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Kay-a, timakasih daun keladi la banyak2 for the updates, love them. hang punya Muse updates selalu baguih punya.



Sunburst: Any of u guys actually going inform me pls, would love to meet up there!




if i knew where malaysia was.

i would be a fan from there too lol!

jk! malaysia sounds like mayonaise.

and ive never even heard of it



;) No problem, I can't exactly point out where Wyoming is on a map of USA either. But it's brave of you to widen your horizons by venturing here / actually admitting your ignorance regarding my country, thus slightly alleviating the stereotype that Americans are generally ignorant and self-absorbed. :)





IS IT CRAZY THAT I'M ALREADY MAKING PLANS TO BUY LEEDS FESTIVAL TIX FOR 2010? Regardless if Muse is playing or not, I'm already preparing myself to get 'em Summer 2010 tickets!! :D but wow, if Muse would seriously be headlining then ...... DOUBLE ICING ON THE CAKE FOR ME!!! :happy: (on the contrary I don't actually like icing on cake haha..)


Some of my friends say I'm crazy for thinking so far ahead - but don't they know that Reading/Leeds tickets would sell out in the matter of minutes months before the final lineup is confirmed?!





This is year is definitely going to be a good year of album releases!


No you're definitely not crazy Liz. Well even if u are can we be crazy together? Nak ikuttttt!!!!


Ahem. Okay seriously, what have u planned so far, may I help in any way? My friend is a legal officer @ MAS, want me to ask him anything? :D Oh and I may have contacts for lodging as well. As you can tell, I'm really gung-ho about this since my last Eurotrip did not come to fruition.


*plans to start saving money by packing lunches /less shopping etc*

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Ooooh hello! haha. I'm selling em for RM150 each. So if you get both.. you'll be saving RM100! :eek: thats a lot of money! eh I still cant believe you're going for Coldplay la :( My sister was so desperate to go but she couldn't find anyone to go with, she actually offered to pay for me if i was willing to skip my (entire) day of classes. Too bad Coldplay got sold out. Meh.


GOOD GOOD you have a deal! Thanks for the discount! I'll pm you? Alritey then.


I can't believe i'm going to watch them either! But sad case lah about ur sis... Has all the tickets sold out already?


Kay-a, timakasih daun keladi la banyak2 for the updates, love them. hang punya Muse updates selalu baguih punya.



Sunburst: Any of u guys actually going inform me pls, would love to meet up there!



If Debbie sells her tickets then I'll be at Sunburst! Yah lah who else is going?



Wah Liz happening man, planning Reading already! I'll be really jealous if your plan works out! But i'll be super happy for you as well :p

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cos they only know where is singapore and thailand and they nvr bother to find out more abt the country located in between them...lolz


read in facebook tat some ppl cant get the tickets to the jason mraz concert d....guess it is sold out....


Some people actually don't know where Singapore and Thailand are either. XD

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well, i dunno where's the Philipines last year. i thought i could go to there by bus! :$


Guess who?




*Siapakah gerangan manusia di sebelah DOM? :eek::p:happy:


wah.. saper tuh? best betul la dpt baring2 amek gambar dgn Muse macam tuh..haha.


deb, the parking space i was talking about is actually the carpark next to the monorail station. there's loads of police cars as well there sometimes. but they'll close it after 5 i think, if there's a concert at std merdeka or std negara.


Muse at Leeds for 2010 and Liz is buying the tix? if am studying in the UK i would do the same thing! what are the chances of Radiohead playing there as well? cheese icing on the cake man.


so i watched Coldplay's concert in Japan last night on MTV. any of u guys caught that? other than the cute Japanese crowd, another thing which caught my attention was that Coldplay had balloons like Bliss's or SS balloons when they played "Yellow"! tiru Muse betul! :p


Sunburst: i don't think am going. if i do go, it's becoz i want to see Butterfingers again but to pay RM200 for them is too much la..


However, i might be going to Jason Mraz haha.... planning to go to the std tomorrow and see if there's still any seating tix left. if not balik gigit jari la..heh.


Aida, check yr pm!


