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Madraulix: terima kasih daun keladi ya, atas usaha anda merakam persembahan akan datang :)



Kay-a, terima kasih atas maklumat persembahan di MTV tersebut. Ahad ni jam 9 waktu Malaysia ya?






Tidak!!!! Saya akan terus menentang dari mendengar keseluruhan Penentangan sampai 14 Sepetember nanti. Jangan goda saya!!!


Ralat: tapi Keinginan Tidak diperlihatkan tak boleh tahan woo, dah banyak kali dipasang di opis :$



hahaha sebenarnya saya pun macam kamu, miele! saya hendak tunggu sampai hari isnin tapi akhirnya pun tergoda sebab kawan saya menge'spam' saya dengan laman muat turun berkali-kali sampai saya pun kalah. lagipun kualitinya baik, lebih tergoda la tu :ninja:

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HELO EVERYONE I'M BACK!!! or shall i say, hai semua orang saya dah balik dah!! :D


Oh Tuhanku saya tak percaya Muse telah main lagu GUA di konsert balik kampung mereka!! (Teignmouth). Saya memang telah ingat mereka takkan main lagu itu ever. I guess this shows that Muse never fails to surprise us eh? ;)


Okay saya akan catch up on 9 days worth of posts! my BM is extra rusty now after all the Thai i've been hearing :LOL:

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okay, saya dah siap membaca posts sepanjang 9 hari. Seperti miele, saya pun takkan mendengar 'spoiler' Penentangan! ahaha. 30 saat dari setiap lagu sudah enough. Saya akan tunggu hingga saya boleh get my hands on the album :D


btw, mega lol @ 'masa melari keluar', 'cucuk dalam bayi', 'lubang hitam yang amat besar', 'sinaran bintang' dan lain-lain :LOL:


Miele boleh emelkan saya kesemua capaian / muatturun minggu satu hingga lima bagi Penentangan tak? Saya akan pm awak alamat e-surat saya :) terima kasih! :D


Thailand was awesome btw! :) I still have not seen KhaoSan Road yet unfortunately because when my family went there, my sister and I headed to Chatuchak to do some maaaajor shopping! Chatuchak is only open on the weekend you see :( so we couldnt see chatuchak on any other day.


Phuket was also mighty fine! We went island hopping one day and whoa, the islands are beautiful. the waters are so clear and the sands are so white! I went snorkelling too, for the first time ever! :D I was terrified since I cant swim so seriously, thank God for the invention of life jackets :LOL: I saw sea urchins!! They're HUGE and scary and they dont look like what you see on that Freddie Fish computer game. Anyone know what freddie fish i'm talking about? :chuckles:


Anyway, Penentangan dalam 4 hari lagi!! Saya tak sabar la :D

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okay, saya dah siap membaca posts sepanjang 9 hari. Seperti miele, saya pun takkan mendengar 'spoiler' Penentangan! ahaha. 30 saat dari setiap lagu sudah enough. Saya akan tunggu hingga saya boleh get my hands on the album :D


Thailand was awesome btw! :) I still have not seen KhaoSan Road yet unfortunately because when my family went there, my sister and I headed to Chatuchak to do some maaaajor shopping! Chatuchak is only open on the weekend you see :( so we couldnt see chatuchak on any other day.


Phuket was also mighty fine! We went island hopping one day and whoa, the islands are beautiful. the waters are so clear and the sands are so white! I went snorkelling too, for the first time ever! :D I was terrified since I cant swim so seriously, thank God for the invention of life jackets :LOL: I saw sea urchins!! They're HUGE and scary and they dont look like what you see on that Freddie Fish computer game. Anyone know what freddie fish i'm talking about? :chuckles:


Anyway, Penentangan dalam 4 hari lagi!! Saya tak sabar la :D




YAY shopping in Thailand is fun!

Lol. I went to only 1 mall. :p Well, they have a huge variety of stuff!

That's so awesome that you got to island-hop! And snorkel! I saw sea urchins when I snorkeled in Tioman, and yeah, they are rather scary lol!


