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Have you guys read the interview with Dom? i love it.



You are currently on a big world tour. Where do you feel the best?

Each audience is unique, but last time we felt great was in Korea: Seoul audience was excited, but the rest of East Asia was fun, too. Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong… I love playing in Europe; too, France is for example awesome…



Omigod! *eyes water, heart grows 100 times bigger*. Now I see what u guys mean bout how special Dom is. :)


He also said this:

There are some other concerts, like the ones in East Asia, which I am not going to forget. We had a great fun there, and we played in some new countries, so it was awesome.


Oooooh, I hope he meant he remembers the KL show! That's it, Doms definitely my favourite now :D So terharu la.



On all the qns regarding air asia prices, the prices depend on when you book them. The 1BHT tix are almost gone. Hope the confirmation is soon, am dying here.


Deb, sorry bout the bad timing but dont la say u hope the rumours not true...kesian us the gullible ones :(:D


Ann, to be fair, it should be Bangkok and Manila's turn to have Muse, we've had ours. but no way we'll say no if there's a 2nd time!



Actually other than seeing Muse I am so hoping the rumours would be true so I can meet u guys, wld be cool methinks. Espec all u non-m'sians. Gah October's taking so looong.


Last time i was in Bangkok I stayed at Khaosan Road, awesome place (great for people watching) and dirt cheap. (Hint2: faz) it'd be cool if can hang out there. Getting ahead of meself again, dammit!

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I emailed Ms Laurietta, co-owner of LAMC Productions and she said this:


date 30 Sep 2007 07:44

subject RE: Major concert announcement!

mailed-by singnet.com.sg


Hey ___,




How are you…. We also just confirmed Dream Theater for Jan 17th.



We are still waiting on confirmation for MUSE in Bangkok. Keeping fingers crossed.




We have Megadeth & Black Sabbath coming through…. would like to get the word out to the NS Men Personnel, any suggestions on how we can get this out.










I edited out my name for personal reasons.. Hooray for Dream Theater!!

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I emailed Ms Laurietta, co-owner of LAMC Productions and she said this:


date 30 Sep 2007 07:44

subject RE: Major concert announcement!

mailed-by singnet.com.sg


Hey ___,




How are you…. We also just confirmed Dream Theater for Jan 17th.



We are still waiting on confirmation for MUSE in Bangkok. Keeping fingers crossed.




We have Megadeth & Black Sabbath coming through…. would like to get the word out to the NS Men Personnel, any suggestions on how we can get this out.










I edited out my name for personal reasons.. Hooray for Dream Theater!!



Nutcracker, you rock dude. Thanks for your efforts!


Oooh and cool, dreamtheater. But i'd be totally broke by then :$.

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I emailed Ms Laurietta, co-owner of LAMC Productions and she said this:


date 30 Sep 2007 07:44

subject RE: Major concert announcement!

mailed-by singnet.com.sg


Hey ___,




How are you…. We also just confirmed Dream Theater for Jan 17th.



We are still waiting on confirmation for MUSE in Bangkok. Keeping fingers crossed.




We have Megadeth & Black Sabbath coming through…. would like to get the word out to the NS Men Personnel, any suggestions on how we can get this out.










I edited out my name for personal reasons.. Hooray for Dream Theater!!



i hope the rumours ARE true! but i want the timing to be... untrue too. lol.


aww man i'm so busy with Facebook lately i hardly have anytime to check on the board. plus now our thread is reaally active. haha.

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i hope the rumours ARE true! but i want the timing to be... untrue too. lol.


aww man i'm so busy with Facebook lately i hardly have anytime to check on the board. plus now our thread is reaally active. haha.


Ok Deb 4 ur sake I hope the date's are suitable. :)


It's cool that u make the effort to drop by, wont be the same without eh.

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Ok Deb 4 ur sake I hope the date's are suitable. :)


It's cool that u make the effort to drop by, wont be the same without eh.


aww thats really sweet of you :happy:


i knw how u feel debbie. when i found out that muse is going to play at madison square garden two days after i leave nyc, i was literally depressed. but there will always be chances in the future. dnt get ur hopes down!


wow if that happened to me, i'd be super depressed too! lol you too yeah? now i lagi (more) want muse to come back to asia again for those who missed the oppurtunity!


woah.. am i the one who's never heard of dream theatre? :$


so the rumour is half true... please let it be 1st of dec.. thanks nutcracker!! least we now have some kinda solid info.


noooo.. not 1st december :'( am i the only one who cant make it on the 1st december?