Nut, yr avy reminds me of Thunder Cat! heh..

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eh, got coldplay in japan last night? new one? (i mean, any songs from the new album?)

i didn't catch that one, hope to catch a repeat since can't catch them live in s'pore :p

btw, their tix for abu dhabi gig is priced btwn RM300 to RM900 !! :eek: Link here

1 dirham = about RM1


on jason mraz, i called axcess later (after my post), they said the tix are already sold out! so faz, u dun have to go to std negara (unless u want to reminisce la :LOL:)

so i'm not going to mraz as well :(


hope miele, nut & fren will enjoy korn!! as usual take loadsa of pix ok! (unfortunately i know just a few of korn songs,but of course, they were the pioneers of rap/rock/nu-metal)


Reading/Leeds? or Glasto? Wow! Actually u can, we have Air Asia X alredi now flying to London. Then you can camp out at the fest site ;)

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Some people actually don't know where Singapore and Thailand are either. XD


Really, there are ppl like that? I guess some Malaysians sometimes have this weird feeling that our neighnouring countries are way more famous than ours is.





well, i dunno where's the Philipines last year. i thought i could go to there by bus! :$



wah.. saper tuh? best betul la dpt baring2 amek gambar dgn Muse macam tuh..haha.



Muse at Leeds for 2010 and Liz is buying the tix? if am studying in the UK i would do the same thing! what are the chances of Radiohead playing there as well? cheese icing on the cake man.


so i watched Coldplay's concert in Japan last night on MTV. any of u guys caught that? other than the cute Japanese crowd, another thing which caught my attention was that Coldplay had balloons like Bliss's or SS balloons when they played "Yellow"! tiru Muse betul! :p


Sunburst: i don't think am going. if i do go, it's becoz i want to see Butterfingers again but to pay RM200 for them is too much la..




:LOL: Faz now I know why u dont teach Geography :D



Not acknowledging whoever it is yg terbaring fgn Muse tu due to the insane jealousy....



Bliss ballons > Yellow ballons. My most fervent wish for 2009 / 2010 is to experience Bliss live. Guess u pun la kan Faz, since last time termiss the ballons? :(



Sunburst: yeah I see what u mean. Dahla takda Loque in the lineup. But if u change ur mind let me know ya. The more Musers the merrier, kira ganti all the tak jadik meetups la tuh :D




hope miele, nut & fren will enjoy korn!! as usual take loadsa of pix ok! (unfortunately i know just a few of korn songs,but of course, they were the pioneers of rap/rock/nu-metal)


Reading/Leeds? or Glasto? Wow! Actually u can, we have Air Asia X alredi now flying to London. Then you can camp out at the fest site ;)



Aww thanks. But still hoping you'll change ur mind and join us ;)



Yeah Air asia return tix to london in October was RM1500 last I checked. Still a realistic target, alright.




Damn it that symphonic / the International composition c gave me hella good goosebumps man. Plus watching that NME clip with Matt saying the words 'tour' and 'autumn' has got me all kinds of excited! At long last, Mr Bellamy.



Is it too early to start wishing for a show in KL / SEA shows? Getting giddy with expectations here! :p

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eh, got coldplay in japan last night? new one? (i mean, any songs from the new album?)

i didn't catch that one, hope to catch a repeat since can't catch them live in s'pore :p

btw, their tix for abu dhabi gig is priced btwn RM300 to RM900 !! Link here

1 dirham = about RM1


on jason mraz, i called axcess later (after my post), they said the tix are already sold out! so faz, u dun have to go to std negara (unless u want to reminisce la

so i'm not going to mraz as well


hope miele, nut & fren will enjoy korn!! as usual take loadsa of pix ok! (unfortunately i know just a few of korn songs,but of course, they were the pioneers of rap/rock/nu-metal)


Aida, yes. it is from their Viva la Vida (??) tour with 'em wearing those ragged clothes! :p. i think the show was called Worldstage or something like that on MTV. i can't really remember.. coz it was wayyy past my bedtime heh..


ala sold out ka? nasib baik tak pegi. am i so mean to hope that the concert will not be as good as Muse? ;):LOL: ok. sorry. i hope those who went will have a great time and will enjoy themselves esp Deb and her friends. am sure Mraz is brilliant :)but hopefully it's not as awesome as Muse in Std Negara :ninja::shifty:


i thought RHCP or RATM were the pioneers of rap/rock/nu-metal?