So far, I've listened to 6 out of the 11 songs on the album. And I shall listen no more, as I too shall wait 'till I get my hands on the album! :happy:



@auntie Faz's avatar, :LOL: I watched 'Istimewa Hari Raya', too! "Betul, betul, betul!" :D My teacher played it for us during Malay lesson haha!

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^ Noor, makcik faz (ayoo.. tua sgt bunyinyer hehehe..) suka tengok kartoon upin dan ipin hahah


Kay-a, terima kasih atas maklumat persembahan di MTV tersebut. Ahad ni jam 9 waktu Malaysia ya?



Tidak!!!! Saya akan terus menentang dari mendengar keseluruhan Penentangan sampai 14 Sepetember nanti. Jangan goda saya!!!


Ralat: tapi Keinginan Tidak diperlihatkan tak boleh tahan woo, dah banyak kali dipasang di opis :$


P.S#2- Faz, walaupun ianya telah lapuk tapi akhirnya saya telah hantar kesemua capaian / muatturun minggu satu hingga lima bagi Penentangan pada e-surat anda. Tolong beritahu saya jika ianya boleh dimuatturun dengan baik. Jika gagal, saya akan cuba lagi dalam versi lain. Sesiapa lagi yang berminat sila pm alamat e-surat anda pada saya.


aiseh.. di website mtvasia VMA tu akan diudarakan pada 27th September di Malaysia dan kawasan-kawasan yg sama waktu denganye. tp sy yakin boleh tengok di youtube pd hari Isnin nanti..:D


ala.. dengar sajer la.. no harm in being tergoda with it hehehe..


tidaaak! apa-apa sahaja yang berkaitan dengan Muse tidak mungkin lapuk miele. walaupun saya telah memesej awak di FB tp saya ingin berterima kasih daun keladi sekali lagi.. semua nyer saya telah download dan tonton dengan muka begini :D:D::musesign::musesign:


btw, saya dah pm awak no phone sy.


okay, saya dah siap membaca posts sepanjang 9 hari. Seperti miele, saya pun takkan mendengar 'spoiler' Penentangan! ahaha. 30 saat dari setiap lagu sudah enough. Saya akan tunggu hingga saya boleh get my hands on the album :D


btw, mega lol @ 'masa melari keluar', 'cucuk dalam bayi', 'lubang hitam yang amat besar', 'sinaran bintang' dan lain-lain :LOL:


Thailand was awesome btw! :) I still have not seen KhaoSan Road yet unfortunately because when my family went there, my sister and I headed to Chatuchak to do some maaaajor shopping! Chatuchak is only open on the weekend you see :( so we couldnt see chatuchak on any other day.


Phuket was also mighty fine! We went island hopping one day and whoa, the islands are beautiful. the waters are so clear and the sands are so white! I went snorkelling too, for the first time ever! :D I was terrified since I cant swim so seriously, thank God for the invention of life jackets :LOL: I saw sea urchins!! They're HUGE and scary and they dont look like what you see on that Freddie Fish computer game. Anyone know what freddie fish i'm talking about? :chuckles:


Anyway, Penentangan dalam 4 hari lagi!! Saya tak sabar la :D


selamat kembali., Debbie!.. wooo tiba2 je teringat kt lagu butterfingers hehehe.. seronoknya membaca cerita debbie pergi island hopping [melompat-lompat pulau?]. saya pun suka snorkelling. bagi saya bercuti ke pulau-pulau dan bersnokeling lebih menarik daripada bershopping. baru dapat ketenangan jiwa haha.. duit pon for sure tak banyak habis. Jimat!


kepada mereka yang telah pre-order Penentangan, adakah anda semua akan mendapat cd/dvd tersebut pada 14 September? jangan lupa ambil gambar package tersebut sebelum dan selepas dibuka ya! ;)

Edited by crazy_mary
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Liz, Saturday 2.30 pm? i am soooooooo gonna be there! :happy: are u going?

No, I can't make it I'm afraid :( I've got my finals huhu. More info about that Mika Hakkinen appearance can be found here.


Are you planning to catch Moto GP @ Sepang btw?


