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boy what a bloody brilliant show it was! Tom Chaplin was awesome live! His singing was perfect. 20 songs and 1 & 1/2 hrs of soppy, melodramatic tunes!! LOVED IT.




The Lovers Are Losing

Everybody's Changing

Bend And Break

We Might As Well Be Strangers

Again And Again

This Is The Last Time


Your Eyes Are Open

Try Again

You Haven't Told Me Anything

Leaving So Soon?

Nothing In My Way

You Don't See Me

Perfect Symmetry


Crystal Ball





Is It Any Wonder?



2nd Encore


Under Pressure!!!




OH and i pre-ordered The Resistance Super Deluxe!! OMG new thumbdrive!!!!! lol.

Mr Chaplin lost weight! Or maybe I just remember him from the SOWK video clip..TWO encores wowww. Must've been epic! Thanks for the pictures and set list!! Any post-gig encounters?


YAY! Awesome that you've pre-ordered your deluxe set! Just like Miele, I hope you'll give us a pic-by-pic update of receiving the package in your mail.



Do you guys know that you can buy single day passes for the F1 show, just to watch Travis and a few other acts like Youssou N'Dour for S$68???




Look at the right side.

:eek: I've already made plans for that weekend. I knew if I didn't make any plans for it, I would definitely end up spending another trip down to Singapore for the F1 GP just like last year! So this time to exercise self control, I've committed myself to other plans! :supersad: REGRET!




Thanks Nut for the Keane update!!!

That's a really long set there!! Meh, I think I should have went la

Yeahhh I should've took personal day offs too just for Keane :[


On Travis, yup, I know about the Saturday-only pass. But Travis haven't confirmed Singapore's gig date on their official site, so I guess I'll wait until they confirm it, soon, hopefully


When is Bloc Party? It's a few days before Singapore F1 right? How to manage Bloc Party + Travis back to back??

I would be horribly gutted for missing Travis :( One just cannot get enough of listening to Turn live <3


Bloc Party + Travis + F1!! Sounds like one of those epic once in a lifetime trips :p (ahh.. F1 + Ash + Lifehouse, nostalgia!) you should definitely go for it!!! Although ... Bloc Party is on the 24th of Sept (tentatively). If I'm not mistaken that is the fourth/fifth day of Hari Raya? :-/


OK, I'd like to update as well - for Kasabian!!

I believe Deb/Liz could update on AAR


Actually, I should really thank Faz & her fren (not on this board). I got my pass thru her :happy:


Also, gotta thank all the AAR fans becos most of them left right after AAR's performance. So I got into the mosh pit for Kasabian!!


Anyway, I thought the sound system was too loud, so it drowned down many of the electronica elements on Kasabian's set. But apart from that, I have no other complaints






tom meighan with new short crop & clean shaven image, a total contrast to the long hair/scruffy image on their new album cover. think he's become bulkier


i also think that the guitarist, sergio pizzorno's become bulkier


on one of the pictures, i accidentally caught tom, err stretching?





Vlad The Impaler



Where Did All the Love Go?

Shoot the Runner

Fire (My fave)

Club Foot

LSF (Lost Souls Forever) with long na-na-na chorus


Short set, only 8 songs. About 40 mins

Thanks for the speedy update Aida, you beat me to it ;) Congrats for getting into the mosh pit for Kasabiannn! Were they willingly asking fans to come up to the mosh pit? So luckkyyy! I was appalled when the crowd started leaving after AAR's set. I gave them all WTF looks lol. Do they not know they're in the running to win that Mercury Prize? But you're right... I owe them thank yous because we managed to get up front for Kasabian's gig too! Though only in the Red Zone area.


Yeaaahh I noticed the short hair too! He...kinda reminded me of Rick Astley for one tiny moment, but then after he started singing... well I wouldn't call it singing actually he literally blew the crowd away! haha :S Phrase of the night is definitely, "I'm still alive!!!" in regards to his recent H1N1 quarantine!