:LOL: Faz now I know why u dont teach Geography



Bliss ballons > Yellow ballons. My most fervent wish for 2009 / 2010 is to experience Bliss live. Guess u pun la kan Faz, since last time termiss the ballons?


Damn it that symphonic / the International composition c gave me hella good goosebumps man. Plus watching that NME clip with Matt saying the words 'tour' and 'autumn' has got me all kinds of excited! At long last, Mr Bellamy.


Is it too early to start wishing for a show in KL / SEA shows? Getting giddy with expectations here! :p


well, my Maths is worse! haha..


yeah la.. somehow Bliss balloons are always better than SS's balloons though i didn't actually see any during the concert. :rolleyes: but to be able to see Bliss live is like PURE BLISS la..


the fingers clicking in the toilet vid is pretty awesome too. how random was Matt flushing the toilet when Chris made a mistake? :LOL:


i am a bit giddy too for their next tour! is it crazy that i've already made sure that i don't have to jaga SPM this year becoz am afraid i might miss Muse's SEA tour? haha.. can't wait for the new album! :happy:


:eek: Mercury Rev will be supporting Coldplay on their Asian dates...

Now I want to go see Coldplay in SG, but I won't be there. Gah. :LOL:


Tee. do you have multi-national citizenship? i thought you live in singapore? or is it Bali?

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Nut, yr avy reminds me of Thunder Cat! heh..


It's the anime Detroit Metal City. Hilarious!!


On the topic of Muse @ Std Negara, anyone remember the fireworks after the show? It was so random and rad! Hahaha.


eh, got coldplay in japan last night? new one? (i mean, any songs from the new album?)

i didn't catch that one, hope to catch a repeat since can't catch them live in s'pore :p

btw, their tix for abu dhabi gig is priced btwn RM300 to RM900 !! :eek: Link here

1 dirham = about RM1



hope miele, nut & fren will enjoy korn!! as usual take loadsa of pix ok! (unfortunately i know just a few of korn songs,but of course, they were the pioneers of rap/rock/nu-metal)


Wah just because that country has oil they charge so ex! :LOL:


I'm still waiting for teh Deh-bey to reply about selling me her tickets! Oh Debbie, Debbie, where can you be?:D



Is it too early to start wishing for a show in KL / SEA shows? Getting giddy with expectations here! :p


Nah i'm in it with you! They better include an Asian tour man now that they're "aware" they've got plenty of fans here!




:eek: Mercury Rev will be supporting Coldplay on their Asian dates...

Now I want to go see Coldplay in SG, but I won't be there. Gah. :LOL:


Whoo hoo power. Never caught them here the last time!

Technically though, Indonesia is nearer to Australia than we are...

...So go for it!;)

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Tee. do you have multi-national citizenship? i thought you live in singapore? or is it Bali?


I live in Bali but I'm from Singapore and go there every two months.


Whoo hoo power. Never caught them here the last time!

Technically though, Indonesia is nearer to Australia than we are...

...So go for it!;)


I don't get why you mentioned Australia? :unsure:

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ala sold out ka? nasib baik tak pegi. am i so mean to hope that the concert will not be as good as Muse? ;):LOL: ok. sorry. i hope those who went will have a great time and will enjoy themselves esp Deb and her friends. am sure Mraz is brilliant :)but hopefully it's not as awesome as Muse in Std Negara :ninja:


yeah la.. somehow Bliss balloons are always better than SS's balloons though i didn't actually see any during the concert. :rolleyes: but to be able to see Bliss live is like PURE BLISS la..


the fingers clicking in the toilet vid is pretty awesome too. how random was Matt flushing the toilet when Chris made a mistake? :LOL:


i am a bit giddy too for their next tour! is it crazy that i've already made sure that i don't have to jaga SPM this year becoz am afraid i might miss Muse's SEA tour? haha.. can't wait for the new album! :happy:


Cant help but giggle at that, kak faz :LOL:


how come no comments abt the jason mraz concert yet?





here's his setlist


1. Make It Mine

2. The Remedy/In The Future/Wonderwall

3. You And I Both with Sleeping To Dream insert

4. If It Kills Me

5. Life Is Wonderful

6. Live High

7. A Beautiful Mess

8. Geek In The Pink

9. The Dynamo of Volition

10. I'm Yours/3 Little Birds



11. Lucky (feat. Penny Dai)

12. No Stopping Us with band intros, polaroid throwing, and invisible gum

13. Butterfly



I'm SO happy that he played most of my favourite songs :happy: omg seriously, i love him so much right now. he is just so fantastic. despite how short his setlist was, it was actually pretty long since he extends his songs with a few extra verses from his other songs here and there :)


and there was proper audience participation! aww man he made us have so much fun! One part he was making us sing along to his tunes, he made the girls sing really low pitched stuff and made the guys sing really high pitched tones haha it was so cute :happy:


and also, he took polaroid pictures of the band, himself, etcetc and threw them out to the pitt. I wish I was lucky enough to catch the polaroid photos, but unfortunately I was about 50m away from him hahaha.


We got fantastic seats too, am so thankful that i decided to line up right after my class, so we were first in line! :D we got the best seats for the RM68 area.


Aiyo I'm just so happy la :happy: Whether he was better than Muse? I honestly cant say. They're both so different, in terms of music and performing and stuff.


Oh, and he showed some full on Malaysian support too, because 3 of his band members were wearing the Malaysian Football jersey, and he himself wore an 'I <3 KL' shirt too :D


i'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery happy that I didnt miss his gig :happy:

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Oasis will be playing in Singapore on the 5th. I am going to be arriving there on the 6th. GAHHHH WHY IS IT THAT GOOD BANDS ALWAYS ANNOUNCE TOUR DATES A COUPLE OF DAYS AFTER WE BOOK OUR PLANE TICKETS? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. -smashes head against wall-

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Glad that Deb enjoyed Jason Mraz!


Here's a review from The Star


Yay thank you! :D and i actually cut out that review from the newspaper and kept the article to myself :LOL: I did the same thing for Muse too! :D


Oasis will be playing in Singapore on the 5th. I am going to be arriving there on the 6th. GAHHHH WHY IS IT THAT GOOD BANDS ALWAYS ANNOUNCE TOUR DATES A COUPLE OF DAYS AFTER WE BOOK OUR PLANE TICKETS? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. -smashes head against wall-


OMG. Poor you Tee! :( wait a sec, I thought Oasis retired already? :LOL:

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I just asked my mum if we could rearrange the flight. She just went "Hmm...." which is what she always does when she wants to ignore me. -sigh-

And....retired!? What!? When/where did you hear that? :LOL:

LOL I just assumed! I haven't heard any new material from them in awhile! but then again I never did pay much attention to Oasis :ninja:

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Oasis will be playing in Singapore on the 5th. I am going to be arriving there on the 6th. GAHHHH WHY IS IT THAT GOOD BANDS ALWAYS ANNOUNCE TOUR DATES A COUPLE OF DAYS AFTER WE BOOK OUR PLANE TICKETS? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. -smashes head against wall-


WHAT. Singapore again, and not Malaysia?!?! :mad: Perhaps we just can't tolerate the intense Gallagher-Gallagher love (read: cussing) here. My sister would be pleased to hear this! Although I think she just got back from Paris at that time :eek:


Tee, please go on our behalf! I hope your mom would allow you to change the flight dates. I wonder if I should skip work for two weeks, head down to Singapore on the 4th and stay til April 15th for the Rachael Yamagata gig at Esplanade...


Eh no wait. Sepang F1 GP is on the 5th of April!! OK, scratch that, I can't go for Oasis.