I'm so stoked that Fisichella will be driving a Ferrari this weekend. So happy for him!! <3 Did you hear rumours about Kimi wanting to quit F1 by the end of this season? :eek:




Oh yeh LIZ your BM IS SO PROPER and i feel ashamed.

How did you record the bootleg? I downloaded club foot, awesome song!

Lol the only time I write in BM is really during my BM-paper related exams like Moral & Etika etc. or writing those surat rasmi to the government haha.


I recorded the audio using a setting in my camera. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to clear out the noise behind those bootlegs before I uploaded them, so it's still a little muffled at times. I love FIRE! :D Pity Kasabian didn't win the Mercury Prize..




P.S #1- Pada saudara dan saudari yang biasa / sudi berhubung dengan saya, boleh tak tolong pm no telefon anda masing-masing kepada saya? Saya telah menjadi mangsa pencopet telefon bimbit di Petaling Street tempohari, maka telah kehilangan nombor2 anda. Terima kasih ya!


P.S#2- Faz, walaupun ianya telah lapuk tapi akhirnya saya telah hantar kesemua capaian / muatturun minggu satu hingga lima bagi Penentangan pada e-surat anda. Tolong beritahu saya jika ianya boleh dimuatturun dengan baik. Jika gagal, saya akan cuba lagi dalam versi lain. Sesiapa lagi yang berminat sila pm alamat e-surat anda pada saya.

Oooh saya paling tak suka kalau telefon bimbit saya hilang :( Petaling Street/Masjid Jamek, memang prone for these things to happen. Is your number still the same? I'll send you a PM in a bit!



kepada mereka yang telah pre-order Penentangan, adakah anda semua akan mendapat cd/dvd tersebut pada 14 September? jangan lupa ambil gambar package tersebut sebelum dan selepas dibuka ya! ;)

Saya rasa Muse akan hantar Penentangan pada 12 Sept atau 13 Sept...biasanya kena tunggu seminggu lebih baru dapat di Malaysia..Saya pernah pre-order album dari Scotland, dua minggu lepas release date baru sampai rumah saya! Tapi bila dapat memang excited lah. :happy:

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1. Bestnya baca cerita Thailand Noor and Deb. If only there'll be a Muser trip to watch Muse there eh?


2. T-shirt cappucherry; bestnya! Boleh ke order pada awak bebila sebelum awak balik Msia lagi? :D


3.Muat turun minngu satu hingga lima: sudah dihantar! Setakat ini hanya pada Noor, Deb dan Madraulix. ada lagi yg nak? Faz, takda masalah :) Muse untuk dikongsi bersama!


4. Terima kasih pada semua yg sudi pm saya no telefon anda, sangatlah dihargai. Tq juga sebab hantar mesej atas kehilangan telefon tersebut. Baik la korang ni.


5. Madraulix: nak dipanggil apa ya? "mad" macam "nut", best tak? :LOL: Nama awak sebenarnya Grace ke? (kalau tak kisah saya bertanya).


6. Akhir sekali tentang penghantaran Penentangan, saya harap ianya sampai paling lewat sebelum 16hb, sebab masa tu dah balik kampung utk Raya. Tapi ni macam ok ja khabarnya: -


Last but not least...


The Resistance is released worldwide from tomorrow (Friday 11th September!. It'll be in the shops on Monday 14th September in the UK and Tuesday 15th September in the US or you can pre-order it from the muse.mu shop on the link below. Any pre-orders made before Monday 14th will still qualify for all the Join The Resistance downloads, so if you haven't got your copy sorted already, what are you waiting for?


Not only this, but we're pleased to announce that Muse will be one of the first artists to release their album with an iTunes LP, a new interactive listening experience that comes with the album on iTunes. This includes photos, lyrics, behind the scenes video, a track by track of the album from Matt and an exclusive performance video of Supermassive Black Hole filmed in France.


Click here to buy at muse.mu.

Click here to buy at iTunes.