Tom tonggek LOL PRICELESS!!!!!







My highlight of the night? SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE & STARLIGHT in the middle of a very random DJ mix. :happy: I tweeted about that during the gig, hoping that either you or Deb would catch the message on the screens :LOL: I started thinking about The Resistance right about that moment...and came to a conclusion that Uprising live would be KICKASS to listen to.


Okies even though my sister's about to wake up (I've yet to sleep since, so exhausted!) and it's close to breakfast time now, I think I should just write this all down now to prevent me from procrastinating!


I came rather late because I had to attend to my sister's graduation earlier that day. It wasn't until 5pm that the whole thing was done so... by the time I got ready and picked my friend up, it was already 730pm when we reached. Heard a lil bit of Boys Like Girls from outside.. Too bad I missed out on Estranged too.. Hmm.


Anyway, Raygun was ridiculously poppy (imagine flowers of all colours lined up by the lake, nodding and swaying to the wind, like catching sunlight in a jar) that's what you get (actually I think that sounded more like a compliment, I don't think I intended it to be though lol). It felt more ridiculous watching that music video of Raygun, Just Because, repeatedly (during intermissions) and that lead singer is totally frolicking around with his car...?


Pixie Lott Aww, she was so cute! All dolled up in a feathery dress. Geez woman, I'm sorry but didn't you notice we're in a tropical country with a humidity of more than 50%?


Never did I imagine I would enjoy this better than AAR (more on that later), but Hoobastank surprised me tremendously when I noticed I had a LOT of fun during their performance. I mean, just look at what he's doing with his hands ;]







:awesome: (Pic stolen from http://www.smashpop.net)




A big boo boo to the sound system though, just when Doug was about to launch into the whole male/female crowd cheering part. When the mic wasn't working, I half expected them to stop immediately and start the song again since it's for recording purposes...but nope, they just carried on and pretended it didn't even happen. That should be the way! :happy: How adorable was that cover of GHOSTBUSTERS!? :LOL:@ Doug calling us ridiculous for screaming out loudly to that song, which he apologized and took back his words when the crowd started boo-ing (well at least where I was standing they were quite pissed lol). So much energy though these guys. Crawlin' in the Dark was actually a lot more fun for me than The Reason haha. I guess it's because the girls next to me were SCREAMING so loudly to The Reason. I had to strain my ears very hard to listen to Doug's vocals in this number coz the crowd literally became one with his vocals. It was interesting to observe :]



Sigh, ok I would love to continue but I think I'm just too exhausted right now. The fact that I have a running nose and my skin's flaring up doesn't help either (uh oh!). I'll write up on AAR & Kasabian later today...hopefully! Debbie could update on AAR perhaps hehe.

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Mostly in response to Liz, appologies for taking up space :-p




Bloc Party + Travis + F1 = cannot afford + a few days after raya... Need to choose :p


Eh? I didn't realize your tweet on the Starlight DJ set Liz! 'Twas too many people around me,I couldn't see the bottom of the screen where the tweet updates were being flashed hmmpphhh...but a lot of people around me were singing to it - quite a popular song with the crowd! I'm resisting myself from listening to The Resistance, until the album is out proper! Yeah, Nut & Miele should update us when they recieve their packages ;)


Btw, there was a part the DJ played a bit - the start of Pulp's Common People, I was readying to see what the crowd response would be, but then the VJs already came up on stage, so that didn't happen hmmm...


Yup yup, the bouncers opened the barricade of the Red Zone at the left side of the stage, then asked us to go to the Mosh Pit, people were sitting in the pit! What was the response on Kasabian from your side Liz? I hope there were not too many gaping holes...what would Kasabian think? From my side, people were appreciative - singing to the choruses & highly responsive ;)


Tom (Meighan) was unrecognizable when he got on stage...looks totally different! Yeah, he does look like Rick Astley with hair slicked back & shades. But the neatness was gone by the middle of the set, shirt already tucked out :p

Ooooppsss...Tom tonggek hehe...I forgot to change the pix name hehe..


