavaria,boleh tak ingat balik name kedai yg kamu beli cd resistance tu,aku pun kat kampung aku,padang bungor pngklan chepa.aku cari 4 kedai kat KB mall tak jumpe gak frust betul:wtf:

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Ooooo.... Thank you so much Liz and Nut for helping out with the pre order vids :D


And :dance::dance::dance::dance: I got my pre ordered Muse album liao ^^ so bloody excited when I got it and can't wait to go back home to play it. This album is different from others and Unnatural Selection really sound like old school, babe. :chuckle: Much different from their previous album and undisclosed desires remind me of blue(the band) for some reason. Really got hooked on the resistances and USoE because their combination of instruments is really..........*speechless*...... I dunno how to describe it :$:p

The only problem with this album is that it can't be played on computer and laptops T...T and the album really look like an Europe product. =.= Lol.....






SELAMAT HARI RAYA, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::D

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lavaria,boleh tak ingat balik name kedai yg kamu beli cd resistance tu,aku pun kat kampung aku,padang bungor pngklan chepa.aku cari 4 kedai kat KB mall tak jumpe gak frust betul:wtf:


Emmm kdai tu macam takda nama. dia cuma ada cam logo2 cam BMG, semua tu, Dia kat tgkat 2 or 3, tak igt. Saya pg balik smalam, masih ada CD tu. kat bhagian blakang2 :)

Dkat2 ngan kdai tu ada lagi 2 3 kdai CD, rasanya salah satu drp kdai tu kaler merah, ada poster Upin & Ipin. Tapi tak pasti plak ada ke tak The Resistance. :stunned:


Semoga jumpa mencari :D

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Drpd pakai t-shirt UK flag baik pakai t-shirt with a Malaysian flag eh? :p;) cayalah. kt kelantan dah ada resistance.. kat klang, last time i checked, which was last week, tak der lg.


singaporean gp this weekend. Liz, you're going?


Dom looked mighty fine as a frontman. :happy::LOL:


Salam Adilfitri everyone. Maaf Zahir Batin.

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absof**kinglutely funny for this version of uprising... :eek:


how's ur hari raya celebration guys?


*my sleeping tracky song..


exogenesis part 1,2,3.. enough with this 3, and i fall asleep at night.. wait, i think in the middle of second track, rasanya saya dah bermimpi.. :LOL:

Edited by Kay-a
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Fiuh! Finally found some time to come online! How's everyone doing! :) Selamat Hari Raya peeeps! Have fun stuffing your face with rendang and duit raya :happy:


Excitement indeed!


MAJOR spoiler for Miele and Tee.

Have you received yours yet, Miele?


I looooooove it. Best merch I've ever wasted money on.





Exogenesis was so emo. In an extreeeemely excellent way.




@Deb I know what you mean about being stuck in a jam voluntarily! I blast the music so loud when I'm alone, that it's so hazardous to other motorists I think.



Selamat Hari Raya all of you awesome people! Maaf Zahir & Batin. Peace. :p


Ohhh dude sweeeet thanks a lot for uploading pics! haha! Though, here's a noob question, what does 5.1 mean? :$ and do you need that old school record player gramophone thing to play those vinyl LPs?


And its 'spent' money on, Nut, not 'waste' ;). MONEY IS NEVER WASTED WHEN IT COMES TO TEH MYOOZE :LOL:


Lol did you guys read Matt's random er.. rant/outburst in the forum? Requiring ISPs to pay for certain copyrights and including barcodes in files so the original user will know when and how it's used? *bewildered*


Major LOL @ the tags!


Oh and Happy Hari Raya to everyone! Have a safe trip home :happy:


Eh? I dont know anything about this! He actually posted on the forum? wha?


And regarding your MTV World Stage review, awwh, AAR was that bad? :( I really enjoyed them! They are so completely different compared to Kasabian though. Its like, when you compare the two, Tyson Ritter tries too hard to entertain the crowd, (cause he was so obviously high on something!), whereas for Tom Meighan, omg, he's just so smooth isnt he? So comfortable on stage, its ridiculous. They make it look so effortless, and that they're just there to entertain with their music, not with their stage antics. I love that. Puts them so much higher on the so-called MTV World Stage "hierarchy". :p But then again, Tom's eyes did look suspiciously *coughweedcough* red :ninja: But despite that, I still love AAR very much! ahaha. Are you going for their concert? Disagree is gonna open for them! :D I have no idea how to get tickets, when or where it is though.


Dom looked mighty fine as a frontman. :happy::LOL:


Salam Adilfitri everyone. Maaf Zahir Batin.


Dom looked damn hot right? :chuckle: I was watching that video on my friend's laptop and I couldnt. contain. myself.