7. Oops one more. Let's do this people!



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6. kalau sampai waktu raya suruh saje someone redirect ke rumah saya hehehehe


7. awesome! tapi mane boleh pakai t-shirt muse pegi keje. :(


No, I can't make it I'm afraid :( I've got my finals huhu. More info about that Mika Hakkinen appearance can be found here.


Are you planning to catch Moto GP @ Sepang btw?


I'm so stoked that Fisichella will be driving a Ferrari this weekend. So happy for him!! <3 Did you hear rumours about Kimi wanting to quit F1 by the end of this season? :eek:


aww.. good luck for yr finals! thanks for the link. so excited to see Mika! i have a thing with finnish drivers haha.. no la am not going to Moto GP. not really into it.


you are? i don't actually Fisi but meh.. don't care la as long as Kimi is still in the race. yeah.. i heard about him wanting to quit. :(



anyway, saya sudah tanya itu orang kat Sudut Batu (Rock Corner?) dan dia kata mungkin hari selasa/rabu sebab sudah dalam perjalanan. dia kata pasti minggu depan akan keluar :D:D:D


Selasa? wooooooot! saya akan ke Sudut Batu hari selasa nanti. tapi kalau tak sabar sangat saya mungkin akan ke sana hari Isnin nanti.

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Tadi check status pre-order kat muse.mu:


[quote11/08/2009 1 x The Resistance:Ltd Ed Box Set @ 59.99 GBP


Dispatched ]



Aaaargh berapa lama la Mat Despatch tu nak hantar ke sini???? *Impatient* Tolong!!!


Susah gila, nak bersabar puasa lagi, nak sabar tunngu Penentangan lagi.....Haih.

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Saya juga dalam kalangan yg sedang menentang Penentangan! Tapi saya rasa sudah sampai tahap hendak meletup. Saya dah download 'leak' album tu dan saya dah masukkan ke dalam iPod saya dan saya juga sudah burn ke dalam CD & bg kepada rakan2 saya. Sangat tergoda untuk mendengarnya, harap album tu betul2 sampai pada September 14 atau mungkin saya akan terjun bangunan kerana merana sangat! :(:stunned:


Nampaknya ada berita yg mendukacitakan


I'm just off the phone with the store, and I've got some info that will probably be appreciated here:


Apparently, at the store they're trying to fool the system into doing what they want it to, at the moment, and the statuses you get on the muse.mu "My Orders" page are not representative of the actual status of the order.


To begin with:


"Dispatched in part"


Apparently, this is a glitch in the system relating to delivery being held on the system as an item, so, the delivery method has "dispatched", but not the item.


EDIT: I would advise writing an email to shopsupport@muse.mu when this shows up, as they seem to have no idea what's going on - I have had it with my Uprising single and I'm still chasing after it.




Apparently, this isn't the case. I queried my "dispatched" box set to find out it was awaiting packing. Apparently the aim is to have these on doorsteps by the 14th - not sure if this will actually be the case.


So there we go. If you don't get a dispatch email, it probably hasn't left the warehouse.


/dose of realism


Sorry for any crushed dreams.

Last edited by kapnclinton; Yesterday at 11:24 PM.


Saya inginkan Penentangan pada hari Isnin!!! :mad:


EDIT: Saya telah menyemak status order saya, sekarang sudah "Dispatched" ! Masih ada harapan lagi :unsure:

Edited by Great Wall of Cydonia
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YAY shopping in Thailand is fun!

Lol. I went to only 1 mall. :p Well, they have a huge variety of stuff!

That's so awesome that you got to island-hop! And snorkel! I saw sea urchins when I snorkeled in Tioman, and yeah, they are rather scary lol!


So far, I've listened to 6 out of the 11 songs on the album. And I shall listen no more, as I too shall wait 'till I get my hands on the album! :happy:



@auntie Faz's avatar, :LOL: I watched 'Istimewa Hari Raya', too! "Betul, betul, betul!" :D My teacher played it for us during Malay lesson haha!


Sawadeekaaa! :D (the actual spelling is sawasdeeka but i dunno why they dont pronounce the second 's' lol)


yeah wei shopping there is seriously damn cheap, no matter which mall you go to, lol! and wah they have SO many malls there its crazy. Ranging from wholesalers to retailers to all 'em branded goods.