On the other Tom (Chaplin), yup yup he's taken off weight :happy:

Aha..Ghostbusters from Hoobastank was highly enjoyable! :D Yeah...I cudn't here Doug's singing on The Reason, the girls around me were really high pitched! I didn't bring my ear plugs (wudn't help anyway :p)



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Tom Meighan looked sooooo different with his short hair man! Could hardly recognize him to be honest. I had to ask my friend whether it was him or not lol. Before going for MTV World Stage, I had no idea what songs Kasabian sang, and now after going for the gig, oh man, they are soooo good! Practically every song was mosh-able and jump-able, though i didnt do anything as i was already damn exhausted by then, so i just head bopped :p but yeah, quality live performance from Kasabian, especially if you compared them with the rest of the bands. They all fail in comparison IMHO.


But nonetheless, I'm still happy I finally got to see All American Rejects :D Had a fun fun fun suuuper fun time singing along to all their songs haha! AAR had a longer set compared to Pixie Lott, BLG and the others, so I think its safe to say that Kasabian and AAR were the headliners? haha. They both had the longest sets anyway.


The songs AAR played were


1. Dirty Little Secret

2. I Wanna

3. Swing Swing (!!! super old skool. didnt think they'd play this :D)

4. The Wind Blows

5. Real World

6. It Ends Tonight

7. Gives You Hell


I'm surprised they didnt play Move Along! :eek: ah well. Tyson's voice was really squeeky in real life, and he was acting a bit crazy haha. like he was high or something. All adds up to the energy i guess :D I couldnt really listen to them because the people around me (myself included) were singing word for word to their songs! :D


Once AAR was done, thousands of people left and like Liz, I managed to grab hold of a space by the barriers in front! of the red zone only though. Aida you're so lucky la you get to be in the mosh pitt for Kasabian. :( I saw how lively the mosh pitt was. looks damn awesome to be a part of, lol.


I'm glad my side of the red zone was quite 'tame' though, because I'm still recovering from my fever and flu :eek: I wore a face mask, dont worry :D


Oh, and did anyone notice how much GLITTER Tyson Ritter was wearing? Quite weird la hahaha. I saw someone calling him Tyson Glitter on the on-screen twitter. I lol-ed :chuckle:

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Bloc Party + Travis + F1 = cannot afford + a few days after raya... Need to choose :p

Hmmm, though it would be really awesome to watch Bloc Party for the first time, but if you pick Travis, that would come along with F1!



Eh? I didn't realize your tweet on the Starlight DJ set Liz! 'Twas too many people around me,I couldn't see the bottom of the screen where the tweet updates were being flashed hmmpphhh...but a lot of people around me were singing to it - quite a popular song with the crowd! I'm resisting myself from listening to The Resistance, until the album is out proper! Yeah, Nut & Miele should update us when they recieve their packages.


Btw, there was a part the DJ played a bit - the start of Pulp's Common People, I was readying to see what the crowd response would be, but then the VJs already came up on stage, so that didn't happen hmmm...

The lines were really bad last night. Maxis, at least, it was all jammed up! I wonder if it would be better to use Celcom.


Common People!! That was shortly after Blur's Song 2, right? :D There were two guys ahead of me screaming and getting all excited to Song 2. It was amusing to watch lol I sang out loudly to it but people were just looking and joined in only at the "WOOHOO!!!" moments.




Yup yup, the bouncers opened the barricade of the Red Zone at the left side of the stage, then asked us to go to the Mosh Pit, people were sitting in the pit! What was the response on Kasabian from your side Liz? I hope there were not too many gaping holes...what would Kasabian think? From my side, people were appreciative - singing to the choruses & highly responsive ;)


Tom (Meighan) was unrecognizable when he got on stage...looks totally different! Yeah, he does look like Rick Astley with hair slicked back & shades. But the neatness was gone by the middle of the set, shirt already tucked out :p

Ooooppsss...Tom tonggek hehe...I forgot to change the pix name hehe..