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noooo.. not 1st december :'( am i the only one who cant make it on the 1st december?


dont worry....i wont be able to go even if the timing is right! i asked my mom if Muse really is coming down to Bangkok, can i go? n she immediately said 'NO'!!!! then she went on and on about all the bombings and how not safe it is to go by myself bla bla bla...


so im really gonna wish that they wont come! :LOL: sorry for those whos wishing otherwise :D:p but if they do really come, k.faz n miele, dont forget to see them at the airport n tell them i said hello with a big hug n make them come back to KL!!!!

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oh no! i want to go! *checks calendar*


i'm guessing buses or trains isn't an option and only airplanes are because of the southern thai conflict?


can someone just update me with infos in case u guys are "convoi"ing to bangkok so i can somehow join you guys?


hah, i haven't been here for so long. darn practicals


You are currently on a big world tour. Where do you feel the best?

Each audience is unique, but last time we felt great was in Korea: Seoul audience was excited, but the rest of East Asia was fun, too. Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong… I love playing in Europe; too, France is for example awesome…


eish, *geram*... i bet KL was fun because of me :p

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Hey guio, how are ya? Nice to see u here..


noooo.. not 1st december :'( am i the only one who cant make it on the 1st december?


aww. sorry. how insensitive i was. but i thot ur exam will be done by 30th? still not settled about picking up ur friend eh?


dont worry....i wont be able to go even if the timing is right! i asked my mom if Muse really is coming down to Bangkok, can i go? n she immediately said 'NO'!!!! then she went on and on about all the bombings and how not safe it is to go by myself bla bla bla...


so im really gonna wish that they wont come! :LOL: sorry for those whos wishing otherwise :D:p but if they do really come, k.faz n miele, dont forget to see them at the airport n tell them i said hello with a big hug n make them come back to KL!!!!


omg. now that u mentioned that, am getting kinda paranoid too. :( i think thailand should be safe right? right, miele? peeps? ann? my parents said that to me too the first time i asked for their permission. but by the 3rd time, they're kinda sick of me asking already that they said yes. heh. persistant is the key my friend.


ahhh.. dont think i have the courage to hug any of 'em on ur behalf shannaz. am a very shy person. :$ but to hug dom ... woah.... imagine that :eek: *dies*


oh no! i want to go! *checks calendar*


i'm guessing buses or trains isn't an option and only airplanes are because of the southern thai conflict?


can someone just update me with infos in case u guys are "convoi"ing to bangkok so i can somehow join you guys?


hah, i haven't been here for so long. darn practicals




eish, *geram*... i bet KL was fun because of me :p


yup, let's fly.. * sinatra in me head* JOM! but we haf to wait till this thing confirmed first tho .. :LOL: snort.


it was fun becoz of the three stalkers. lol. too bad he didnt mentioned us, yeah? :D

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yeah.. that's what i thought too. if there's other bands coming to Bkk, it shud be safe enuf for us..i still cant get over the fact that LP's coming to bangkok and Spore and not KL :wtf:


gah.. just checked musewiki.. it seems muse will be going to argentina after the NZ tour. :(

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yeah.. that's what i thought too. if there's other bands coming to Bkk, it shud be safe enuf for us..i still cant get over the fact that LP's coming to bangkok and Spore and not KL :wtf:


gah.. just checked musewiki.. it seems muse will be going to argentina after the NZ tour. :(


er, muse going to argentina = muse not coming to bangkok?

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Just the thought of them not going to SEA anytime soon makes my heart break.:'(


+ 1 ! :'( but what to do... they only break even the last time they were here. so they mite think twice before coming here again. the whole thing was just a rumour anyways. nothing is certain now. perhaps if we're lucky, like ann mentioned earlier they mite still come before going to argentina. but it's difficult for me to see that happening. there's still next year tho..


think the 7/8 dec thing is the festival in argentina, deb.

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+ 1 ! :'( but what to do... they only break even the last time they were here. so they mite think twice before coming here again. the whole thing was just a rumour anyways. nothing is certain now. perhaps if we're lucky, like ann mentioned earlier they mite still come before going to argentina. but it's difficult for me to see that happening. there's still next year tho..


think the 7/8 dec thing is the festival in argentina, deb.

Argentina?! :eek:


*checks musewiki*


Its only a "strong" rumor but a rumor non the less. Well, ours too but isn't SEA the only fitting region in the whole world to have a tour after the neighboring Aussies? And Latin region tours usually comes after US tours which they had last month and I doubt they'll be back[besides Vegoose] in a long time.

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