Srsly, I'm thinking of getting myself a pair of aviators after watching him :chuckle: He's damn hot lar kak faz!! I cant take it anymore. *fans self*

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Ohhh dude sweeeet thanks a lot for uploading pics! haha! Though, here's a noob question, what does 5.1 mean? :$ and do you need that old school record player gramophone thing to play those vinyl LPs?


And its 'spent' money on, Nut, not 'waste' ;). MONEY IS NEVER WASTED WHEN IT COMES TO TEH MYOOZE :LOL:




Eh? I dont know anything about this! He actually posted on the forum? wha?


Dom looked damn hot right? :chuckle: I was watching that video on my friend's laptop and I couldnt. contain. myself.

Srsly, I'm thinking of getting myself a pair of aviators after watching him :chuckle: He's damn hot lar kak faz!! I cant take it anymore. *fans self*


5.1 surround sound is the shiz, it's better than 2 channels (Left & right) stereo. You have to have a 5.1 surround sound system to experience it. Basically the system is set up with 6 speakers around the listener. Hence the "surround" sound. It's wat u get at cinemas. Imagine The Resistance in that. You get to hear the guitars pan from left to right the the back, and voices distinctly heard around you.


Yeah i agree, it's money well spent hehe.


Matt apparently email-ed the awesome Lily Allen in response to her post on her Myspace i think...


You don't have to use an old gramophone. Just a turntable is sufficient. But it also looks nice framed up on the wall hahaha.


Dom really looked like Thom Yorke there...

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*my sleeping tracky song..


exogenesis part 1,2,3.. enough with this 3, and i fall asleep at night.. wait, i think in the middle of second track, rasanya saya dah bermimpi.. :LOL:


uik.. camner bole samer nih? haha.. but saya still menghayati part 2 sblm tidur. when the 3rd track starts playing baru start mimpi.. my lullaby tuh.. hehehe.


And its 'spent' money on, Nut, not 'waste' ;). MONEY IS NEVER WASTED WHEN IT COMES TO TEH MYOOZE :LOL:


Dom looked damn hot right? :chuckle: I was watching that video on my friend's laptop and I couldnt. contain. myself.

Srsly, I'm thinking of getting myself a pair of aviators after watching him :chuckle: He's damn hot lar kak faz!! I cant take it anymore. *fans self*


*back tracking* woah.. i can't believe i missed Nut's post! aye! money is never wasted when it comes to Muse :D


hehehe... :chuckle: Deb. i know right? his skinny jeans, his leather jacket and his aviators fuh.. pengsan 2 minit! :happy: i think it was very polite of him to take off his shades when talking to the mc. yang tak tahan tu he kept referring to matt as 'our drummer'. :LOL:


5.1 surround sound is the shiz, it's better than 2 channels (Left & right) stereo. You have to have a 5.1 surround sound system to experience it. Basically the system is set up with 6 speakers around the listener. Hence the "surround" sound. It's wat u get at cinemas. Imagine The Resistance in that. You get to hear the guitars pan from left to right the the back, and voices distinctly heard around you.




Dom really looked like Thom Yorke there...


woah.. 6 speakers?! so jjang! i can only imagine how awesome the sound system is.


Thom Yorke > Dom!

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5.1 surround sound is the shiz, it's better than 2 channels (Left & right) stereo. You have to have a 5.1 surround sound system to experience it. Basically the system is set up with 6 speakers around the listener. Hence the "surround" sound. It's wat u get at cinemas. Imagine The Resistance in that. You get to hear the guitars pan from left to right the the back, and voices distinctly heard around you.


Yeah i agree, it's money well spent hehe.


Matt apparently email-ed the awesome Lily Allen in response to her post on her Myspace i think...


You don't have to use an old gramophone. Just a turntable is sufficient. But it also looks nice framed up on the wall hahaha.


Dom really looked like Thom Yorke there...


Whoa... surround sound. The only people I know who have surround sound at home, in their "TV room" are rich kids. damn 'em lucky bastards! ahaha. Wah imagine listening to Muse on that. must be totally wikid :eek:


I hear she's quitting music for good? And she's been debating a lot of downloading files and file sharing and whatnot, according to NME's twitter anyway. :) See! Another good thing that can come from twitter! haha :D


Aww yeah it'll definitely look nice framed up on a wall! Did you do that with yours? :D oh oh and the USB pendrive right, is there anything inside it? :D


*back tracking* woah.. i can't believe i missed Nut's post! aye! money is never wasted when it comes to Muse :D


hehehe... :chuckle: Deb. i know right? his skinny jeans, his leather jacket and his aviators fuh.. pengsan 2 minit! :happy: i think it was very polite of him to take off his shades when talking to the mc. yang tak tahan tu he kept referring to matt as 'our drummer'. :LOL:


woah.. 6 speakers?! so jjang! i can only imagine how awesome the sound system is.