It's funny how the VJs were asking people not to leave the mosh pit and to fill up the empty space to the right of the stage. For recording purposes lol. The crowd at my side (after I moved up front) was really into Kasabian. I think they were there FOR Kasabian. A bunch of decent guys stood quite still at first but when Kasabian worked their way towards the climax for the night (Fire!!!) they really let their hearts lose. It was great to sing along with them...Like they would look to the person next to them, eyes would meet, and one sole purpose exist only at that moment, that is to rock out to Kasabian together! A bunch of moshers with their shirts off (ICK!) stood near me but they can't be more than 16 years old I believe. They tried to mosh to their songs but the more appreciative crowd standing around didn't exactly react to that, they were mostly just head bobbing and rocking out their own ways.



On the other Tom (Chaplin), yup yup he's taken off weight :happy:

He reminds me of Ben Gibbard from DCFC:happy:


Any videos from the Keane show to share, Nut?




Tyson's voice was really squeeky in real life, and he was acting a bit crazy haha. like he was high or something. All adds up to the energy i guess

Malay-siaaaaa! Lol the way he said it, very nyaring and yeah, squeaky :LOL: I recorded a few tracks actually, I'll post the audio bootleg up once I convert it over to mp3 format. :happy:


I'm still recovering from my fever and flu :eek: I wore a face mask, dont worry

Did you read one tweet on the screen that said someone broke their quarantine to attend MTV Worldstage? :eek::facepalm:


Oh, and did anyone notice how much GLITTER Tyson Ritter was wearing? Quite weird la hahaha. I saw someone calling him Tyson Glitter on the on-screen twitter. I lol-ed :chuckle:

He was hilariously drunk/high. I think they had a live webshow over in rejectstv (warning, profanity is abundant lol) from tyson's room (ooh they're staying at Sunway Hotel eh?). He was totally covered in glitter!



AAR & Kasabian write up tomorrow. Will try to upload the bootleg too. Heading back to college now. Sigh.

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Anyway! Lets get back on topic about World Stage and Keane and everything! :D


I was watching some Kasabian videos on youtube right, I cant believe how different Tom Meighan looks with his haircut. Seriously. Its amazing how much one haircut can do to a person's entire look :chuckle:




It's always refreshing to go from long hair look to a short one! Like even Matt!


Anyway have you all heard the iTunes preview of the album????? On first listen i was like :(:erm:.


But after a few listens.... oh my goodness:awesome::dance::kiss::eyebrows::\mm/::yesey::musesign::stongue::D:cool:

Too much emotion to be penned down in words.


My faves are;


1) Undisclosed Desires

2) MK Ultra

3) Unnatural Selection

4) Exogenesises


Man I can't wait for the album, and start watching live shows of their new tour. WOOHOOO.

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OK have previewed twice. I think I like Undisclosed Desires & Exogenesis (Overture) :happy:


Hehe..continue World Stage again :p



Press Conference Kasabian

Oh, drummer (Chris) & bassist (Ian) already arrived the week before, Tom & Serge were stuck in Australia I guess :p

Press Conf AAR

Crazy! Can find press conf for the other artistes as well from the Channel

Good video of

Photo Call



Btw, I just noticed Kasabian's giant gong beside the drummer + Tom's blue shoes




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Oh Desert Rose! You're talking about the chorus bit right? It's like a slower version of Resistance.

You and me are the same, madraulix.


yup, Resistance is more upbeat, but i can't help not thinking about Sting whenever i hear it!

exogenesises...similar to B&H imo :happy:


we don't know, or care who's the blame? ;) sorry couldn't help it lol

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Lol.... I guess I'm just gonna resist anything unless songs that have been released as singles like Uprising. It sounds weird and quite futuristic as well :rolleyes: Hehe..... Is there any way to buy those pre sale album so we can see the live in Malaysia Stockholm Syndrome?