Debbie, glad you had a funn time at Jason Mraz's gig! Were you seriously attempting to compare it with MUSE? :LOL::p My friend Andy (that guy who has a signed DCFC setlist) went to the gig too! I hate that when he's in Malaysia I couldn't even meet up with him because of work :[ He ate mee goreng near the stadium and had diarrhoea.. lol ok too much info? Haha. He mentioned that the gig was a little predictable though - could be because it's his 2nd time watching Jason Mraz after Singfest!


I love polaroid cameras! It's a real shame that they're no longer producing the film for it :(

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LOL I just assumed! I haven't heard any new material from them in awhile! but then again I never did pay much attention to Oasis :ninja:


They released an album a couple of months ago. :LOL:


WHAT. Singapore again, and not Malaysia?!?! :mad: Perhaps we just can't tolerate the intense Gallagher-Gallagher love (read: cussing) here. My sister would be pleased to hear this! Although I think she just got back from Paris at that time :eek:


Tee, please go on our behalf! I hope your mom would allow you to change the flight dates. I wonder if I should skip work for two weeks, head down to Singapore on the 4th and stay til April 15th for the Rachael Yamagata gig at Esplanade...


Eh no wait. Sepang F1 GP is on the 5th of April!! OK, scratch that, I can't go for Oasis.




I love polaroid cameras! It's a real shame that they're no longer producing the film for it :(


Yeah....I feel really sorry for you guys. :( I feel where you're coming from, though. Singapore is like, the ONLY place in SE Asia that gets shows. :indiff: Yeah...Malaysia is rather strict about swearing and spitting and throwing guitars and stuff, isn't it?

I really hope I do go. And you should do that, if you're allowed! Lol. My mum said she'll call Singapore Airlines on Monday....offices are closed on weekends. :mad:


Mmm...Polaroids....the first camera I ever had was when I was like 6 or seven...it was n Izone camea, which is a Polaroid but they make it for kids...heh. I've always wanted a proper one though. They're just so....I dunno. They make me happy, heh. :happy:

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I had the greatest surprise today. Well okay it's not that great of a surprise but...


I finally had the privilege to catch up on the movies I have missed since started working, so today I watched two movies, one being Seven Pounds and the other Watchmen! (Tomorrow, the Reader and Doubt perhaps?)


While we all know about the Watchmen trailer using Muse's song, what came as a surprise was that I did hear a Muse song in one of those movies today, and it wasn't Watchmen!! When the first piano echo-ey chord of Feeling Good came on in the middle of Seven Pounds, I actually gasped out loud in the very quiet cinema. As it became clear with Matt's distinct vocals, I became more and more animated. The movie wasn't exactly a gasp-y or happy movie to begin with but I got so excited hearing Muse! Definitely made the movie a lot .. well, cheerful since it's seriously a pretty depressing movie. Ok perhaps I'm a bit quick to judge because I can't see Will Smith apart from the mafia look, but let's just say I had a really bad case of running nose towards the end of the movie..


Watchmen. Oh my lovely "watch" men. Billy Crudup will always hold dear to me, whether he's an ass (literally :LOL:) or not. How kick ass (OK, I swear I didn't mean to use ass this often..) is the fact that Dr Manhattan is actually a watch man's son?! The sight of Mr Crudup holding a watch! :eek::happy: Certainly made me feel like re-watching Tim Burton's Big Fish where he plays Ewan McGregor's son (in a way) :] I cannot wait til Billy Crudup shares the screen with Christian Bale, Johnny Depp and David Wenham in Public Enemies!!!


Anyway, regarding the movie ... Hey Joelyn, perhaps you could share your thoughts on this with us ;)


I love that Zack Snyder, the director, made a lot of fanboys happy on his take with this graphic novel. I hope he'll get to direct the 300 sequel movie that has been on the rumour mill as well!

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i do love KL crowd. how loud was that?:happy: Deb, u should be proud to be part of that. if i was there i think i'll enjoy watching the audience more than Jason Mraz haha..dunno why, but i always feel like Std Negara is an awesome place for a concert.