Thom Yorke > Dom!


awwh, yeah, very polite indeed. i can imagine some people who'd just speak to the mc with their shades on, indoors, like damn poser only. The one person that comes to my mind who does that? Kanye West. PFFT. Lol did he keep referring to Matt as 'our drummer' ? the video i watched had the interview in italian dubbing so i couldnt hear dom :(



On another note, I heard Uprising today on hitz.fm! :D

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Dom looked mighty fine as a frontman. :happy::LOL:


Salam Adilfitri everyone. Maaf Zahir Batin.


:LOL: indeed! They're so cute lah!


Dom looked damn hot right? :chuckle: I was watching that video on my friend's laptop and I couldnt. contain. myself.

Srsly, I'm thinking of getting myself a pair of aviators after watching him :chuckle: He's damn hot lar kak faz!! I cant take it anymore. *fans self*


INOERITE. Like, *pengsan*.




Terasa sangatlah gembira apabila MTV Breakfast memainkan Video Clip Uprising pagi tadi pukul 9 lebih :D


Uprising vid is very cute, lol!

Wow, awesome! :musesign:


Random : Was listening to Unnatural Selection when I saw that the brand name of my Mom's nail buffer was 'Natural Select'. :LOL: Also, I think I've seen the word 'Resistance' at least 10 times this whole week! And each time I grin to myself :D



OK, so I've listened to The Resistance quite a number of times. Duh, who hasn't . The amount of DETAIL in each song is mind-blowing. The must have put in lots and lots and lots of deliberation, and effort, and time while producing the album. Just the tiniest additions in the background - be it Matt's humming, or the guitar slide part right before 'We must run' in Resistance - makes the songs ever so beautiful and epic.

And Chris is the best bassist in the wowld! :D


All the songs are awesome, but on the top my list are :

Resistance ('tis really beautiful. Especially like the 'We must run' part, its so..deep, lol.), Undisclosed Desires (funky, beautiful, awesome), Unnatural Selection (I love the OOS-ness of this song! Has a WICKED bridge, too!), MK Ultra (fresh sounding, very awesome), I Belong To You (Sounds very fun & awesome! :p), and of course, Exogenesis Symphony : Parts 1, 2 & 3. (These 'symphonic monsters' are intensely amazing, wonderful, beautiful, brilliant, captivating, massive, and overwhelming masterpieces, a true work of genius, and the perfect ending to a bloody brilliant album.)


I absolutely :yesey: these reviews (taken from wiki):

Since its release, The Resistance has received mostly positive reviews. Currently it has an aggregate score of 72 on Metacritic based on 15 reviews.[37]


After listening to the album during an interview with the band, BBC Radio 1 presenter Zane Lowe updated his Twitter account with a description of the album as "A beautifully recorded, strong, sweeping, fighting, uplifting, rocking, and inclusive record about love."[38] On July 6, 2009, Zane Lowe was speaking about The Resistance on BBC Radio 1. Lowe mentioned how he thought it is the most focused recording that Muse has ever come out with, and that he thought the 3-part "Exogenesis: Symphony", which he said fits seamlessly into the rest of the album, is the most ambitious project that the band has ever pulled off. "There are massive riffs in there, there are quirky pop songs in there, there's all sorts of wonder in there, it is absolutely amazing".[39]


Much of the album's praise has been directed towards the album-ending three-part "Exogenesis" which used over 40 musicians in the recording process. The Fly gave the album two scores, awarding the three-part "Exogenesis" 5/5 saying that "'Exogenesis...' is a streak of utter brilliance."[40] Q magazine, Uncut magazine, Mojo magazine and Hotpress magazine all rated the album 4 stars out of 5.


Allmusic praised the album highlighting "Guiding Light", "United States of Eurasia", and "Exogenesis" calling it "by and large a fantastic record".[41] The album received a 6 out of 10 score from the NME. Although they felt it was genius in parts, they criticised the album for producing something "conceptually impressive but musically all too familiar".[42]


During the end of June 2009, an editor for the Japanese music magazine Rockin' On went to Lake Como along with representatives of Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and Switzerland for interviews and to have a listen-through with the album. The editor, Yukiko Kojima, went on to state that the album was an "incredible masterpiece", that "the band succeeded to express art to a high degree, which consist with accessibility", and even called it an "authentic miracle".[43] In an interview with The Sunday Times, Dan Cairns mentions that "Muse have made an album of genius, brilliance and beauty".[44] Play.com described The Resistance as a "sweeping collection of songs where classical and rock influences collide but never clash" and even going so far as saying the album is "a genuine modern masterpiece".


To conclude, I like The Resistance. :happy:



Does anyone here think

sounds a bit like something in one of the symphonies?
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