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weresodisco, awesome stuff! You really did a full post-world stage research eh!


yup, Resistance is more upbeat, but i can't help not thinking about Sting whenever i hear it!

exogenesises...similar to B&H imo :happy:


we don't know, or care who's the blame? ;) sorry couldn't help it lol


I think the Exogenesises reminds me of what I originally thought of Muse when I first heard them; theatrical, dramatic, operatic space rock! lol.


I know you can't help it, I was leading you on :D



Eh how do you guys listen to it? Do I have to download iTunes? :confused:


No, thanks to youtube, you can listen to it there! But I still recommend the crisp quality of iTunes. Which means it's more worthwhile to download iTunes imo.

So yes you have to download iTunes to appreciate the 30 seconders!


Lol.... I guess I'm just gonna resist anything unless songs that have been released as singles like Uprising. It sounds weird and quite futuristic as well :rolleyes: Hehe..... Is there any way to buy those pre sale album so we can see the live in Malaysia Stockholm Syndrome?


Just buy any format of The Resistance through muse.mu and you'll get the download link immediately!

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Eh how do you guys listen to it? Do I have to download iTunes? :confused:


yup d/l itunes and listen from itunes store! but after one listen, you'd probably get stumped - most of us did...so listen to it more than once :D


Nut, good impression and i agree with you! I really really like the whole space rock thing :happy:

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Man I can't wait for the album, and start watching live shows of their new tour. WOOHOOO.


i concur! woohooo too! lol.. seriously looking forward for their hometown Seaside Rendezvous gig as well. am sure it's gonna be immense!


i love, love Undisclosed Desires! can't get enough of it:happy:


Resistance sounds like Sting's Desert Rose O_O


Anyways i love the exogenesises!


now that you mentioned it, i kinda get the Sting's vibe from the song. lol.


i love the Exogenesises too but Guiding Light sounds so 80s to me. not sure if i like it that much.


woahlamak you guys, jeles giler with all the world stage pictures and stories. my friend is currently in love with Kasabian -- she only wanted to see AAR but terhooked dengan Kasabian pulak lol. one question tho, did u guys wear face masks during the gig? heh..

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i concur! woohooo too! lol.. seriously looking forward for their hometown Seaside Rendezvous gig as well. am sure it's gonna be immense!


i love, love Undisclosed Desires! can't get enough of it:happy:




now that you mentioned it, i kinda get the Sting's vibe from the song. lol.


i love the Exogenesises too but Guiding Light sounds so 80s to me. not sure if i like it that much.


woahlamak you guys, jeles giler with all the world stage pictures and stories. my friend is currently in love with Kasabian -- she only wanted to see AAR but terhooked dengan Kasabian pulak lol. one question tho, did u guys wear face masks during the gig? heh..


+1 to everything you said. Guiding Light has this 80's feel to it haha, i dont like it very much. I feel the Sting-vibe to the Resistance too :LOL: super funny la haha.


MK Ultra is gonna be so epiiiccccc!!!

I Belong To You reminds me of the Scissor Sisters for some reason :chuckle: I dunno why. haha.


Exogenesis..... oh man. I cant wait la. Sounds like the Muse we know and love :happy:


Yes I wore a face mask... :LOL:




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No, thanks to youtube, you can listen to it there! But I still recommend the crisp quality of iTunes. Which means it's more worthwhile to download iTunes imo.

So yes you have to download iTunes to appreciate the 30 seconders!




Just buy any format of The Resistance through muse.mu and you'll get the download link immediately!


Ooo.... Thank you so much :D



+1 to everything you said. Guiding Light has this 80's feel to it haha, i dont like it very much. I feel the Sting-vibe to the Resistance too :LOL: super funny la haha.


MK Ultra is gonna be so epiiiccccc!!!

I Belong To You reminds me of the Scissor Sisters for some reason :chuckle: I dunno why. haha.


Exogenesis..... oh man. I cant wait la. Sounds like the Muse we know and love :happy:


Yes I wore a face mask... :LOL:




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Lol.... You look so cute, Debbie

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