Lol i've only listened to USoE, Uprising and Unnatural Selection (once only!) so far, and i shall hear no more! very spoiler la, haha. my friend who is also a muse fan is giving me shit for not being patient enough like him :rolleyes:


selamat kembali., Debbie!.. wooo tiba2 je teringat kt lagu butterfingers hehehe.. seronoknya membaca cerita debbie pergi island hopping [melompat-lompat pulau?]. saya pun suka snorkelling. bagi saya bercuti ke pulau-pulau dan bersnokeling lebih menarik daripada bershopping. baru dapat ketenangan jiwa haha.. duit pon for sure tak banyak habis. Jimat!


kepada mereka yang telah pre-order Penentangan, adakah anda semua akan mendapat cd/dvd tersebut pada 14 September? jangan lupa ambil gambar package tersebut sebelum dan selepas dibuka ya! ;)


yay thank you! :D yeah thats true, i definitely enjoyed Phuket more than Bangkok, because Bangkok was so tiring :LOL: we were walking around so much whereas in Phuket the environment was more relaxed and 'chilled'. and plus yeah, you get to save more money too! :LOL: but then again its not like you can snorkel for free! have to rent all the gear and stuff.


i know freddie fish! used to play it when i was younger :p


anyway, saya sudah tanya itu orang kat Sudut Batu (Rock Corner?) dan dia kata mungkin hari selasa/rabu sebab sudah dalam perjalanan. dia kata pasti minggu depan akan keluar :D:D:D


Yay! looks like i'm not the only one who plays Freddie Fish ahhaha. Just a few months ago I felt really nostalgic and my sister and I actually bought those old Freddie Fish games :LOL: damn free haha.


Omg, next week! best news ever la ^__^


anyone know the date the resistance will be released in malaysia?


According to madraulix, sometime next week! :D

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1. Bestnya baca cerita Thailand Noor and Deb. If only there'll be a Muser trip to watch Muse there eh?


2. T-shirt cappucherry; bestnya! Boleh ke order pada awak bebila sebelum awak balik Msia lagi? :D


3.Muat turun minngu satu hingga lima: sudah dihantar! Setakat ini hanya pada Noor, Deb dan Madraulix. ada lagi yg nak? Faz, takda masalah :) Muse untuk dikongsi bersama!


4. Terima kasih pada semua yg sudi pm saya no telefon anda, sangatlah dihargai. Tq juga sebab hantar mesej atas kehilangan telefon tersebut. Baik la korang ni.


5. Madraulix: nak dipanggil apa ya? "mad" macam "nut", best tak? :LOL: Nama awak sebenarnya Grace ke? (kalau tak kisah saya bertanya).


6. Akhir sekali tentang penghantaran Penentangan, saya harap ianya sampai paling lewat sebelum 16hb, sebab masa tu dah balik kampung utk Raya. Tapi ni macam ok ja khabarnya: -


7. Oops one more. Let's do this people!




@no. 5: lol grace will do :) kalau nak panggil mad macam nut pun boleh :p


@debbie: awww i'm sure freddie fish games are now dirt cheap! :p but yeah i really enjoyed it back then..i like their cut-scenes! pretty amazing for a kiddy's game


@screamyx: the guy at rock corner, the gardens told me defo next week, maybe tues or wednesday!

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1. Bestnya baca cerita Thailand Noor and Deb. If only there'll be a Muser trip to watch Muse there eh?


2. T-shirt cappucherry; bestnya! Boleh ke order pada awak bebila sebelum awak balik Msia lagi? :D


3.Muat turun minngu satu hingga lima: sudah dihantar! Setakat ini hanya pada Noor, Deb dan Madraulix. ada lagi yg nak? Faz, takda masalah :) Muse untuk dikongsi bersama!


4. Terima kasih pada semua yg sudi pm saya no telefon anda, sangatlah dihargai. Tq juga sebab hantar mesej atas kehilangan telefon tersebut. Baik la korang ni.