Oasis: perhaps we should follow what Mraz's fans did and send Oasis some hate mails too!


oooh.. i think am going to watch Seven Pounds too then!


random, random:

oh i so freaking hate Miley Cyrus rite now. dissing Radiohead is not cool. :mad::mad::LOL:

Edited by crazy_mary
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Debbie, glad you had a funn time at Jason Mraz's gig! Were you seriously attempting to compare it with MUSE? My friend Andy (that guy who has a signed DCFC setlist) went to the gig too! I hate that when he's in Malaysia I couldn't even meet up with him because of work :[ He ate mee goreng near the stadium and had diarrhoea.. lol ok too much info? Haha. He mentioned that the gig was a little predictable though - could be because it's his 2nd time watching Jason Mraz after Singfest!


I love polaroid cameras! It's a real shame that they're no longer producing the film for it


haha yes I was! but to no avail la, they're both so different in SO many aspects! summore I was sitting and standing and both so yeah, really, both are supremely different gigs. Hard to compare :(

LOL omg poor guy! I ate my trusty ol' Ramley Burger before I went in :) thank god there was a Ramly Burger store there man, I dunno what I'd do without it. There's nothing else to eat!


Predictable?! pfft. :phu: I actually envy him for saying that, aha because that means he got to see Mraz twice. Did he catch Mraz's Singapore gig on the night after KL's one too? He played one of my favourite songs in S'pore that he didnt play in KL :( I'm gutted!


They released an album a couple of months ago.


Yeah....I feel really sorry for you guys. :( I feel where you're coming from, though. Singapore is like, the ONLY place in SE Asia that gets shows. :indiff: Yeah...Malaysia is rather strict about swearing and spitting and throwing guitars and stuff, isn't it?

I really hope I do go. And you should do that, if you're allowed! Lol. My mum said she'll call Singapore Airlines on Monday....offices are closed on weekends. :mad:


Mmm...Polaroids....the first camera I ever had was when I was like 6 or seven...it was n Izone camea, which is a Polaroid but they make it for kids...heh. I've always wanted a proper one though. They're just so....I dunno. They make me happy, heh.


LOL omg. My bad :LOL:


good luck with the singapore airlines yeah? :happy: hope you get to see Oasis! take some good picturse, and maybe a video or two of the Gallaghers swearing at each other or something haha.


The first Polaroid cam i got was... the Spice Cam :$ I'm not even kidding. LOL.




i do love KL crowd. how loud was that?:happy: Deb, u should be proud to be part of that. if i was there i think i'll enjoy watching the audience more than Jason Mraz haha..dunno why, but i always feel like Std Negara is an awesome place for a concert.


Oasis: perhaps we should follow what Mraz's fans did and send Oasis some hate mails too!


oooh.. i think am going to watch Seven Pounds too then!


random, random:

oh i so freaking hate Miley Cyrus rite now. dissing Radiohead is not cool. :mad::LOL:


Omg. that was beautiful! and that was the super chunted 'audience participation' i was talking about! and who isnt gonna love that Bob Marley cover he did huh?

Man watching that video just puts a smile to my face :happy:


Yeah I was pretty surprised to hear the crowd that loud! I tell you its a whole new experience man, watching an (almost) sold out concert from up in the seats. I could hear EVERYTHING!


Too bad I couldnt pay much attention to this song though, lol, was too busy texting my friend from Oz to "CALL ME NOW", since she had to miss his gig.


OMG HOW DARE SHE. What did she say about them? :stunned:

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LOL omg. My bad :LOL:


good luck with the singapore airlines yeah? :happy: hope you get to see Oasis! take some good picturse, and maybe a video or two of the Gallaghers swearing at each other or something haha.


The first Polaroid cam i got was... the Spice Cam :$ I'm not even kidding. LOL.


Heh, no problem.


Thanks. :D Yeah, I'll definitely be taking pictures if I go....I think I need to buy a bigger memory card though, by 4GB one is almost full. :$ Dunno about videos though, the anti-shake is really bad once I get it on an 8X zoom or higher. :(


Nawww. :LOL: My sister had a Spice Girls folder, pencil case, EVERYTHING. I never liked them, I feel so left out haha. :LOL: Instead, I liked Girls Aloud. :stunned:

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