5. Madraulix: nak dipanggil apa ya? "mad" macam "nut", best tak? :LOL: Nama awak sebenarnya Grace ke? (kalau tak kisah saya bertanya).


6. Akhir sekali tentang penghantaran Penentangan, saya harap ianya sampai paling lewat sebelum 16hb, sebab masa tu dah balik kampung utk Raya. Tapi ni macam ok ja khabarnya: -





7. Oops one more. Let's do this people!




Muser trip ke Thailand! Itu sungguh hebat!


Terima kasih banyak-banyak sungguh atas penghantaran tersebut, auntie Miele! Saya amat amat berterima kasih!


Saya juga akan memakai baju Muse esok...kalau keluar berjalan lah. :happy:


:eek: The Resistance is like really officially out tomorrow! After so long waiting for it! (Even tho most of us aren't getting it tomorrow), but, its like, AN EVENT lol. :D

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Anyone else have the idea of creating a "crowd clap-a-long" (ala Starlight) to Uprising?! The 2nd time I heard Uprising, I tried to clap along to it, but oh my, it was quite a challenge with the non-related drumbeats lol I say before we head for our next Muse gig (whenever that is..soon, I hope!) we'll make everyone learn the Uprising clap!


you are? i don't actually Fisi but meh.. don't care la as long as Kimi is still in the race. yeah.. i heard about him wanting to quit. :(

Fisi holds a special place in my heart. Lol. It all began with the picture I saw of him and Alex Wurz (teammates then in Benetton) singing autographs at KLCC for fans back in 1999. I kid you not, I fell for him in 1999!!!! :LOL:


How was Mika Hakkinen?! Were you the lucky one chosen to drive along with him? ;)



@ Grace/Mad, did you ever play Putt putt? :D

AHHHH. I REMEMBER FREDDIE FISH NOW!... Along with Putt-Putt & Pajama Sam!! *dies* I used to love that Pajama Sam game :eek: aiii I feel like playing it for old times' sake after my finals!


So should we wear our Muse shirts proudly on the 26th or sometime next week? :stunned:

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@Liz The clap along sounds fun. And the "OI!" part is also wicked lol! When i first heard Uprising I knew it's going to be rad live.


@Debbie I hope that dude you talked to don't know what he's talking about.

Those games you speak of... sounds so alien to me.:p Titles like Mortal Kombat, Mario Bros reminds me of the good 'ol days.


@Miele I'm so devastated that I've somewhow lost my BH&R tee I bought at the KL show. That's like the only official merch I had lol.


@Mad You and me are the same. We're lunatics.


@Noor Are you gona buy your album from HMV?



If you listen to Uprising from Teignmouth, Matt sings the first chorus as


They will not force us

They will NOT degrading us

They will not control us

We will be victorious


like, "Don't Forget Your Lyrics!"

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Okaaaaaaaaaaay I just got off the phone with the dude from Rock Corner, 1 Utama, he says The Resistance is coming out on the 26th of september. WTF? I dont know what to believe now :'(


really :( hmm well the one i went to was at The Gardens and the guy seems as though he knew what he was talking about. When I said Muse, he went "Oh Muse!! Yeah it's already on the way now, it will be out sometimes next week." So i asked if it would be on Monday (cuz worldwide release is on 14th) and he said "No it won't be on a Monday because usually when albums are released worldwide, in Malaysia, it would only be out one day after.", in which I asked, "so tuesday?" and he said "maybe, or maybe wednesday, but it will be next week."


sigh now i really don't know what to expect. i could go back midvalley/gardens next week and check (and scold him if it's not out :mad:)


anyways deb, i didn't play puttputt unfortunately :( now you're making me miss freddie fish!


@nut: lol and again, we don't know or care who's to blame ;)

and yeah, i heard the "they will NOT degrading us"! awww poor matt :p I'm gonna learn the lyrics soon!


ah i can't wait for the album to come out in msia/sg so that we could discuss songs w/o any form of spoilers whatsoever! :D


and i may go to singapore end of next week, so if it's still not out here...HMV/sembawang music here i come! :p

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